Wednesday 20 June 2018


Jesus H. Christ?!

It's only been around for fucking years and years and I've blogged about it for years and years, six to be precise.

The Metro Newspaper, link below, asks ..

How far will twenty metres get you?
From your front door to your nearest bus stop? - Metro

In case you missed me harping on about it out you don't know .. according to the DWP and fit a very long time if you can get twenty metres your fit enough to work.

Yeah .. I got to a bus, got on a bus and bailed off the bus in three stops then thought I was having a heart attack after 100 metres.

The irony of that story is I was trying to get to a GP that was too far away and that was only to register!!

Now I was going there about this inability I have to do anything or go anywhere. The chest pain, heart palpitations, lack of energy, irritations with skin touching things, anxiety and bunch of other stuff down to the fact I'm having difficulty with magnesium uptake.

I need to do stuff.

I need to work!

When I first was told about this rule years ago I thought it was some kind of sick joke. I told them that they must be wrong. I did that there is no reality where getting twenty metres means you go do hundreds in the course of a five day working week. I also pointed out exactly what they said in the Metro, again looking like it was pulled from here, in that bus stops are more than twenty metres from most people's houses.

Fuck me if your high up in a tower block it might be more than twenty metres to the bloody ground?!
It, of course, made me realise that they could not be trusted with people with disabilities.

I tried to reason with the fact that maybe the rule existed for conditions that had not been diagnosed yet? Or obscure conditions? It was still an unfair rule though.

But this report states that the rule is unfair for sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis?! Jesus! This is a terrible condition and one that I would not want and a friend of an old friend died from this eventually. Irish woman called .. hmm what was her name?!

All this is like one big hate crime towards people with disabilities .. it really is .. if you think about it ..

Someone coming along and taking something from someone disabled and then kicking them while they are down? Getting others to label them freeloaders, others beating them to death .. I even saw a report about one guy who was prosecuted for urinating on a homeless man! Can we expect stories  that next? All because most of the country is really shit at basic maths and do not realise that a hundred times the money spent on disabled people is wasted by the government every year? People being paid for positions where they are then told to do nothing or as little as they can to save money? Salaries of hundreds of thousands every years, cars, perks and God knows what else?

Oh I guess Doctors are OK in case you need them to save your life? Does not matter if the lives before you died, eh? As long as they save yours when it comes around to you?

And when all other lures, traps and tricks fail you always have this 20 meter rule to fall back on and the HMCTS to sit their and say that is is OK for the government and DWP to treat disabled people in an inhumane manner because that is the law now? Lol.

They just be falling back on this very old rule to refuse disabled people help?

Funny as this is reported now, probably will get blamed on the Tories by the usual suspects but I'm afraid this existed while Tony Blair was Prime Minister.

In fact it might have existed since the seventies for all I know?

I would be willing to bet that Serco bought this in as a trick to save money from day one?

I also see Serco finally get mentioned in a video by Brian Gerrish which I posted in a recent blog post.

Good God I hate this country.

I do sometimes wonder if we have just become blind to it and that immigrants that come here think the UK is wonderful. Eventually realise that we have become blind to? Realising that this in power are evil lying bastards and that when they are being nice it is just a pandering tactic to fool people?
Then get angry and want to make to their own rules and blow shit up?!

Well maybe not all of them but they do get radicalised here as children.

When you have a lying and dishonest government behaving the way they do towards their own vulnerable people is it any wonder?!

You know I often put terms in my tagging like 'DWP failures' and I hate using the latter word because that suggests it is an honest mistake.

The problem is I have known all along that these are all deliberate intentions. The lies come and tricks come about because they fear a backlash from people with some compassion. They also do not want to look like the evil bastards that they all are .. not to the country or the rest of the world and so they start with a lie, then there is another and then another after that and so it goes on.

Yeah well I think now after a only two or three decades that the lying does not work .. does it now?!

Time to stop new before it is too late.

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