Saturday, 28 February 2015


There are things in pipelines. Plural.

I have a had a strong feeling about 2015 being quite something in the way of revelations and that many were coming.

I also felt that much was going to change with me and with many of my blogs.

Stated thinking this in December 2014.

Many things already happened and most earlier than I expected. A few things presented themselves to me. What turned out to be fairly big then looked bloody huge but then... err shrunk a little.

Still, what turned out to be one thing turned into several...after shrinking back down from a dozen or more.

For a time I thought I had found a path I had been searching fur years to end everything in one fell swoop?!

Still, these things in their own pipelines may lead to the bodies I seek to put an abrupt end to the remaining battles?

Rest assured that it not only has a high potential to end done if the biggest revelations asking with the most fantastical sounding but it is highly likely to. Make no mistake on that!

The other enemies I made have got a stay of execution. How long for I do not know but I believe it will happen in 2015 nonetheless. It rather depends on what I get told next whether this be sooner or later.

But despite not publishing the details of what I speak of right now I will in about two months time. Just in time for what I publish to... sink in. So around mid April I will post a few things up but which could turn into a mountain by then?

I will also add that I have a health problem... AGAIN?! I visited my GP and I got told to stay for awhile and a double appointment ended up a triple appointment! I had high levels of cholesterol again and blood pressure weeks back now which I posted about at the time. Well there have been some... developments.

I was prescribed Ramipril and Astrostatin...or whatever the later is called. First I was on 2.5 mg of Ramipril and then put up to 5mg of the drug and assumed this had sorted out everything. Except at the end if my appointment I was told to look at a particular notice board for a support group and take my blood pressure on their machine. A very nice young lady and extremely attractive came up to me while I writing down details and handed me a sheet of paper with the details on?! I told them they need to stop because they are far too professional and putting all other GPs to shame! She laughed. I then knocked on my GPs door and handed him the blood pressure results. He took one look and came out of his surgery closing the door behind him. Looking serious he said I had to do it again but had to sit down in the waiting room for ten minutes relaxing and taking deep breaths?! Great! I did as he requested and knocked on the door again with the results and there was a pause as he finished off with the patient that was there. He came out and took one look at the results and said I had better come back into his surgery. Some 'uming' sounds were made as he contemplated what to do about it. He asked me and I said I trusted his judgement and he said I needed more drugs as my blood pressure was way too high. Oh God damn it I have to go get the box from downstairs now!

Amlodipine 5mg.


Hmm I wonder if poisons can raise your blood pressure? I have been feeling dreadful of late and it's one thing after another. A long period or raised blood pressure would cause something looking like.... well natural causes with heart failure or heart attack or kidney failure. Those are just the ones I am aware of right now. Dying of one of these would not raise much suspicion. Maybe I have Poloniitis?! Lol. Sorry I just made that up as I thought it would be funny?! Lol!

I have to pop back early next week and this time I think I will check my own blood pressure while I am there as I would have been taking this new blood pressure pill for 5 or 6 days and I am interested to know if my blood pressure has changed?

I recently had not one barrage of tests as long as your arm but two! They found nothing but not only I but my GP one there was... something.

My uncle and my father both died in their mid fifties but knew nothing of the possibility we had Fibromyalgia and as far as exercising was concerned, never happened and my father's diet at least was the worst imaginable and I always told him it would be the end of him!

My diet does not come close to that if my father's and for many periods was on a different planet as I had a strict diet of meat and vegetables only and no potatoes in any form and no bread. This worked brilliantly for me and my conditions but came to a halt five years ago when I lost my disability money. Progressive ailments like Fibromyalgia do not help either as most evenings I am very stiff and in pain and many bodily contortions are painful too. In a tiny house that's far too small and everything you do is contortions. Lips and hips?! You must be joking?! I am active... mainly because I hate sitting around and loathe boredom as things get depressing very quickly.

I also cycle. A lot, and though this slows down and stops in the winter I have been out for several hours at a time several times in the last couple of weeks.

As I stated previously I stopped smoking two years ago and my diet has improved the last month too.
I have done everything in the last two years that would send my cholesterol hurting towards the ground as well as my blood pressure. But it's heading in the complete opposite direction to that which it should be. I have done everything I have been told to do as well as take a pill but it's still way too high!

A similar reading next week and I think some phone calls are going to get made? Good God I hope I don't get carted off to hospital or worst still told to get on a bus?! That would be typical but I just remembered the bus stop to the hospital...err one of them is right outside the surgery.


Anti UKIP protestors?

What the hell are anti UKIP protestors and more importantly, why?!

I never heard of these people before and I am somewhat shocked to be honest. Confused too.

Now I don't know much about UKIP or its individual members and Nigel Farage always makes sense when I hear him in interviews but I don't know about all his policies or beliefs. But then I don't know about any of them.

For what seems like years members of parliament get caught out doing underhanded things. But it has taken a lot of time to catch these people out. A lot of training to keep things hidden for so long?

To me the old parties have wrecked this country and I do find it shocking that a protest group causes trouble to a party that has only had a few members she they are not as good at being secretive about their feelings or beliefs. A party that was not... well party to the state of the country.

So what exactly do these protest groups hope to achieve? Do think that they are all just going to say 'OK we will disband?' Do they think that they will improve the terrible state we are in?!

I have previously mentioned a local business who 6 months ago or so took his smallest amount of money on a Saturday. That was £56! No kidding. We had all been hearing how we are doing better but the customers locally in Enfield were telling us something else entirely. For awhile I asked about the Saturday takings to see if it was going up or down but apart from a few quid it remained on a level. I stopped asking after several months.

Today he informed me that he has only taken around £45 and that the previous Saturday he had taken £34?!?! My jaw simply and quite literally...dropped. He saw the shock on my face and said "I know!"
I spoke to others too in the last few days that stated it was dreadfully slow and quiet recently. To try and understand it and tell themselves it was only temporary they stated it was down to the fact that a general election was mere weeks away? But why? Because UKIP might end up in power? That is seriously unlikely and despite the protest group they are popular with many people. That in itself is saying something. It is also refreshing that a party that makes sense and cares about the country arrive when the main there have run is into the ground and kept us there.

So looking at it this way hopefully you can understand that I shake my head in disbelief at people putting so much effort into something that won't achieve whatever it is they wanted towards people who have said a few stupid things. Wrong things at times, admittedly Gbit they are people not wanting to be embroiled in the spin, lies and secrets.

But it seems this group would much rather have parties that day what they want to hear and promised stuff that never arrives? How bizarre!

I certainly hope that they have a history of protesting over things that are far worse? I also how that they protest over some of the things that are currently being exposed and the rest of it throughout 2015?!?!

Do they know that children throughout the country have been beaten, raped and killed by two completely different groups of people? One home grown and of celebrity and power status and one of a group not born in the UK and only here to extort, rape and pillage and then hold their hands out and fraudulently take a fecking shed load of taxpayers money without the taxpayers being asked?! Are you aware of that? Children that were let down by Social Services in a long list of local councils and Police that ignored them and covered it up which was a series of actions so bad that it would destroy local government and police forces across the country?! So bad that the first one has been declared unfit for purpose and commissioners placed to run it which I how is not the only time this takes place because the media coverage will help convince the public that things are being done so that they avert their gaze elsewhere and then the other councils ignored?!

Where the feck were you in these situations?! But you turn up and fight in the street like common criminals or peeved people with no self control over things not that serious when compared to anything else exposed in recent times?!

My good God, I am glad I don't live in a community of people like that! I would probably be chastised for having different colour Crocuses in my front garden to the rest of the street and get an 'official' warnings post? Lol!

