Tuesday 19 December 2017


Well I have done the saddest story recently .. though I have no doubts there will be more and a lot worse besides.

Now how about being tagged in something I have called 'The Sickest Story'? Hmm the more I think about that title the more I do not like it.

Now remember before I give the few brief details that I do .. and give my honest opinion as I always do .. remember that this is in a local paper for this area and I probably would not have heard about it unless I had moved here as I did.

First off .. we get a call from the Police. It seems some new accusations have been made from the man now frustrated that he does not talk to the wife and family he threatened any more. Well at least he hasn't much .. but a couple of phone-calls a few minutes ago with no one talking sounds like him.

He always insisted in speaking to me and I had to grit my teeth and by pleasant to him. Yet I got named in some accusation a few weeks ago. Do not remember what the accusation was because I do not really care.

So .. this sick story then?

The benefit cuts force an incontinent cancer patient to re-use baby nappies?!

The poor lad in question lives in the Wirral so right here in my .. borough, if you can call it that, and was too ashamed to ask a local charity for new ones.

The world can see this.

The world can red my page .. they can read the page of the link I provide below too.

Are the people running this country that bloody stupid and naive?

But the important question I ask myself is this ..

.. will this story feature in the mainstream TV news?!

Will it even make the national tabloids? Maybe, because no one buys the damn things any more, or according to them they don't.

Surely there must be a feeling of utter shame among the politicians and others that run the country? I dare say not the Puppeteers, that is for sure.

What annoys me is that they probably tell themselves and others that they are doing this for the good of the country which is absolute bull. The country is its people and therefore you are committing crimes against your own country.

In my book .. that is treason.


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