Sunday 3 June 2018


.. for some bizarre reason.

Here is a school that was praised by the government ..

.. remember me stating that you pay their wages and they are not doing their jobs?!

Remember too that after everything that has happened they are supposed to be keeping a sharp eye on anyone or anything suspicious?

Apparently the inspectors to this school claim that these kids are taught to respect other faiths and religions?

Yeah I guess that is why in the video it is claimed that Hindus drink the piss of their God?! My .. you learn something new every day!

They state and eve the speaker admits that he has told people this before!

Yeah the inspectors said that they are taught about other religions ..

"Non-Muslims are the worst of all the creatures!"

Yeah I guess that is true then?!

'Stay away from people with anything less than a fistful of beard!' Lol.

There is a room full of people and a whole load of children that will lie to your faces, the children growing up taught to lie to your faces and God only knows what is going to come from all that?!

Apparently everyone else worships ridiculous things? Yeah .. well so do you, mate. As a scientist I firmly believe that.

My word! This school is actually in the north of England?! I think I recall them saying Birmingham in the video?

If you think this is a one of incident then you are seriously deluded.

Or .. or .. or .. you can go and speak to Hindu people about this and I can pretty much tel you what they are going to tell you. Because a few have told me over the years. You cannot trust any of them.

Our way of life is mind control? Hmm .. yeeeaaah OK I will give them that but it is not restricted to them .. in fact quite the opposite in fact, just ask Tommy Robinson! It is the British who are being lied to by their own government and public services.

I have no idea on the publisher .. I was just tagged on this by someone who is married to a Muslim! Yeah you read that right .. someone who was married to one that realised what scummy, lying, arrogant new nazis they are and violent? Oooh so violent they attenpted to throw a child out of a window and ripped up a Christmas Tree. Yeah .. that is how much respect they have for others .. while secretly plotting everywhere now to take over the country down the line.

At the bottom is an American guy whose politics I know nothing of .. but he, along with tens, hundreds of thousands and maybe millions of other Americans are going crazy about what has come to light in the UK.

They have clearly seen that we have become a nation of apologists, seem to think our public services only serve Muslims and lock everyone up like they are the thought Police.

They claim that were run by left-wing idiots and is both shocking and scary at what has happened to the UK.

He also explains, as thousands of others have, how we Brits have had communist and extreme left wing tactics used to drum crap into us so that be become submissive. Basically he states that you repeat a lie enough times until it becomes truth.

He states that our mainstream media uses this tactic .. he calls Legacy Media.

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