If people like this are willing to look so... pretty on TV and in the tabloids they better be prepared to be judged. It always seems like a good idea to vent your anger publicly but you had better give it some forethought first. Like looking at other things going on at the same time, comparing your spat with them and then aging yourself how it would look to the rest of the public.

I might also add that making the same mistakes that government, public services and local government make asking with a large number of celebrities and powerful people in not realising how fast, far and wide the Internet is. Your not just going to be on the Internet fur the British people to see but the entire world.

So your cause had better be a worthy one!

I can also yell you that too much of the public being narrow minded and not seeing the bigger picture are just going to aid in keeping the country in the doldrums. Many, many factors can keep us down and some week be big with greater effects and some will be small.

Many small mistake make a very big one. Many small mistakes across a large enough percentage of the British public week be utterly catastrophic that could last for many years!

Maybe I could suggest a dose of perspective and a course in prioritizing?!

Gee whizz!

UKIP spring conference leads to clashes in Margate -


Oh dear. Of dear, oh dear, oh dear.

It is a shame really what is happening in Russia in recent times. Always wanted to visit and always found Russians to be nice people. Would not want to visit while Putin is still president I can tell you!

Ex deputy prime minister, I think he was, Boris Nemtov has been shot dead according to the BBC report in the link below. Worse and weirder still is the fact that he had previously stated that he thought President Putin was, or is, going to have him killed?!

I think this will price to be President Putin's biggest and final mistake.

The trouble with Putin, and not the only one, is that he was an old school Russian and weirder still part of the KGB old school. These are made up of people against the rest of the world through genuine and outdated fears or those that want to just conquer the world!
That latter remark might sound off or even far fetched but I will never forget a Russian woman tell me something years ago when I asked if she learnt her exceptional use of English in school. "Oh no... they did not teach you foreign languages when I was at school... it was not allowed" when I asked why foreign languages were not allowed she then surprised me by saying "because we were taught that eventually, one day the while world would be speaking Russian"?! Oooh!

So I learnt a lot from the few Russians I had as friends as well as those I met briefly online over the years.

That sounds like an era in Russian history that Putin grew up with, for educated and trained in and belonged to that latter type of works domination dreaming Russians. Oops. This is what I have always thought of him.

I find it odd that people on a rise in power want to protect their beliefs by telling their pepper they want to protect them and then start milling their own when they do not agree with their views.

So, yes Putin... the way to protect mother Russia is to bully other countries, ignite what your people want by rigging the elections and then start shooting the ones that tell others why they don't agree with you? Twat!

Now before I get into what I think will happen now I want to state that whenever foreign countries have sided with Russia over some spat, like at the UN over the middle East, they side with someone who refused to reach there inferior language because they would become their rulers eventually. Hi....larious!

The fact that such a high profile face could be killed like this is...worrying. In more ways than one. It is not going to send out a good message to the Russian people... not at all.
Expert for the amoral ones with similar beliefs of dictatorship rule. The Russian people I am willing to bet are not going to take this lightly nor lying down. What worries me is that they might. Which will give out the won't message to the rest of the world which I now realise could be one of two won't messages.

I am not sure how they could possibly think anyone else would have Boris killed as President Putin was the only candidate on a short list of one as possible enemies. Not sure he thought this through?

Of late I have been hearing reports of President Putin being a bit bonkers, being a Vodka drinking drunk and wide beater and obsessed with being assassinated?! Well yes Vladimir...I can see that now, after all you have run Russia so well that groups or hired murderers can just drive up and fun you down in the centre of Moscow! Better get the tasters ready to try your food to see if it contains arsenic ... or Polonium?! Lol!
I think there is going to be a load of problems in Russia and the funny thing is that if I'm wrong then a load of problems over the fact that there was not with the rest of the world. I mean I think many would ask if the majority of the Russian public were OK with the way things are run? Is the majority of the Russian people similar to President Putin?

I don't think that they are.

But then I have to remind myself that the problem with America is many are over zealous bible thumpers that want to strongly force their beliefs on others. Yeah well there are many types in the world like that and look how each one turns out? In fact you would think that these types of idiots might realise that throughout human history this has never worked out well?! Maybe they just think they are so much smarter than everyone else that failed or are... special?! Lol!

Wednesday, 25 February 2015



Apparently they have someone to replace Atos?

Well once one corrupt organization realises the game is finally up and they are about to be all thrown on a line of swords they will naturally get fidgety. Atos did. Oddly they tried to get out of their contact but remained. A Conservative MP told me in person that 'they', the Conservatives, 'fit rid of them' which is bullshit as first off I have been causing them sleepless nights for several years and....well they remained.

The trouble with corrupt organisations is they cannot rely on each other nor trust each other and this is their 'Achilles heel'. One of them.

The problem is their are always others waiting in the wings that see dollar signs in their eyes like Disney characters in a cartoon while at the same time think they are super smart and smarter than the last guy. The reality is very different. You would think these people... all of them would realise there are only a finite number of lies and tricks in the world? But no. There is always one or a collective group of blind, naive and more importantly greedy morons waiting in the wings.

Now I stated for a long time that Atos were just patsies so that the DWP can get out of being accused or sued over human rights issues.

After many years there is a changing of the guard and now there does enter into the fray one Maximus organisation. I hope for their sake that their name was not chosen because they hoped it would sound... intimidating sounding like a Roman Centurian's first name?

Hell if they are then it would be hilarious and not only would they not last five minutes but at the same time prove that all the staff at the DWP and the bosses are guilty of corruption and published names will start being arrested and charged with crimes at some point?!

Of course it's always the pawns and unimportant people to start with while the task culprits leap aboard their private jets or limousines fully kitted out with fridges full of Krystal Champagne and shuffling asking to the next organization.

You see the dickheads fail to see that when the staff go through a number of major changes and the pattern remains then those that remain are the common and only remaining factor, oops!

Also and this will be all that I say right now but everyone fails to see what is to occur during this year of 2015.

I assure you that when they all do it will change everything. Their levels of fear, their attitudes and everyone that has ever been in these pages previously or in the future.

I can also assure you that the details will become clear over the next 3 to 4 months and rather strangely around the time of the General Election?! Honestly...I don't plan these things...mostly, lol.
Some things present themselves out of the blue and the processes of many things take a period of time that the only fact of which I am aware of is it being a bloody long time! What should take a few days to a couple of weeks could take a few months and often over a year, sometimes two.

Of course there is one that is heading towards a whole three years with the biggest name in the world behind it running out of both time and excuses. Well that ran out long ago for me but with the public... and I mean globally the glass still contains sands. This will be published online shortly but not necessarily here, lol!

I have stated it to my enemies over and over again and I have stared it on here over and over again ...
You need to watch both my hands!

A sudden direct attack on you and revealing details to make you cave in may not be all it appears.

This is certainly true of several events in the past and nothing could be more true if right now with current events. That includes my postings. Well it naturally would do, would it not? This is after all a very, very public place.

There are also a couple of other things that have been in the pipeline for several weeks and several more that will be set off in the next couple of weeks.

I need to send off letters of warnings and ultimatums, without the reason behind them, to the last of those that attacked me. I know I have sent them to the NHS, who are denying knowledge of previous complaints the morons, and the London Borough of Waltham Forest and bailiff outfit, JBW Group.
It will be the year of coming to a head.

As always and quite deliberately the clues are scattered about staring them, umm and you, in their faces. Quite literally and like others will look hilariously obvious when the curtain is raised.
Now being made aware of this will have them worrying.

Finding out the details about them will have them freeze and heavily poop their pants in living fear.
I am going to through a month... out there add to when this week cone to light... in part. April! Possibly May?

Old father time is tapping his fingers!

Work capability assessments: One million disability checks planned -

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Just a very simple and quick statement...or question rather based on both Jack Straw and Malcolm Rifkind getting caught and getting suspended...

