Thursday 7 November 2013


Well another report about Iain Duncan Smith and the cock up that is the benefits reform!

The report states the reform a £140 Million failure?! My God! Surely this cannot be correct?

I told several people in the higher echelons of the DWP that this was doomed to fail as was there plan to squeeze the NHS so that the evil trinity (local council, DWP, NHS) can save money. Basically this had been going on for several years and do bout think for one second that the Tory Party orchestrated it alone. It started with me some years ago and the benefit cuts took place over 4 years ago.

I had long since been convinced that government were just over paid puppets as well add Muppets but keeping tabs and studying the evil trinity fit the last four years ended up proving it. It also explained why politicians promise you everything leading up to an election then give you nothing. Indeed the Tories actually did the opposite to what they promised!

This was achieved by the Citizens Advice Bureau starting that the DWP refuse to assess someone with multiple ailments! Confused? Not surprised, each ailment is treated as if the person only suffers from that one. Moving into the next ailment the previous one is discarded completely. David Cameron said he would put a stop to this but have since made it worse!

Of course the task cherry on the pie in all this is I met up with several if the DWPs Doctors, one in a tribunal, and they all lied, all acted on in the DWP's best interests and not mine and added to this none of them realised what my condition was either!


Iain Duncan Smith denies trying to pass blame for £140 million welfare failure | UK | News | Daily Express -

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