Friday 27 July 2018



.. of their haeds .. fortunately not with all of them.


Now this post was going to be one thing when I spotted the headline in the link below.

But then I started reading it and the content of this post has a bit of a .. shift.

It's to do with a reboot if the film Charlie's Angels.

Now for those that don't know it was a kick-arse series back in the seventies I watched as a kid.  It revolves around three kick-arse detective women and I loved it.

As I was reading the article I was reminded about other characters in films that had been popular for sixty years that were being turned into something else for the sake of diversity. I have complained about this, stated it won't go down well and said why this is wrong.

It's wrong, don't bother getting out of your pram over it, it's wrong all day long.

As I read the article I thought that if I read that they were changing the three detective women in Charlie's Angels into three men two things would happen ..

Many women, LGBT and hard left people would be to in arms about it, though when this works the other way around it's OK apparently.

The other thing that would happen is that I myself works be to in arms about it. Because they were women. You cant change the formula.

You .. can't .. change .. the .. formula.

You wouldn't change a Souffle recipe and expect it to be the same, would you? Unless your a complete idiot.

Films, TV, story books .. they are all recipes to an extent. If they are popular it's because of its recipe.
But we all expected to eat food that taste like shit and state it taste great. No. If your in a restaurant do you know what most do if the food is shit? They don't eat there again. Why this is so hard to figure out I don't know. They don't then later get letters through their doors or emails accusing then of being Nazis.

Anyway I was interested in a reboot but as I was reading I realised there was something they could change. But I'd barely thought about it and I came across something they have already changed.
Bosely is now a woman. The only make character in the Charlie's Angels franchise that you see was a man and his is a woman?!

Oddly enough of just watched a reaction video yesterday of a film coming out that had two women in it. They recognised a child actor from the film 'IT' by Steven King. One actually complained there was only one girl in the film?! Yeah that's how it was .. ORIGINALLY!!

I couldn't believe this .. right after seeing this film I'm seeing the only make character, other than a voice from a speaker, in a franchise being erased. Unbelievable.

Well the women, not all admittedly, LBGT and hard left complain about that? No .. they fecking won't and will probably rejoice.

It's like Doctor Who. The one and only thing that the BBC has done in the last two decades that's been any good and they go and ruin it by changing things that make no sense and insisting that if you venture out into space now the universe works according to their ideals .. everywhere.

I'm willing to bet that many scientists with their salt probably hear this and do a facepalm?! I know it to be true.

Well here's the easy way of proving you wrong ..

For billions of years that life has evolved on Earth it's worked under a strict set of guidelines.

Procreation by way of male and female, asexual normally seen in plants and cell division in smaller scales. Might be others I can't think of right now.

Sorry but it still works like this today and people being confused at what or who they are is just a quirk.

Without technology and medicine and if everyone was anything but heterosexual mankind would not last long. Because something was obviously going wrong.

Species have give extinct for eons and because something, somewhere had gone wrong. Climate, availability of water, meteor/comet strike, continental shift and the list goes on.

Now myself personally .. I envy these people that are different because in my eyes they get everything and most importantly they get .. help.

I do not nor never have had any help from anyone. Not like I've got a criminal record or anything because I don't. Nada, bought, zero, zilch! But I've been persecuted for twenty years plus and spent years wondering why?

I'm also a big fan of transhumanism and given the chance I'd fecking do it!!

Because I'd get the chance to rid myself of two things .. the suffering along with the faults we have as human beings.

Did you read that? The faults we have as human beings?!

Yeah because we all have faults but what I keep hearing from two large groups is that everyone else is perfect .. unless your a straight white male in which case your evil. Which is the one and only single explanation I've ever come across to explain why I've been treated like I have!

As I said it started 23 or so years ago and I was nite or less told I was in the wrong because I was .. a man. I was totally blown away by this and I argued my case. I never got very far .. despite pointing out the faults in the argument and the possible consequences. Bad .. consequences.