... this really is to the nation followed with a possible alternative...

How many of these wankers do you need to see get caught and then chastised by their colleagues before enough people realise they ate all doing it?!


Maybe everyone already realises they are all 'at it' in which case the news media are not only full of shite like I always knew or they are thick or just like patronizing the British public?!

I know that the Tories have lied, cut off from realty and are looking out for themselves and not the country... the 'country' being is people. Not it's most wealthy or largest land owners. These things are not not ever will be the measure of a human being done grow some brain cells and gonads and deal with it.

Secondly the Labour Party when in power and primarily to do with Tony Blair were no different either.

Now I could never vote for people like this and sorry there are no excuses...the only people to vote for wankers like this are more wankers. In other words you have to be either amoral just like them or a complete brain dead idiot. Huh.. just like them again?! Lol!

If you can't see these things by now then I'm afraid one of the two still applies, lol. I find moments like this funny because I wonder how many people will read these posts then this one up to a year or more after the election and feel... rather silly? Lol. Five long years... five more long years and one there it will still be shit but they will still day it's been getting better and how wonderful they are and how things will be fantastic over the following five years should naive morons vote then in again?
Oh wait... are they not saying that right now?! Lol!

A miserable thought and a vision of my face palming myself come the result of the General Election and wondering if there is a country that has like minded, intellectual people I could desert my home for?

I hope not. I really do hope not. Nothing could be worse than after watching my country get destroyed by this in power over the years based on lies only for naive people to vote for the same dishonest political parties. Especially if it's because... that's what they have what's done! Or that's what their Dad or Mum airways did.

Make decisions based on the facts. Not accusations. Not any accusations, not even the plausible ones.
Oh and this morning that 'bleeding' finally stopped after slowing down the last two days, thank the stars.

Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw have whip withdrawn over 'sting' -

Saturday, 21 February 2015


I have had an issue for several days that become somewhat complicated yesterday morning and in a shocking way.

I was bleeding. A lot. In an awkward place.

It was one of those rare occasions when you wonder if it is going to stop. So I called '111'.
Now I must point out a couple of things. I currently feel very dizzy so I am swearing my head off at Google because I really do not want to deal with their shitty Android bit coping with simple English text and keyboard that 5 year olds could do a better job of coding.

Err the second thing. I forgot... still bleeding maybe? Oh I remember... I don't panic easily and have not since this started.

When I explained to the lady in the phone after ringing '111' she stated I have to be in hospital within the hour?! Great! Then I got a bit of a shock when the last mentioned about getting to hospital. She mentioned a bus. I said in both a sarcastic and a humorous tone "Lady, if you think that I'm walking for the best part of a mile and then waiting for a bus when I cannot stand without pain not sit down and then riding on a bus for half an hour then walking the last 500 yards to sit in a waiting room with many others?! Your dreaming... it's just never going to happen!"

Now she ended up stating that someone else would have to speak to me and I was out on hold. Another lady who sounded more competent also sounded concerned at what I explained and said that if the bleeding was still happening after an hour I should be in hospital in 6 hours.

Now looking to see if I was still bleeding after an hour would be tricky but I did the best I could and I appeared to be OK.

I wanted to go out so I did but when I got home I discovered that I was still bleeding and that the blood had passed through some thick cotton wool padding and into some denim so that it showed. 

Now that was a surprise.

I thought a nights sleep would help and the bleeding would likely stop but I was still bleeding this morning and again tonight.

I have tried very hard to find anything I can on the Internet but once again the nets full of idiots wanting web pages on subjects and claiming to be medical experts but the data is incomplete. I have waded through dozens and dozens of pages but not one of them mentions anything about bleeding this heavily through a .... well a bursting. Effing typical.

So right now I'm not sure what to do and have been telling myself that the bleeding returns due to a... natural bodily function that cannot be stopped. Tearing the vein open until it heals in a way it cannot be torn open again?

Typical that I have been feeling dizzy to the point of feeling like I am going to be sick too?!

I cannot emphasize enough that this is something that no one wants to go to hospital for and any operation needed would definitely warrant a general anaesthetic. No local anaesthetic in any way shape or form! No way, no how!

You also do not want to be anywhere near a single person if this bleeding... got out of hand and very heavy while out.

Any of the two paragraphs above involve you dying... of embarrassment and you can forget about the other dangers.

So the point of this blog is two fold and first off it is to show just how badly the ambulance service is and the NHS bosses willing to go even further in every more inventive ways to save money while costing lives.

After all even I was surprised to be told twice to go to hospital and I only phoned because I wanted to know how long it would take for the bleeding to stop. That's it and that's all.

Secondly I am not entirely sure what will happen in the not too distant future. So just in case some bizarre set of events occur where I bleed to death I want it logged on here what was occurring.
I simply do not trust anyone or anything and in the event if my own demise... disappearance after revealing this would let everyone know what occurred. Our rather what did not occur!

Dying while being frustrated with Google's amateurish operating system... my good God they would be funny. Well to me. Well maybe a few years after my death, lol!

My word what a miserable week it has been, lol.

As for clues to make the NHS, who claim they know nothing about my complaint so am going to send them their own letters, look extremely bad over their ambulances ..

A few keywords..

Vein. Rectum. Haemorrhoid. Black. Red. Lumps. Burst.

Now think again that they want someone with several bilateral foot pains, a buggered knee and the keywords above to walk a mile, stand at a bus stop, ride a bus for twenty minutes plus and another 500 yards.

Really?! Lol!

Nearly 48 hours now and I have not arrived at the hospital. Anyone care to hazard a guess as to why?

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


I find the statements released in recent times regarding cannabis as... head scratchingly hilarious. Confusing while funny.

This BBC report I found tonight was sobering of a surprise.

After the recent reports starting that cannabis causes psychosis and I said rubbish I now read this report and raise they were playing both loose and fast with the truth.

I have stated for many more years than this blog has been live that I believed... no I was convinced that it causes problems in people that already have problems. If there is an underlying mental issue or even perhaps a family history of things then your at a high risk from smoking cannabis. However I can't tell you how high that risk is. Because it may only be specific illnesses and may need certain doses but because cannabis was just totally ignored because of sometimes agenda we... basically don't know.

This report now states this in detail and even separates the two chemicals within cannabis and discovers some surprising things about the stuff. Some of it  surprisingly good especially if you suffer from epilepsy. I know someone I would wager won't like hearing this but more about that another time.

It now turns out... allegedly that the THC that everyone talks about can cause the problems with psychosis and memory issues...noo my memory has no connection whatsoever with me using cannabis in the past as that was... bloody ages ago and I was not a big smoker of it anyway. It had fantastic affects on my Fibromyalgia and then many years later on discovering my Fibromyalgia then discovered it had good effects from cannabis. I told several Doctors this too and still Fibromyalgia was never, ever mentioned as a possibility.

It also turns out that the other chemical, the one that sounds more like the chemical that gets you high, CBD, cannabinidol, helps improve memory as well as slow down, stop and even prevent epilepsy?! Mad! In this report it turns out that parents of children with bad seizures have used something called Charlotte's Web which contains the CBD drug to amazing results. Trials are now ongoing, probably not the UK because of the corrupt NHS and powers that have large broom handles sticking out their arises and still in the mud laid down in medieval times, lol!

So when they said in the initial report that your for times more likely, or whatever figure it was, they were saying three quarters of the public are bonkers?! Lmao!

If they were aware of the fact that preexisting mental issues were why the numbers raised they were very, very stupid to word their report the way they did. Well either they are the stupid news media that reworded it to suit headlines, lol.

Either way the facts I stick to still remain the case.

