Friday 1 June 2018


Those that follow are all run by a company, or at the very least most of them, and this is becaise they have been badly run and most importantly .. cost too much.

This is a fact that has been hidden from the public while the salaries of all of them, especially those at the very top, have become vastly over-bloated, though I am sure they have a list of lame justifications for this.

It is something that I myself have harped on about for years.

Listening to the news media throw around money figures in the billions while their own people are starving I started to ask myself how such a big gap came about and continues to grow?

It continued to grow by outsourcing the running of these public services probably with assurances from the private companies that they would get the costs down. Except they did not. Salaries and resource costs continued to grow.

Then the financial crisis approaching became very apparent and they had to scramble around to find ways to cut costs. Not acquire more money from anywhere but cut costs. So tey started on the welfare state but any idiot attempting to do this knew it would not be easy and could not be achieved over-night. After all in the case of the former .. people would fight back.

Step One
  • Remove abilities to fight back
    • Start eroding the Legal Aid availability
    • Little by Little
    • Which was the first time they saved money
    • Only succeeded in eroding human rights
    • This was allowed to take place

Step Two
  • Start removing people from parts of the welfare state
    • This started, or I first discovered it, with
    • Disability Living Allowance from those with Mental Health
    • Psychiatrist told me they did this without warning them ..
    • That upon checking her books no one was left still in receipt of DLA

Step Three
  • With Step Two achieved move on to the most obscure conditions
  • NHS and all staff
  • DWP and all staff
  • Local Councils and all staff
  • Members of Parliament
  • Those idiots in the Lords
  • Police and all staff but in sections starting with the Chiefs
    • Preliminary people placed as Chiefs
  • All Judges in all courts
    • Replaced with people with competence and not cut of from the real world
  • All Ombudsman, there are many dozens

  • Between 50% and 90% of the time, 100 in my experience, the above are failing
  • But the cost of running all these?
  • Considering they are privately run and have been for years
  • By a company called Serco
    • All public services
    • Transport
    • Defence
    • Local Councils
    • NHS
    • DWP
    • Police
    • Justice?
      • Claim they run Justice system in Asia if you Google Serco it comes up in results
    • Ombudsman?
    • Private firm must be making money out of this?
    • £3.94 Billion annually
    • Conflicts of Interest?
    • Statute of Limitations serves them well
      • Goes against the victims as they are not experts
      • Funny how many of these rules only apply to us?!
      • Statute of Limitation mostly only applies to the non-expert public
      • Conflicts of Interest is a big deal to the public but not private or government firms

Another petition to the secretary of state over a failure towards Lyme's Disease, would you bloody believe?!

In the petition they single out NICE. I told you people are now beginning to notice the things I have reported on for nearly six years now! Not just NICE either but everyone involved from the Primary Care Trusts, lol 'care', to NHS England to the GMC and the PHSO.

Find someone who is independent and make sure tat they are, unlike the Independent Case Examiners whose emails go through the servers of those they are paid to go up against.

So all down to Serco then?

Notice I have been on a lot about the government corruption and Serco lately?

I do not have the guts to end my own life .. as of yet .. so I am trying very hard to get them to shoot me! Or use a nerve agent on me.

My life is already shit and I am at a loss and scratching my head to figure out how when it looked like it was going to be so good a year ago.

I now have to listen to my daughter talk about how she has planned from time to time her own suicide?! Yeah .. being treated like shit by the above and having cervical cancer, dangerous low magnesium problem, folate deficiency, 'S' Protein deficiency, Fibromyalgia and all the symptoms that this brings, being told for a year that one of her four children is seriously Autistic then reported to not being autistic when it is clear for all, including the school, to see?!

No help, forced to move, no money, DLA for granddaughter and PIP turned down, rent payments halved and after being forced to start work with all that she has wrong with her the council have now threatened to take her to court because she cannot attend a domestic violence course?! Oh yeah .. she had that too.

And I have listened for years of people who simply would not have it that there was anything wrong or going on with the NHS and it may have to take two deaths to prove it to these sandheads?!

Another annoying thing for me which I now notice is annoying many other victims is these so-called charities and activist groups that love to say ..

We are slowly making progress!”

Yeah? Tell that to ..
  • My daughter
  • The 150,000 plus the DWP have been reported to have killed
  • The 120,000 plus the NHS have been reported to have killed
  • The 300,000 that lost their disability just in the first year that Esther McVey become Pensions Secretary

Also annoying are victims that bitch moan and complain about other victims getting ..
  • Angry
  • Talk about violence
  • Bring Politics into it when politics was in it from the outset

Another government petition has started up and I am beginning to wonder just how many of these there are?!

Hmm there is an idea? Find out how many there are and then add of the total number of signatures from all of them to show just how much of the population is pissed off?!

Ooh I might do that after I have finished and posted this?!

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