Tuesday 19 June 2018


Almost weird this one?

After someone came on fit the very first time with a lot of false accusations, completely wrong statements and an obvious intent to mislead readers ..

Yeah .. on one fucking post you blithering idiot .. good luck with that ..

I saw this on the BBC ..

A report that hate crime against people with disabilities has gone up 50%?!

What sort of fucking psycho, amoral and evil nutter does something like that?

Ooh .. well a psycho amoral and evil nutter .. obviously.

Or like the commenting idiot who seemingly created a false account under the name of 'fed up with freeloaders' that you can't click on because it's gone?!

That's the trouble with the evil .. amoral ones as they know that not many will agree .. probably get a backlash si they pop up .. rant and then disappear back into the shadows from whence they came.

I wonder of the amoral moron is any good at maths and add up the costs of running all these public services and what they are actually doing for their money? Like Primary Care Trusts they actually wanted to get rid of? Or all the ombudsman that do very, very little if anything at all? Or the governing bodies when there are more complaints about workmanship, advertising and even in retail than there has ever been in the history of the UK .. ever?!

Nope .. just attack what they call freeloaders which  probably make up 1 to 5 percent of what everything else costs? Any vuts to them and they die of hypothermia, starvation, health related ans suicides and have done since 2011 but that is OK in their book. Despite the fact it has done absolutely nothing and despite this persons friends, has to be a Tory voter, David Cameron and George Osborne boasting they reached their goals .. umm .. did something change? Despite saying we are all in this together are the ones they dropped into the shite from the tallest diving board been pulled out yet?! Oh, 'no' did you say?

Oi! Osborne and Cameron your fucking lairs once again and not even in fucking power any longer and have not been for what seems like an eternity to most of us!

You and your fucking austerity measures that is supposed to affect everyone you God damn pathetic excuses for human beings. No bloody wonder David Icke is running around claiming people in power are reptile people. They have the money because they act like reptiles and so must need it for the big heating bills in the winter when they would otherwise die?!

More in that idiot with the amoral and twisted comment in the next post as I tried to find that other report.


Hmm .. I think that hate crimes must now be rising across the board?

Maybe that is why I hear sirens most nights and sometimes up to three of the go by? Up north I thought I was hearing a lot of them hearing one or two a week? Nah .. back in London I am hearing one or two a bloody night!

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Disability-related hate crime up 50% - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-44497881

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