Epilepsy suffered everywhere will have raised an eyebrow by now, then lowered, then raised it again, then lowered it before their legs and arms follow and the fall to the floor having another seizure.
Joking apart it's not nice to have. Though I have met many that have got used to them I don't know how. I had one many years ago, oddly aster getting stoned and everyone, including Doctors, blamed the cannabis.

Now what am I supposed to think? Lol!

I stopped taking Amitriptyline five days ago and went to my town to get a passport photo and a passport application form. Been trying to do that for two weeks. Got to a friend's place for a cup of tea and showed him the odd bits I bought from Maplin, key ring scissors, blank DVDs, pouch for headphones. Sat down and said "Oh fuck!! Remember I said when I left here earlier that I needed something in the town? Well I just remembered what it is... passport photo and application form!"
He finally realized what a problem my memory is and looked shocked and asked if I was joking!
Son of a bitch!

Cannabis: Promise, risk and controversy -

Monday, 16 February 2015


Well this is part two about my great grandfather Reginald Kirlew.

Now I think I did a post about him recently but this is where my short term memory issues play up and they are right now. I remember uploading a film to my YouTube account regarding the book Test Pilots by Don Middleton but I do not remember if I actually posted about it?! Bah-humbug!

I have childhood memories of a great grandmother I used to visit who always had tins of Ambrosia Rice when we visitied. So much so that I cannot look at a tin of it today in the local supermarkets without thinking of those times. She only had two sons with one named Reginald Kirlew, after his dad, and one called John Kirlew. Oddly despite both of them being married, with Reginald twice and John stayed married a long time, there was only one child between them. My mother. Odds would be against that you would be forgiven for thinking.

Anyway as a young boy I did used to get to visit my, I called my great uncle John, who used to make the actual aircraft to be used with a remote control unit. I always remebered, well how could I forget, a Spitfire in his spare room in the process of being built on one occasion. During these childhood years I also got to hear about my great grandfather and how he was a test pilot for Rolls Royce and the RAF who died when one test flight went wrong. There was talk way back then if I recall correctly of him avoiding buildings and crashing into a tree. I also got to hear about how this aircraft was the Avro Manchester, which I had never heard of as a child, but my eyes would have grown wide at hearing that this then became the Avro Lancaster of World War 2 infamy. Sad upon hearing he had died, as I would have been fascinated to hear his stories...even now!I already had an obsession with aircraft and flying and wanted to be a pilot for as long as I can remember.

In fact I can now say that the reason for different blogs is that sometimes they link into each other and the most surprising ways and I becaome even more fascinated with computers when it was realised that they could immitate the flying of an aircraft as well as air combat! So my area of computing expertise neatly criss crosses my aircraft area as well as a history lesson of my ancestry to use as an example on my corruption blog!!

Now for those coming on here a very lng time now I did state from the get go that over time things would eventually all come together into one really big picture? Are we seeing that picture yet?! Also this is only achieved when your absolutely honest and open about everything. Including angry knee jerk reactions to news reports! Lol, wink-wink!

So then I managed to get that previously mentioned bookk on test pilots and film it and the page where my great grandfather is mentioned. However a visit to my mothers house recently and I was shown another one where he is mentioned a great deal more and I am most certain this is not the other book I was previously aware of?

What I loved about this new one is how both the main title and the subtitle of the book explains the bit I was always keen to prove and that being the link between the two aircraft, Avro Manchester: The Legend behind the Lancaster. Author Robert Kirby.

Sunday, 15 February 2015


Hey-ho Iain Duncan-Smith who those that know him say he is a nice guy, err but he lies to the nation or if that OK with your idiot mates, is at it again.

Apparently and I do not need to read it all its that fucking obvious he is at it yet again by stating that Universal Credit is 600 million under budget?!

Fecking impossible calamity Jane!

The only way that you could possibly achieve this is by ripping off claimants! Because it had not done anything except arrive extremely late and had been added to the list of existing benefits and not replaced them.

Do ya know what this means Mr Abacus?! It means that as well as having all those benefits now and it being longer than the previous list it also means that even more friends and cronies are getting paid humongous salaries, compared to benefits, than there were before! Because your running the same departments as before but with a while two new departments that even after being introduced bloody late have still yet to replace the departments they were intended to four years into your current reign, feels like a reign, with just a few months to the election! *sharp intake of breath*

£600 Million under budget?! Borllacks! Same goes for the odd report about cannabis at err King's College? That's next to Guy's Hospital and like several other Josiah's they lied in a letter... by omission and yes I do have the recordings! Oops!

Now just for the record and yes it is on here and no I have not reminded readers for a very good reason, I was in favour of welfare reform! Yes you read that correctly as it was a body mess!

However! I did not and now do not agree to a bunch or morons with no common sense nor mathematical skills whatsoever to feck it up and use it as a tool to screw the poor and unfortunate out of money! This is what they have been doing.

Incompetent because they took away all of them to replace them with just two benefits. For a Tory government that left themselves with no grey area?! Yeah right!

The reason why their were so many departments was then coming off with excuses to pay someone less money. Don't want them in one benefit but can't put them on another and enter stage right a new benefit and new department.

They can now... sort of get away with two because the word disability had been removed from the names of benefits. This is so they can slowly remove it as an obligation to pay them any more money than anyone else. Nice.

The third thing they failed to do in all this is to think about how this week look to other countries around the world!


Universal credit benefit roll-out '£600m under budget' -


I have had a strange few days.

I have been bored and impatient and in fact I was jotting down the thoughts in my Moleskine notebook, or one of them along with the inevitable questions to myself add to why these things occur.
I had been thinking about how the bloody weather had been dreadful so still not out on my new bike for several days yet again. An old friend long gone now used to hate I if it snowed this time of year but I always prayed for it. It would at least make things more interesting, pretty and I would always want to take my camera everywhere and take pictures. At least when it thawed spring would arrive fairly quickly and even the birds would be a sight with Fieldfares and Redwings often visiting my garden for the berries in a tree.

Nope, like this is a bloody nightmare and miserable as hell for anyone, not just someone with issues that may be caused by ailments or just issues on top of issues caused by ailments.

I am a fidget, no point disguising it I am a fidget and for several years have absolutely hated sitting still and hate the thought if not leaving the house. I am not entirely sure why but I know my Fibromyalgia amplifies all manner of electrical signals, as well as firing off pain signals desire their being no pain. Yes it's very weird but if you know anyone with Fibromyalgia and they say their in pain and you think not having only limited knowledge of Fibromyalgia... stop! Forget the feet, knees, legs, arms or whatever it is that they say hurts. It's not the point at all. The fact is the sensation is no different whatsoever to actually having the ailment. Because it's all just electrical signals to the brain. Yes we'll it's bloody weird to me too and the other problem is with anyone with Fibromyalgia is that if you have anything new you do not know if it is a genuine ailment or injury or its just Fibromyalgia adding another damned symptom to the list. The list can be long too. Very long! Mine is around the 120 mark, symptom does not translate to pain, and around 200 were listed in one book I owned. Just remember I never got that back off one of the GPs that kicked me off their register over all this, lol.
For sidetracked there but anyway was wondering if it was a Fibromyalgia thing or whether or not I have got stuck with some bad habits that have become engrained. I have had to endure many things for a fair old while now. I wonder if they will ever fade? If they are habits that is.

It did not help when a few days back I noticed a paunch. A bloody paunch. I did some upper body exercises and become focused on exercising regularly, something I have not done for well over a year! I get down over these things. I don't know why.

I have had no love life in years and no plans or actively seeking a new one. So why would I care about a damn paunch?

When I was pondering this earlier is I scribbled away in my notebook I considered how I not only see myself but also how I portray myself to others. The latter involves those I attack on this blog as I have been battling them for years, even if they were stupidly naive about it. To be anything that is not right and as such this paunch means a weakness. A chink in my armour if you prefer? Every aspect of both my personality and skill set had been tailored to look...impervious. Undefeatable both intellectually and physically because attacks on both levels are not only possible have both occurred previously!

