Friday 1 June 2018


I had a worrying conversation with my daughter.

I had to explain to her that I had an email back from Wirral Council's manager stating that she was going to talk to this Chipo and get back to me. Yeah right. They only do as they are told to do, why on Earth would they need to speak to her? To suggest it is the social worker who is to blame? Like that Baby P fiasco all over again being planned out?

She also had a letter threatening her with something this morning.

Of course I am not going to talk about this and I have been expecting it .. but thought were were still a few months away from that one.

It should be added that my daughter has spoken to someone about going to work, which nullifies any threat, and that she is not well enough to go to work but has been left with no alternative. She has even told the social services this but there were not interested.

I know for a fact they are trying everything they can to nullify her as a possible threat and I have realised that they know about the publication too. We both half expected them to mention this but they did not and I wrongly assumed that they could not have known.

However .. to admit that they knew about the publication in Love It magazine recently and then start to threaten her the way that they have, call her a liar over her health conditions and then threaten legal action, which can potentially kill her, would be too obvious.

It also has to be pointed out that becoming aware of the published article would also make them fully aware that there is an open line of communication with journalists and others involved in this industry. That would rattle them no end .. to the point where I believe they would the make threats like those that they just have. But admitting they are aware of this news story would immediately give themselves away.

This conversation about this took place while I was preparing a post that is laid out below regarding the number of petitions started up and how many people have signed them. I was only working on the DWP alone when the call came, just as I was thinking that the list for the DWP alone was going to be a long one and likely too long.

My goal was to show that a lot of the British public were unhappy and as most people seem to only give a crap when they are personally affected .. these numbers are embarrassing.

I have also got to venture somewhat further than the local park 100 yards away, which present itself with difficulties currently, because the only GP that will see me is several miles away.

Specifically for homeless people and considering the difficulties they would have travelling around, or that this travelling might kill them just as it could me, I find this all very bizarre!

Stop privatisation of the NHS .. 238,000 which is .. disappointing and I ask myself how can this be so bloody low?!

Now closed

Referendum on the abolition of the House of Lords ..

Sack Esther McVey as Pensions Secretary?! (Yeah because that will solve everything! LOL)

DWP Assessors are not Qualified .. (Yah think?! Stated this for years!)

DWP and War Disabilities as Income?!

DWP Cheating ESA Petition Set Up by an Assessor?!

Stop DWP Bullying Vulnerable Claimants with Sanctions .. (now closed) ..

Publish Statistics of Deaths from Benefit Cuts .. (closed)

Claims to have been victorious and forced change but as far as I can tell a request was made which was subsequently .. dodged, you can not even say refused, and that was it .. except several years late a number of national tabloids published the claims and then .. well that was it.

Mass murder is not a big thing in the UK, so it would seem but not being politically correct results in many wanting to burn you on a proverbial stake?!

Atos to Respect Rights and RECORD all Assessments?!

Well it seems my bleating on about recording has caught on over the years?! If you have nothing to have nothing to fear. They have certainly feared me over the years ..

  • Failing to arrive at my house three times with lies, easily proven, as excuses
  • Only called out my name and asked if I was in the building
    • Despite two dozen or more others
    • Me not even in sight of the reception desk
    • Kept repeating that a refusal of benefits is not down to them
    • Asked no questions regarding mental health issues at all, not a single one

DWP and Government to stop Benefit Cuts & Discrimination ..

Going to stop here as there are over 11 pages of these just for the DWP alone.

Just did a search for the NHS and there are 1,322 results on alone and as things have been coming to light only in the last six months I dare say these petitions are going to rocket over the next year or two?!

Stop DWP Bigwigs Getting New Year Gongs?! Your joking?! They are surely .. joking?!

This does not include petitions on ..

38 Degrees – Again I bet there is way more and ask yourself .. does anyone trust the government petitions at the bottom?!

There are probably many other petition sites?!

OK .. I just spotted a most deliberate and damning mistake and I promise you this was after I typed the question about whether people trust these government petitions ..

Umm I noted that the list shown in the link below starts with the petition with the most signatures? I also stated above, prior to spotting this, that the number against the NHS being privatised was somewhat disappointing but more importantly .. how the fuck can it be that low?

Umm well .. the most signed petition only got .. 269,000 votes?! No .. fucking .. way! Sorry but no fucking way!

Tommy Robinson's petition on Change is currently at .. 562,000 plus. Yes that is five hundred and sixty two thousand plus and I figured it might hit a million in seven to ten days?!

That simply cannot be unless ..

People have only just now finally woken up .. realise now that they cannot bury their heads in the sand and in actual fact now has started to affect them?!

If this is the case then .. I am thinking that from now on petitions starting up are going to attract a hell of a lot more signatures?

Remember it has been reported that there have been 120,000 EXCESS deaths they say might be down to the NHS and 120,000 deaths they say may be down to the DWP.

I guarantee these are conservative figures and one being out of date too. I also stress that these are 'excess' deaths. On top of what is normally attributed to these public services.

It also begs the question .. how many deaths are other public services responsible for? Like the local councils, for instance?

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