Tuesday 19 June 2018


Well .. I gave called the government 'puppets' for long enough now and I have just been sent a video on YouTube where someone is is now calling them this.

Oddly enough this might have something to do with an organisation called UK Column who I have contacted in the past. Do not ask me what was said between us because I simply do not recall as my memory is really awful.

I also do not know much about the UK Column and I have seen them being put into a negative light by others, though this could be purely a tactic to discredit them because they speak the truth?

Now the man in the video sounds normal enough and he he sounds sensible enough and oddly he covers other things I have also covered over the past six years.

One of these is Melanie Show who disappeared after some allegations to some paedophile ring that might have had something to do with politicians? I recall the Police did not get too excited and when there was a bit of an outcry they stated that she knew where she was and she was safe.

Oddly enough it is also claimed in this video that she was safe in as far as that she was in prison after being sentenced in a secret court?!

A secret .. court?!

I had someone tell me about these years ago and I thought she was stark raving mad with these allegations and now I see this video?!

You see this is the problem with coming out with something that sounds crazy, a good example is David Icke and his lizard people..

How in the hell do you come out the first time and tell someone something like this?

I thought this woman, I shall only refer to as 'N', was mad and I am sure that people thought I was mad.. but there was no reason behind me telling the truth. No money was received from it and I was later accused of being a government shill by 'N'. Might have been because I would refuse to post about these secret courts they told me about? I just do not recall.

Once again this Brian Gerrish, as they .. call .. him .. oh!

I was supposed to meet someone several years back and I wonder if this might have been him? I was not given his name.

Oddly I have mentioned David Icke again and I spotted Brian Gerrish's name in a video with the formers name. Do not worry .. he did not mention lizard people, at least not in this video.

Anyway .. so .. yeah .. Brian Gerrish also talks about another thing I picked up and and talked about on my blogs .. corrupted voting system with the use of pencils for a start. I later learned there were other suspicions of a rigged voting system popping up here and there online.

Melanie Shaw? Oh .. my .. God .. if you are squeamish when it comes to horror stories I really would not go there if I were you.

The only story I know that could possibly surpass that is my own and has all the evidence and the medical records to do exactly that, though I am hoping that we do not surpass poor Melanie!

He also states that the BBC are corrupt and sinister! Again mirroring my own claims I have maintained for the longest time.

He claims that all of the mainstream media is corrupt, mimicking my own long term claims on exactly that.

They are only missing the NHS being the head of the corrupted trio of 'the evil trinity' so that they help the DWP and Local Councils screw over the British people but I just cannot fathom out why it is just British people I ever hear this happening to.

Except for when I claim that they are trying to incite a civil war..

  • Over population problem
  • Global Warming Problem they cannot deal with
  • Shortage of land
  • Shortage of money
  • Shortage of food incoming
  • Answer?
  • Reduce Population
  • Method?
  • Let in millions upon millions of the one type of people that ..
    • Refuse to Integrate
    • Have the most Violent and Hateful Religious book known to man
    • Think themselves the master race
    • Know that they will try to take over and claim land as their own
      • Like GAZA?
    • Think that lying to non-believers, though they do not stop there, is perfectly OK
    • Obsessed with virgins and young girls that will irate the natives
    • Numbers reach a tipping point where they start to boast they are the master race/religion
    • Contain the British public with rules knowing they will have to bottle things up
    • End Result?
    • Civil War
    • Aftermath?
    • Millions dead
    • Lots of free properties for banks to claim and sell or rent out
    • Or local government to claim and rent out

I wish someone had contacted UK Column and pointed them at my site? Unless if course they already are visiting and have been for awhile?

It was funny when he said that someone he met worked for David Cameron's wife and when asked what it was like to work for her .. the response was obviously quite strong and was toned down for the video when he said he was told she was not a very nice person.

What was funny because both he and I seemed to think she was portrayed as a very nice and sweet person on the mainstream media.

Now for something I am pretty sure I did not know about so did not report on but my daughter seems to recall something ..

That it was Jack Straw, told you shite happened under Labour you effing numpties, that was alleged to have passed a law that prevented children in foster or social care, not sure of the correct terms, from filing claims against their carers. Oh .. dear!

This could well have been something that I was told by my old acquaintance 'N'?!

It was odd how I got the impression that the Conservatives seemed to be all about Israel while today Jeremy Corbyn is all about the Muslims. Except .. Theresa May has issued a video, vomit inducing like Corbyn's, dribbling on about Muslims which is nothing short of insincere and .. well quite laughable. Both of them.

My God .. there really is and has been a major, major problem in British politics. Brian Gerrish even states as much in his video and states that this needs to be sorted out now!

Oh .. I did not even look at the date the video was uploaded!

Oh .. he does not mention lizard people but he does mention nearly stepping on a snake while in the USA and at that point thought about British politics?! Lol, that made me smile!

I also had a thing against charities for the longest time, as well as these so called help & advice organisations and even personal injury solicitors that are full of shit.

There was also that stuff about Oxfam proving my point and now in this video Brian Gerrish talks about this.

He also talks about the Police working with the social service trying to falsely accuse someone over their treatment of someone with Down's Syndrome I think it was?

Hmm the Camerons go to church on Sundays? What fucking hypocrites!

I am a scientist and therefore an atheist and no .. despite what one naïve person said to me recently .. you cannot be religious and a scientist. You may be one and work I the other but the two are mutually exclusive and many a scientist has died over this.

You cannot then warp a religious book and then state that the your new version of God is not like that any longer .. sorry but .. NO!

You had a book .. that was what it said .. a book of God. You do not alter it over a few millennia and still claim it is God's book.

One really bad line put to me is a scientist keeps an open mind to which I replied yes but you do not have to in all cases. I am sure that she did not like the response as I then realised she was religious .. not .. in the case of deities there is absolutely no reason to keep an open mind as you have no proof and nothing in science has ever backed it up.

There may well have been a Jesus character but even proving he exists is not proof that God exists and there is the end of it.

A loving and peaceful God would not allow the things that have occurred and in the case of Muslims he would not hit them with an Earthquake and kill hundreds or even thousands of his beloved children.

That is my belief and the reasons and I am sure that the religious left-wingers and social justice warriors would like to call me a bigot. Go ahead as, as I stated these are my beliefs but I guess it is OK to have a go at me about mine .. I mean that wont be bigotry will it?

No bigotry and other labels only apply ..

  • If your non white to a person that is white, especially male
    • Strictly NOT VICE-VERSA
    • 40 year old males, eh Brie Larson?
  • Your religious and have feeling towards someone that is a scientist or atheist
    • Strictly NOT VICE-VERSA
  • You can also be left in pain, homeless even when this will kill you
    • As long as your white and I cannot say just men .. as it is currently happening to my daughter as well as me


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