Now the fact that I was not bettered previously, including physically by anyone ever including the bailiff and his glove wearing mate. It mattered not that I had not been defeated but it does matter a great deal that I am not defeated in the future and during the life of this blog so I need to change my attitude and routine from that I had last year. I have started to exercise and I must now stick to that.
I had plans to get another couple of tools, two help with one very neglected blog while one of the two would also help with several others. If I can work something out that is?

These tools are, however, at least 3 weeks away and possibly 7 weeks away in total. However the weather may have improved by then? God help us if it hasn't as I could not even guess how many of us would be miserable by then? Lol.

Still the tools will be good whenever I do manage to get them as another few blogs will get a vast improvement over the next couple of years.

Yesterday the weathermen stated that it was going to be sunny in the afternoon and I wondered whether or not to go out on my bike. But then they have been dreadful at getting it right the last eighteen months or more! So imagine what I was thinking about the weathermen and the BBC showing off about it's £76 Million computer to be more accurate with the weather and predict it over ten days instead of five when it was pissing down with rain as I headed for my town centre?!


Thursday, 12 February 2015


Hmm I am getting some bloody cheeky bastard goings on at Amazon.

After driving me nuts as they usually do to provide feedback I have had one seller contact me demanding I give her better than 3 out ot 5, which I gave because it was a bugger all item and I failed to see it was coming from America which I do not expect to have to do for a fuck all item!!

So I told her where she can stick it as politely as I can! I do not bloody care and I do not bloody care for people basically telling me that I should have spotted some tiny small print somewhere, bloody yanks and the audacity their business types have?!

"Your unfairly hurting my business" is what she stated in the reply to it too!

That was not even the best one! Now follow me here...

I uses walking sticks. In fact on the second day of my small windfall I bought a walking stick and I will end up with more over the next month. I have several and they drive me nuts trying to stand them up where they will not get knocked down. Some time ago I saw these gadgets that I assumed you afixed to a table edge and your sticks click into them? They looked extremely clever little things.

Only when they turned up I spent an hour looking at the instructions and trying to use them before I realised they were utter shite! I do mean utter shite too! They do not go around your walking stick very easily and in fact are very tough and need twisting to get on. If you have particularly nice walking sticks, as I do, or walking canes I would wager that these would scratch the surface material off in no time at all, a few weeks would not surprise me at all.

It gets better as they do NOT afix to a table at all and I took them apart several times before realsing that on either side are these large round rubbery bits and they rest atop the table or I guess underneath? Which means they need to be in the right position for either of these which invariably means a lot of sliding and more scraping of your sticks.

Lastly one hiking stick would not fit into this thing at all.

Now if your a seller in a retail store you choose what you sell and if there are two stores that sell the things your into and one is tat and crap while the other is quality and beauty this reflects on the seller. Or in other words a seller knows, or bloody should do, what they are selling. because they shoudl first test the product as I would do and have done or pay attention to feedback and if you get a lot of negativity you, or I would, stop stocking them.

However we have this American attitude to business to just sell crap and to hell with the consequences, think the scene from American Dad with Brian Griffin replacing Rush Limbar's belongings with American made products and as Brian describes each item it blows up or fails in a comical fashion?

You see this all the time when companies that are good for and well known at one thing suddenly think they can make everything and get a windfall from it, despite having no experience from it. My sister once bought a Gucci G Watch and I took tohe piss. "Nooo! Gucci make shoes! You want a watch buy a Cartier, Omega, Rolex!" or something to that effect. I own a pair of Oakley glasses now but they make rucksacks and outdoor stuff too now. But mine is Berghaus, Vango and companies like that. When they realise the stuff is shite and no one wants it because of the crap colours, bad design or some other reason all this stuff gets shipped off to the UK, lmao, no I meant it appears in TK Maxx (err yeah in the UK stupid! Lol!)

Anyway I thought it was a bit of a cheek to ask me to change my feedback and Amazon have now done themselves out of a Celestron Nexstar, Evolution maybe, 6 or 8 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain Goto Telescope sale around the £1,000 mark! Now I will go to a British company like those found in The Sky At Night Magazine.

So yeah your right if you guessed I have a blog on Astronomy that has been seriously neglected because I simply do not have the hardware. Well up until now I did not have the hardware but I will be changing that over the next month or two and then I am done. All my blogging will have the tools they have needed for the last 3 years! Woohoo!

In fact I am really cheesed off with Amazon in general really and wished to god there was a British company like them who did an app that worked for your mobile and tablets?!

My tablet Amazon App crashes on, I mean this very literally, EVERY OTHER SEARCH!

Anyway I thought you would like to read the email I sent to Amazon, who incidentally agreed with me about how crap their App is when I contacted them a week or so ago. I am really about done with Android and their Apps. I cannot remember the last time an operating system and programs were that painful?! Even on 56K dial up it worked faster than this.

I believe, you see, these updates figure out how long you have had your hardware and deliberately start to slow yous system down. Forcing you to but new gear. Oh believ me I am just waiting for someone somewhere to find the proof behind that one and then appear in the news. Say around 5 to 7 years between the discovery and the TV News reporting?! LMAO!

First up here is a link to the product on Amazon and you can see that it looks in the picture as if it is afixed to the table? Link ...

It appears to have a great deal going on but I think the product is deliberately deceiving you, or designed to in other words. It quite literally rests on the table and as for placing a stick into it...well do not buy it for anyone old or with arthritis.

EDIT: Oh would you look at that?! The seller is only a retailer that specialises in walking aids?! Like fuck are they! That makes it even worse! Lol. If they had not asked my seller feedback be removed I would never have noticed.

I have replaced my feednback and now I have noticed.

They are called Walking Aids, how original. Hmm I wonder where all their stuff is sourced from? So many really iffy sellers around these days due to the online craze and it is hard to know who to trust!

Oooh, lol, no it seems they are called 'Easier To'. Sorry my mistake, lol ...


Anyway here is the email ...

Dear Sirs

I am sorry?!

Exactly WHY did you remove the feedback I gave?! This was FEEDBACK and I see nowhere does it state that this is based upon the time of arrival nor personality of the seller, though I am suspecting its now going to be RUBBISH!

I also believe packaging feedback is a separate issue!

The product was RUBBISH and totally pointless....I am sorry I do not understand how that CANNOT, according to YOU, reflect on the seller?! So if they were selling stolen or counterfeit goods they are protected from being arrested and charged for that?!

Make your damn rules play by the law and not whatever you feel like making up at the time!

How DARE you remove this without asking!!

Martin Haswell BSc


I always find these things rather funny...thats funny strange and not funny ha-ha.

What seems obvious to do after an inordinate amount of time still requires that the lay people, grrrr, have to go cap in hand to the masters of the universe to get done what is right.

When this request comes via a name that is known throughout the UK as something of a celebrity and rightly so and someone I hold in high regard then it seems even...stranger.

Then consider the things that have at first only been whispered about and now beginning to get the odd report about even in the BBC as to the goings on at the highest echelons of society and it seems even stranger.

But then so many people go wobbly at the knees, goo-goo eyed and all manner of other things when suddenly in the presence of these beings who are merely just like everyone else that it helps this most human and bizarre holds of such high esteem going for what seems like an eternity now.

The fact that societies have grown...OK some societies have grown...OK some sections of some societies have grown beyond the old, outdated and once core beliefs to render such institutions as needless seems to have zero effect other than the odd minor debate or quabble between opposing forces of the political spectrum.

Hark at me?! Opposing forces?! Lol! That ship sailed many moons ago!

