Friday 1 December 2017


Well I have mentioned Calum's List several times over the last couple of years since I first was told about it.

It is a ever growing list of the number of dead people as a result of what the DWP have been doing since around 2011.

That is 2011 .. twenty, eleven.

The list was already damned long when I first saw it and God knows how long it is now.

Now personally I have been trying to get a solicitor via no-win-no-fee, through any one of a dozen advice agencies and rights groups or even pro-bono for several years. To no avail.

Upholding legal rights cost money, so it has appeared for over ten years now.

I am still trying and I have a number of people to contact.

Well I just discovered that he has a Facebook page and added to this they want to issue court action against the DWP.

They are asking for anyone who has lost a family member or friend that they deem is a direct result of the actions of the DWP.

I have now attempted to join the group and will be giving them details of what I have been through previously and what someone .. others and I are going through now and how they stabbed me in the back to boot.

I will also be making them .. privy .. to some exclusive other details.

Just remember this started when Tony Blair was in power and as guilty as Theresa May is .. she is not ultimately responsible and to sop this for good we need to find out exactly who is?

For now if your interested ..

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