Wednesday 13 June 2018


I often wonder about life and where it comes from, why it is and where it is going.

I used to be into various areas of the occult .. not black magic or anything like that. No more mediums, tarot cards, numerology and healing. That sort of thing.

In fact I have some crazy stories littered about on my blogs .. speaking to a medium or clairvoyant from several miles away without using a phone .. scaring the shit out of the two women I knew at the time who went to see her. Yeah that was funny .. and .. kind eerie.

But the scientist in me had to rule out so many things over the years .. but still questions remained unanswered.

Of these was a series I watched a few episodes of called The Ghost In My Child.

I saw one a few years back regarding a boy who claimed to be a fight pilot in a previous life in World War 2 of an aircraft barrier based Corsair, I think it was? It was one of those things that really makes you stop and think.

Dr Carl Sagan once said that there was nothing in Astrology because there was nothing in space to connect us to the planets. While I thought he was correct in his assessment of astrology I was not quite so sure about there being no connection. That space was entirely empty.

Upon hearing the story of the boy who had visions of a previous like as a pilot I remembered I had often asked myself if this told us something about ourselves? Maybe they we exist, or our souls, on another plane of reality? That when we die we go through some sort of transition period into another level of being and can eventually come back as someone else.

But why would we do this and why would we want to? Are we .. forced to?

Certainly when I experience the life that I Have just lived and I see the way that people in this world, particularly those in power, treat others I find it hard to believe how any being would want to inhabit these short lived, broken and basic instinct driven bodies?

Maybe we are sent back into these husks like soldiers going to war? That we have to keep coming back until we evolve to a stage where we can come back and have happier and longer existences?

Maybe this is destined to continue until we got to a stage of transhumanism? Or maybe just a half way stage of cybernetic augmentations?

Or perhaps our existence in this other plane is even less bearable than this one? Though I find this very hard to believe. No nerve endings and no pain? No emotions? Or at least a lot less? Sounds cool to me!

Maybe our souls are our true beings and that they exist as some kind of quantum energy strings that were actually created like everything else, at the time of the big bang? I mean it would make more sense for this to be the case. Not entirely sure that the big bang was purely a creation of hydrogen alone. Yeah much of the matter we now understand to be made in stars but why all?

I mean let us take a look at what scientists say about matter. There is not enough of it in the universe? Wait, what?

We can only see so far and beyond a distance we can only see that which emits photons and even this needs to be a hell of a lot of photons. The matter furthest away we cannot even see anyway so there is matter that is too far away and then all the matter we cannot see.

Not so long ago they believed there were very few stars out there with planets and believed that stars had a limit to their mass. I certainly did not believe planets were rare and I strongly believed that all stars we could se in the night sky all had their own planets.

They made their educated guesses about Pluto .. they got that very wrong too and I expected the to be wrong too.

We have no idea how many block holes there are out there now how many stars in the galaxy we are unable to see. So we simply do not know.

I have often theorised about how many rogue planets there exist in both interstellar space as well as intergalactic space? Again we just do not know.

But missing matter became dark matter and it has been talked about ever since. There may well be dark matter but it might not be as much as they think it currently is.

There are those stories of seeing people that come back from the verge of death that claim to see a bright light. Happening enough times to force you to take some notice. Of course this had always been associated with the pearly white gates or doorway to heaven for most. But maybe it is not? I think that this is just the transition phase, if it is of course anything at all, before you move onto this other plane.

What I find interesting about these stories if children claiming to be people who are reincarnated is the fact that they can also be from other nations and even genders.

Funny then that we might be beings without sexual dimorphism inhabiting bodies with sexual dimorphism but that there is a section that want to bang everyone's heads against the wall until we accept that there is in fact no sexual dimorphism. Or that there are 46 different genders .. depending on which individual within this group you are talking to? The even more bizarre part of this very confused, mixed up and very wrong group is that they claim we are all one and then want to single out one particular group and say and do some horrible things to them.

Yeah it seems as human beings we can still be ruthless, nasty and hypocritical and I wonder of any of these people own mirrors?

They think they are modernised and above all .. civilised and they are so, so wrong and we have a long, long way to go. A bloody long way to go.

I kind of think of it as a grand scale event of delusions of grandeur. A crying shame it really is because it is actually preventing us from evolving into something better. Because they are trying to force us to evolve into their image which is biased and above all else .. wrong.

As much as I would love for it to be possible, as I am sure billions of others would, you simply cannot speed up evolution. Nature wont be happy having her backside whipped like that.

Yeah .. and that leads me onto something else that a huge great many with delusions of grandeur seem to have forgotten. Nature is a bitch and she can and will bite back, just like any other anmals in the world. Though they seem to think that there are not affected by animal instincts like the rest of us and you can even see it in their eyes, hear it on their voices and watch it in their body language.

Quite .. bizarre.

I spend my time dealing with this which normally comes through in my frustrations and that is actually how I wanted it and intended it. To be raw, so to speak, so that later down the line things I say and points I make can be much more easily explained and proved.

Theirs? Yeah .. that will not be.

We live in a strange world and it seems to be getting stranger by the way, or at least the misguided and bonkers people in it seem to be.

In a perfect word there would be no ailments, no suffering and I would live in a world with only scientifically minded people all working in unison towards a goal.

Instead I live in a world where people have ludicrous and bonkers beliefs but sit there in their chairs opposite me talking down to me and looking down their proverbial noses at me?


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