Anyway Stephen Fry seems to be campaigning to get Alan Turing and others sentenced because of their sexual preferences a pardon. rather suprising that we still have to do these things in this day and age on the one hand surprises me and then on the other...I ask myself why I am surprised  when I see all the other things that I do?

Here is the link for those that think he and others should be pardoned and wish to become involved in some way...

Wednesday, 11 February 2015


I have been aware of the corruption, the lies and the falsification of medical records and test results within the NHS for a very long time. I started to suspect it but dismissed it each time over ten years ago.

Around 7 years ago I finally faced up to the fact this was happening and sitting a long time cooking up a plan to but only to fight my way through it but to price it to everyone else.

Now as this plan stated to unfold I got shock after bloody shock as it seemed in every case the lying and misleading was rife and instead of wondering when and how often I would discover it I wondered if I would ever not?! Even in the situations where I did not you would be left scratching your head as to why you was faced with a brick wall at the end if a dead end street and sent home empty handed.

In a new millennium it was literally a case of..

'oh well, I can't do anything for you so I'll just end you home with this problem [many problems] and you can suck it up while we all get paid from your taxes'

As I did was also realising that this was an absolutely inhuman attitude to save money but was actually doing the opposite to this to such a magnitude that I wondered what non prescription drugs they were taking or had they skipped mathematics at school between 5 and 15 years of age?!

On its own... putting off repairing a tool means that tool cannot work for you. As this to still gets insisted on using that repair becomes more and more complicated and therefore costly. Mathematics 101! This is a false economy and any bloody moron can see that! So why would you so it to a tool that can sue you and other tools that can turn into your worst nightmare and despite your size, money and power can return to outwit you, outsmart you and blow you to the four corners of the galaxy from the inside out?!

Fecking tablet!! This damn thing has nearly had it!! I must bloody drop this off to PC World for a big row! Thieving bastards!

Right I have turned it off and on again to see if it gets back to it's normal level of faulty typing and seems to have worked... for now, lol.

Yes so as many already know this blog deals with corruption... many of which you have long since heard in the news. Does not go back to the dates I was publishing details on here though in each and every subject... not even close. Then you have to factor in the dates on the documents I provide which I kept in my long battle to fight and then expose against corruption which go back ten to twenty years.

Now...if your reading this and shocked at what it states you should look further. I was asked in January 2013 by a member of parliament if they could use my data in the house of commons against Iain Duncan-Smith and send bits to the TV and tabloid news media.

I have an ex dentist out there somewhere...he visits this blog, still waiting for me to her a title and a medal?! I burst out laughing when he said this starting you get nothing in this country for being a hero, even when I have battled and exposed most of the public services, most of the electrical goods retailers and added to this the Police and the Secret Services who I am at odds with over their claim as to his they located terror cells in Manchester and Birmingham... you called me a genius on the phone as did the two Merseyside Detectives who then thought it would be easy to lie to me and manipulate me over the phone?!

You do remember you calling me a genius? I do have one of then recorded, the other has...a paper trail...of sorts, lol.

I never had issue with you breaking the law...I did, however, with the reasons why you broke the law and who you did it for. That along with using what I did to try to claim that your betrayal of the British people led to you capturing people you had no idea existed before I contacted you.

Yup..far, far, far worse and widespread than I could ever have possibly imagined! Luckily for me I had already devised a plan to obtain proof via audio evidence. They're was no way I could even utter any of this stuff without being labeled bonkers! Those of you more eagle eye than most will realise that they already attempted this through Doctors? Lol, though they failed to read my medical notes first as this was both impossible as I was already listed as entirely save several times via breakdowns they did not want to help with at the time plus I had been recording them for several years. Though as some of little faith who fecking argued I would get nowhere or nothing recently found out I never told them I was recording them in arguments. I have no idea why they assumed I had told them in arguments?! It'd what I stated so many times before... liars think everyone else lies so they use that to make themselves feel better about lying. Everyone thinks they are sort smart so when someone comes along who is and they can't see how he did it... or worse still stated to people I can't or won't do it or wise still argued with me I won't do it only end up looking fecking stupid and that's not my fault but theirs.

As well as helping myself I decided I could help trends of thousands, then hundreds of thousands and before very long millions of others... so why people would want to run down, belittle, take the piss or claim the opposite to me purely because they don't like me is beyond me... Lol!

I have lost count of the number of times I have stared this but...

This is not neither a contest, promotion nor competition about me or my personality. It was pure and simply about the truth and about everything that is rotten in this country based on my own evidence obtained over a very long period of time, the longer the time the worse it will be.

I also have a unique skill for filtering out the wheat from the chaff on need and rumours on other things outside my own endeavors. So I can give opinions and predictions of what I believe them to be and what will come to fruition.

That is there and absolutely anyone can put me to the challenge.

In fact one of the most disturbing and shocking of all was the BBC paedophile ring and some that were involved that went a fucking long way to explain why everyone was so blaise about it. The report recently regarding the royal family being involved was touching upon the reeling from shock and horror I refer to. Only it was not what I expected if I am honest and not that which is commonly stated around the Internet.
Now I cannot even state that which I believe and how sick to my stomach I feel whenever I see them on TV and the morons interacting with them who are either fecking clueless or could not care less about the reports and links.

It's also worrying as well as revealing that their... status seems to mean that they are not bound by the same laws, investigations and exposure to journalists everyone else is?! Why? They don't fecking do anything despite what they tell you and how it appears, they have done less and less and are having less and less an effect on what that are supposed to do and have done for years.

But people go goo-goo eyed in their presence. My God, I drove the car of the one in the Internet need accusations and everyone at ATS in Camden went goo-goo eyed over the presence of his metallic dark green Land Rover Discovery! Lol.

I digress.

Yes so now, and back on topic, the NHS is under mitre and more scrutiny over the last year or so and will do over the next year. From day one of this blog I have encouraged whistleblowers in every single area I have battled. That would be most of the public services and midst of the electronic retailers and every single ombudsman. Only now it turns out that even here the NHS have been battling against me! Tsk-tsk! Oh dear! Oh deary, deary me! What are we to do?!

What you have here is a failure... no, no I'm bit stealing that line from Cool Hand Luke, lol. No what you have here is an example of my very, very slow snowball effect of me gradually pushing my growing back of white fluff ever closer to the increase in the income of a hill and just edging over that ridge.

I stated to many that the money obtained recently was nowhere near add imprudent to me as the letter they sent me telling me what they intended to do. This was not only an admission but was also an item of a message to the British people and added to this a weapon of mass destruction to the rest of the army of darkness. In fact it's both a weapon and a loud message to each and every one of my other enemies and this had already been delivered!

So the NHS have been bullying whistleblowers? I for one cannot wait to hear about these but like the claims of a certain member of the royal family I worry that the reports will suddenly evaporate?! I cannot but wonder if there were concessions... given prior to ant news reports disappearing beneath the proverbial carpet?

Yes well I am going to make yet another of my predictions and this one should be pottery obvious by now. If these things are not obvious to readers then simmering is wrong. Very wrong. I know this because an extremely naive member of my own family who suffers from delusions of grandeur dues the exact same thing. This stuff affects you!! It might not matter that it dues not directly but you works have to go some way to find someone who knows no one affected by the things I cover! Have you got your priorities in order correctly? Are you sure?! Is it exactly how you think it is or have you been stating one thing for so long that you want it to be that way because you do not want to be wrong?

If I asked people I am sure that 9 out of 10 would day they don't have the time to read, watch, take things on board or that reading stuff like this or even watching the news you find boring, miserable or feel you want to cut your wrists over upon watching?

I have heard them all.

If you don't pay attention, and I don't mean just watching the TV news as this is biased mostly, then you don't just do a disservice to yourself but also to that if everyone around you that you claim you care about.

