Saturday 10 May 2014


I saw this report about melting polar ice and no doubt sensationalizes regarding global warming or climate change die the billionth time and it reminded me of something!

This something was a documentary that was aired on TV lately regarding Britain's severe wintery weather of late.

Now what is interesting about it is that in the past I have lambasted scientists for having tunnel vision when it come to their field and their very bold claims. This comes in two types of afflictions and one is the ignorance towards other fields of science that have effects or show signs regarding their own field. The other type is that they can see nothing else but appearing in enough TV spots in the hope of getting a regular or even semi regular series of narrating documentaries?!

This program broke that rule for a change and the conclusion they came to after discovering some numbers that made no sense was a shocking one. One I have long since thought true long before the inception of my first blog be very many years albeit of a lesser prediction?

A mini Ice Age is coming like that of several hundred years ago when the River Thames was frozen over to the point of markets and shows being performed on the ice!

I found their conclusion of the incoming storm to be the lesser of the two to be an interesting one but unfortunately I am unaware at present to the numbers that lead them to this conclusion.

Still the global warming will in time become a global cooling just as it had done so many times in the long distant past.

I state again, get your facts completely correct and conclusive before you start banding about sensational claims because as previously stated, putting all your eggs in one basket can bring about a greater tragedy than the one you think, or are just claiming for personal gain, your trying you avoid.

By all means stop them pumping crap into the atmosphere but do not I repeat do not put all your energy and money into one single goal.

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