Friday 15 June 2018


So David Cameron and George Osborne boasted that their welfare reform did what it was supposed to do?

Funny as I thought it was to make the system fairer to claimants and to make the whole welfare system more efficient and save money?

Like Esther McVey's recent lies about disabled claimants and PIP working better than DLA we have yet another bunch of lies.

Funny that over Brexit there is a load of trouble because of some lies?

It would appear that it is OK to lie to the British public when your a Tory but you do not like being lied to? Go figure!

The Financial Times reports that a National Audit Office report is highly critical of the governments Universal Credit and that officials will never be able to measure whether or not he government has increased employment?!

Wait, what? How can you make changes that costs many billions of pounds and ruin so many lives with your reasons being to make it fairer, long since disproved, and helping people back to work and not make sure that you can prove what you say?!

Now this is the Financial Times stating this and reporting on the National Audit Office's report on their absolute shambles of a reform? I had this thought .. 'is that now not everyone?!'

Well I must say the people and organisations that are all in agreement must be high on everyone? Surely now with these two reporting on it and no doubt there will be more?!

So are the Tories now going to say that everyone is full of shite and only there are right and telling the truth? When they have clearly demonstrated they are clueless liars over and over and over again?

But, hey?! As long as there is no one doing anything about it, no one to challenge them and they can carry out these crimes without repercussion, that is al that matters, right?!

The DWP said: “Universal credit is good value for money and is forecast to realise a return on investment of £34bn over 10 years against a cost of £2bn, with 200,000 more people in work. Furthermore 83 per cent of claimants are satisfied with the service and the majority agree that it ‘financially motivates’ them to work.” - Financial Times (link below)
More lies.

There is no fecking way in any reality that 83% of claimants are happy with it.

There are at least three Facebook pages dedicated to Universal Credit and a she load more disability groups all going crazy about it on a daily basis. No there is no bloody way 41.5% are happy with Universal Credit. Pure lies.

Makes you wonder if there is some conspiracy and a way to just take even more taxes and stash them away? Anyone would be forgiven for thinking in some crazy conspiracy theory that the end of the world was coming and there were stashing money away to .. build something?!

I mean that is a lot of money they have spent .. a fecking long time doing it and around 6 times longer than they said, or heading that way, and nothing to show for it while everyone is losing money that is on the welfare system. So more money going missing!

I watched disaster movies and end of the world scenarios ad paid attention to what would likely happen if an asteroid was discovered to be on a collision course, continental shift was about to take place, magnetic flips of the poles, global pandemic virus and everything else. But I often wondered what truly would play out if something was discovered.

I recent years the lies and actions have been so bizarre you could almost state that around the western world it is almost as if the leaders do not care anymore.

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