I know a man who has a series of problems I will get to later in the year and he manufactures the oddest human emotions. He is devoid of feelings midst people take for granted and has to manufacture emotions for his own family... literally from my own observations. He thinks no one realises a whole list of things about this particular Penguin but I am afraid they do and more so than this one could ever positivity realise. In fact I can assure you that it will be quite a show when this one comes to it's inevitable conclusion later in the year!

Their...orations strictly adhere to one line of thinking but every so often something is let slip. Their... actions, however, strictly match the... personality that is allowed every so often to... be allowed to slip. Well the reality is they are both madder and dumber than a bag full of frogs! Though they would argue...quite sternly to, to the contrary!

*sigh* good God yes... that's a whole story that's several bags loaded with frogs and wild cats in together and then some! My word I cannot emphasize that one enough and oddly enough it will not reflect well on the NHS either.

Yup... barely into February 2015, over three months to the election and it's definitely going to be a good year for me and bad one for everyone else.

In here is a little anecdote...

The person mentioned above is a naysayer. Another person I knew started to become a naysayer also. Only when I showed one person my letter regarding the sharp turn around in my PIPs decision he laughed and said

"You know, honestly I doubted everything you was doing, your blogs and battles and thought nothing would come of it..." now laughing he continues.. "Now I have read your letter I realise your going to do everything you said you was going to do and your going to make a lot of money this year!!"
Well...I do have to quote him, well anyone, word for word! Lmao!

But I should note here and now it's not just the NHS!! So with that now in the forefront of your mind who else do you think will be exposed for doing the same bullying of whistleblowers?! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

So these might by the death cries of the Kraken but I still want to know who Kronos is?!
NHS staff afraid to speak out, whistleblower report finds -

Friday, 6 February 2015


Huh, I just mentioned to one it two organisations and am about to mention to yet another that my subjects all manage to get in the news!

Now heading for a three year old blog and with documentation that guys back ten years and even as fat back as twenty something unique is happening and had been happening for some time now!

Dumb-arses, the lot of them. Quite how they got away with their dishonesty, tricks and been generally manipulating and literally using members of the British public escapes me. It really and truly does!

I realised many of the things in my blog many years ago and when I say 'many' years ago I do mean many years ago. I just had to wait for the right plans and the opportunity to prove it.

But I had my handicaps. Many, many handicaps! Disabled with many conditions involving many areas of pain, actually embarrassing hindering social life and... memory loss very frequently and being made homeless with all this while having it deliberately kept from me it's a miracle I got to where I am!

However what I find even more surprising is that no one beat me to achieving all this... I still may get to do something else I planned and designed back in 1996?! Lol! Maybe others I have forgotten?

If someone did come along and beat me to all this I would have been quite happy about this! In actual fact had this occurred way back beyond certain points I would be anywhere from over the moon to jumping with glee! I did wait for it. News program after news program and tabloid after tabloid. Month after month and year after year!

So now imagine that I have been publishing on this blog for 2.5 years plus and I have lost count of the number of things I have revealed have appeared in the TV news!

But then that's the trick and was the plan to having fought so many battles with so many organisations both public and private at the same time.... no one realises. The whole blog is like that of a finger print. Each subject represents a line on a finger print. Lots of subjects of specific subjects means lots of lines.

Now one or two things seeping out would probably not get noticed and even if it did, who would think there was a link?

But with dozens of specific subjects... emails from people in the public eye requesting if they can send data to the press and others I cannot recall and suddenly... it all starts to look very suspect?! Lol!
A bunch of other people also start to look very stupid to the smartest of people and eventually they start to look stupid to everyone.

Once again over confident due to sheer size but needing several lessons in things they simply fall to understand at all even if they appear to and use it add thigh they do?!

Oh dear... you know what this means? Well they are going to look every stupid and then...BAM!! Bloody incompetent!

Many things are run very wrong in this county, the UK if your from elsewhere in the world! I do have prior from everywhere come and visit my blogs, hello, bonjour, privet, konichiwa, Dojeh...ohh no that is Chinese for 'thank you', lol. Damn it I cannot think of several... darn this Fibrofog!!
Hmm worldwide? Did ya think of that?! Dumb-arses! Lol.

NHS complaints investigations inadequate, says review -


Hmm I stabbed out a title I don't like! Lol!

Right now, this is going to be a two parter but should be a short two parter?

Since my involvement with GCHQ and MI5 ended... umm a couple of years back... well around the time of the Olympics in London in 2012. Blimey!! Nearly three years ago now?!

Ahem! Yes back on track... I was surprised to read this report regarding GCHQ actions being find unlawful by the Investigatory Powers Tribunal though I personally do not have a good record with tribunals. I had one once with the IRS who I realised half way home were corrupt, biased and thereafter being paid off by those I was appealing against.

An organization I was appealing against that have now admitted they are wrong, by the way, without actually saying it. They did not have to... their collapse, albeit a few months earlier than expected, and the associated correspondence is admittance and along with NHS recordings I made if several Doctors who then falsified health documents later completely burned by those they feed them to proof that I was correct all along.

I did not need to know that but I live in a country whereby for the last couple of decades your guilty until proven innocent and if your a Doctor or civil servant it matters not that your guilty as their is no punishment and no one at all to enforce it anyway!

*sharp intake of breath*!

Now that is it for now regarding this.. but I did say this was a two parter... now I just wonder... how many of you that read this... will guess why this is a two parter?!

I did state at the very start of all this that if you bid your time, keep on plugging away collecting stuff... keep shtum and your head down while mounting stuff up into an impressive pile you will do OK.

Oddly many thought I would only have an odd thing or two on them and what could it do, many not realising nor remembering what they said to me or in front of me. Oops. Another huge mistake was not thinking, even when being fecking told what I was doing, just how many like them I had already acquired stuff on including recordings and how this works look... collectively?!

And then best of all and better than ask of those of the fact that I have done everyone and still an and made no secret of it once out.

Out of all these superior beings, supreme intellects, people of higher calling or breeding but unable to explain to anyone why they are not one single one could at first be bothered, I knew this, and even when told of the size and entirety of how many I have covered failed to see how this would look collectively online?!

Dumb-arses or what?!

The most hilarious part of this is that I still do it... I am still plugging away because these most evil of people with a whole long list of self delusional visions that they think allows them attitudes that are strictly not allowed to be expressed to them, despite them expressing them, to Joe Public!

Yes us normal inbred folk of extremely low IQs and salaries are bit of the same league and so not of the same rules, laws and morals of these blessed higher beings? Lol.

Lmao! Sorry, I do so enjoy being extremely sarcastic to these moronic and delusional people. I often wonder where the point is reached that they become delusional. Or more accurately start to become delusional?

For me it's the worst thing they can do because as well as finding it highly insulting, hence my anger lol, I see it add a weakness or the whites of their eyes, you could argue.

So you can have a little guess at what is coming in part two. Hmm yes there will probably be a part 3?!

GCHQ censured over sharing of internet surveillance data with US -

Thursday, 5 February 2015


I love the media at times.

Here is a report I have not even read because I already am all too aware of the answer to the question that is in the title of the article.

'Do the Police think they are above the law?'


Like the last post or its amazing how often the answer is obvious though on this occasion I think you could add a large and particular group to that, like the media groups and more specifically... the news media groups!

If you can tell bare faced lies then you think your above the law and if you continue to do this despite the fact you have, one, cameras on your chests and, two, a large majority of the public own smart phones and, three, have looked bloody God damn awful in the eyes of the public your tasked with protecting then you have a very, very really big problem!

The way people conduct themselves can tell you am awful lot about what has not actually been said. Work on this for a long enough length of time and your efforts can be rewarded with some surprising and alarming things. Often after dive a few times a very convincing picture starts to emerge. Throw in someone who had been successful at finding out the must intricate details and you have a constant fueling of your long held suspicions.


