Tuesday 19 December 2017


OK I have decided that after another bad night I have had enough.

I have either had three flu viruses over the last eight weeks or so or I have had the same virus with a couple of days break here and there before it comes storming back again?!

I am not one to go in anywhere when I have flu but this is ridiculous.

One of the kids has had something wrong and this may have been affecting her a couple of weeks? So much going on hard to keep track.

Anyway I a going to ring someone .. here in this strange land and see what they say, just it sure if it will be GP Surgery or '111' just yet.

I also checked online as I did not think that contracting three viruses in quick succession or having one that lasts 8 weeks is even possible.

Then I discovered something they are calling 'Aussie Flu' and they have been worried that it would come here and that one seems to linger.

Odd that there was a report of someone dying from it because it has felt like that a few mornings now but then it abates a little during the day.

Oh and I a in strange land, do not know the area or places .. or at least very few of them, have bad motion sickness and this damned anxiety .. God help me!

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