Do police believe they are above the law? -


This BBC report and more accurately the photograph used to highlight it underlines something I have thought peculiar for quite sometime.

Also of note, well to me anyway, is how this is... or had never been picked up upon by anyone. Anyone... anywhere. For... years.

Now what I am on about is the get togethers that take place by leaders of countries when the chat is over war, mainly, or human rights that include real suffering or starving.

Now these meetings for me have two things that are more or less a constant about them. Remember, constants and this is important to know before I highlight my long term permanently raised eyebrow over. These are that they first of all take forever to come about, see below, and extremely rarely ever succeed in doing anything!

Now remembering those two things I am referring to the fact that both the leaders of Germany and France, Angela Merkel and President Hollande respectively. Meeting over the Ukraine crisis. Now exactly how long has the Ukraine crisis been going on? I think it's interesting as well as suspicious at how in the beginning Ukraine and it's problems made up ninety percent of the news and yet today does not make anywhere close to ten percent of the news?!

Now here is the thing that had bothered me as well as had an eyebrow almost  permanently raised... despite the horrors that have been going on which are inevitable for a war the leaders always manage to smile like the proverbial Cheshire Cats when the cameras come out?!

Remember I also stated that no one ever send to notice not comment on things like this?

Ukraine crisis: Leaders in new diplomatic push for peace -

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


I have to prepare a letter soon.
It will be a very carefully crafted letter,

Analysis: Why can’t we sue the police for negligence? -



When I read this report on the BBC News App earlier today I leaned back and add a friend was spreading about something I cannot recall my eyes looked to the ceiling and I simply uttered a slow and low "ohhhh yesss! I don't believe it!"

My friend asked me what I had seen and I simply asked if he was aware of the Rotherham paedophile ring and he nodded. I then explained that a report was completed on the council, despite the blockades the staff threw in their way, and that Ed Pickles had just stated in the House of Commons that they concluded that Rotherham Council was not fit for purpose!

He raised an eyebrow and just said "really?"

Once again in the early months of 2015 I get something I expected to but much earlier than anticipated.

The friend I was with is extremely familiar with my own cases, of which there are many, and the battle I have had with several local councils, the unspeakable horrors allowed to go on while bare faced lying and denying that it does and that I have issues with no less than FOUR of them. 

Rotherham not being one of them... but Wirral Council is not far away and they have done exactly the same thing. In fact they knowingly pushed a child in that direction rather than admit to me that they had made a catalogue of mistakes going back twenty years and that I was right and they were wrong.
It seems that this that cast judgement are quite unwilling to face the penalties of being wrong or the punishments of getting it badly wrong. Acting like butter would not melt in their mouths they have spent several years skulking in the shadows hoping to go unnoticed while the front line staff they hired because of their naivety, stupidity or plain jobsworthyness would allow the real guilty people to get others to unwittingly walk the plan while they still utter words like 'protocol', 'legislation' and 'it's the law' like a tree full of African Grey Parrots!


As Wirral is not far from Rotherham and my lot of Muslims were traveling out if the area to meet up with other groups (Manchester and Birmingham being two popular destinations of one). There was somewhere where they picked up a car load of illegal cigarettes and filled up the unregistered car with them to sell them in a shop that the British taxpayer financed. Took my daughter's ATM card from her too and helped themselves to her state benefits!! That went on for a bloody age and God knows how long it was going on before I got told about it?

Yes that was Wirral Council and caused in part by them taking a council place away from my daughter, illegally, and then refused to give it back even though they were told she was being held against her will.

Bad? Oh no siree as the 700 page plus file will show a great deal more and they have caused no end of irreparable damage. Aided by several other local councils that I lived under the staff of which acted like they eye intelligent and if some higher calling when really they were as thick as shit!
Oddly I have only just wondered if any of them have come on here and found this and getting panicky about documents and then thinking "oh it was a long time ago... fifteen or twenty years he won't have the documents with my name on them anymore... surely?!"


I then had a conversation with my friends whereby I stated that though they have ranted on about Rotherham Council only it must occur to enough people including the media that they cannot be the only council to cover things up as regards a paedophile ring? I know of one and covered it on here with audio recordings, documentation, emails and even Police Inaction Reports telling the most fecking stupid lies it is not true.

Like even with a Police number they cannot find out who this aggressive Police Officer is who bruised my daughter's arm?! With the fucking number?! IPCC? As fucking useless as Merseyside Police.

No matter... it's what I expected. I was getting to that stage now where I realised that corruption and lies were under every stone I overturned so started to expect it at every juncture.

I then explained to my friend a couple of things... first that even with no paedophile rings my theory is that 90% of councils have covered up some pretty awfully things for years. I expected many members of the public from each and every council area there is to ask what their local council might have gotten up to and layer covered up? Every area has a number of local newspapers and so stands to reason that a great number of journalists live in each area. If any of them were with their salt and had any intelligence whatsoever they would ask themselves if it was worth investigating?

Too bloody right it is!!

I think that in time, but told my friend I am not sure how long it would take, it will sitar around the country and that the corruption, lies and covering up would reach the London Borough Councils!
It should go this is the obvious next step. I said that I would find it stunning that there were to be no others revealed especially when I have uncovered Wirral Councils unspeakable cover ups and did so long before Rotherham Council but the headlines. Way, way before this! Well it is on here and the documents are on here along with emails and they will all have dates that predate the very first pay off this blog and that was in August 2012. At a guess I would think the year on the dates is... around 2010?

I told my friend that ever since I started my blog that I would be on the lookout for certain...signs.

Some of these would be small and easily overlooked... parts of my stories or a mirror image of something similar found elsewhere as I had encouraged appearing in the media. Other signs would be pretty... well major! Lol!

This announcement and the line that caused me to reel in shock was that the council "was not fit for purpose" and reading that five commissioners were going to go in and take over running things!
Remember... the governing of this country is, when it comes to appearances, smoke and mirrors! This could also be a scapegoat council to bury ask the others. They could well have picked the council whose senior staff were most disliked or the last important, powerful or influential? Things are coming to light that were going on when both of the major parties were in power.

In fact... when I uttered my reaction to this report by the BBC my friend assumed it was a correction of some paedophile stuff to do with a major ring and said simply "Is it Charles?!" to which I said "lol...oooh no mate...but I am certain that will come or this year"

This year of 2015 is already proving to be a bloody good one for... revelations. I have had a feeling fit several months it was going to be an eye opening year for things. I just hope that the British public can keep up and do not miss anything and take it all in?

Also I have compiled a series of reports and letters...hmm think lighting touch-paper, that have gone off to my other... adversaries! Hmm...'adversaries'? That tends to give the impression that they present some level of a challenge? Well, no! The most challenging thing is the inordinate amount of time waiting because the legal industry is full of lying wankers who would rather tell you that you have not got a case, breaking the law then, than be honest and tell you they are shit... but are somehow still making money?! Or perhaps that should read '...was making money'?

It's funny how these things are gotten away with by these groups and organisations when the prevention of this is so easily dealt with?

A shame that so much damage had been done by these local governments to their own areas and public! I just hope that when they are running around each local government looking for anything despicably depraved that there are at least some local councils that have not got up to no good?!
I very much want to see where this will lead and for me is the first sign that the rot can be cut out of society and that forever more no moron would ever think about doing anything like this ever again?! Plus godly the front line staff have pulled their heads back out of their own backsides and learnt never to be used as patsies ever again? For some it will prove to be far too late, for others though they may escape the pointy finger of blame?

I will have to try and find out when the legal case is expected to conclude!! Maybe then I can announce a rough date that the revelations of the latest victim will come to light?

Edited as ever, of course.

Government in Rotherham Council takeover after abuse inquiry -