Twenty three years later and do you know what I can do today?

I can prove that not only was a correct but t consequences were far, far worse than I predicted.
Do you know what I found out?

The local authority involved have been attending twenty years trying to cover it up.

They have even been trying to perform a character assassination on the person they claimed they were protecting 23 years ago.

One that sometimes now wishes they were dead!

If your a lefty and still enraged I'm afraid I'm about to burst your bubble because ..

I'm talking about a very young girl who has since become raped many times and has cervical cancer as a result.

Two children while under age. Two!

Bits of the story featured in two magazines and the rest of it buried or ignored by everyone.

Character assassination going on while they have cancer along with other serious health conditions.

Just so that authorities can virtue signal to avert any blame, cover up or others don't realise that they left this person to suffer and now die.

No help whatsoever.

And that's what annoys me most.

These people are all two faces hypocrites. They are not at all that which they claim.

They merely do these things to make themselves look nice .. human even or to hide something else going on.

So what has this terrible single, straight, white male done? I will tell you ..

  • No criminal record
  • Saved the lives of people
  • Saved the lives of countless animals .. literally
  • Did A Degree
  • Stupidly turned down a Doctorate
  • Nearly became a bloody spy but now glad I did not
  • Nearly worked for the Ministry of Defence but now glad I did not
  • Polite to everyone
  • Always wave and thank people in vehicles that stop to let me cross the road
  • Help others when I can
  • Never been charged with a criminal offence
  • Never stolen anything
  • Tried to go into business partnerships that did not work out
  • Tried to go into business on my own but was stabbed in the back by the government
  • Have several disabilities for well over a decade
  • Been ignored by everyone
  • Been lied to by everyone
  • Despite asking all help agencies not had any help from any of them, though Age UK remains to be seen
  • Spent six years working my butt off on a dozen blogs and a YouTube channel
  • Spent those six years helping others or just educating others in different subjects
  • Had my money frozen just prior to my first ever payment
  • Had to goal posts moved on me
  • Lost £20,000 plus due to agreements being pulled and lack of help and support
  • Never been banned online, despite getting into disagreements I am always courteous, even when I am getting mad
  • Never insulted anyone or told the to killed themselves or dread dead
  • Listen to all sides of political arguments, though moron leftists like to claim your hard right-wing if you listen to someone who is right-wing or even centre .. no it does not work like that!
  • Despite suffering literal torture I have not raised my voice at anyone nor physically attacked anyone .. YET!
  • Deflected several attempts of my own character assassination attempts and false accusations .. like I am insane, mad and even violent .. no .. just, no. That was never going to fly.
So you must see that list .. realise I have not done anything worthy of this treatment that has continued for like twenty years plus and cannot be surprised that I am both disillusioned and angry?

If you are not and still claiming to be a socialist then your lying to yourself and not a socialist.

I have also found it funny that there has been a lot of talk about Jeremy Corbyn in the UK and a row over anti-semitism in the Labour Party. People that follow me are vehemently defending him on Twitter and I think to myself every time I see it what a waste of time defending him is. He was leader for five minutes when he went somewhere that, when I saw, I knew he would not become Prime Minster because of this and he did not.

Sargon of Akkad recently stated that he though Theresa May had just guaranteed Jeremy Corbyn getting in number 10 at the next election. I do not agree..

Better the devil you know!

I personally vote for ANY of the three main parties. Not Corbyn, not Blair even if he was to come back and not May. Not the Liberal Democrats either!

All are lying cheating scumbags obsessed with themselves and power and not at all interested in the country itself .. or more importantly the people in it suffering and dying.

No one can tell me that they are because I have seen plenty of proof and lack of action that prove they are not. You cannot disprove .. proof. I just wont listen.

Plus Corbyn likes to pander to the people that have made my life a living, suffering nightmare so I think he will only make this worse and I would go through some deep thought about taking my own life should he ever get in. As I do this already. Things getting worse than they are now? 

Not .. acceptable!

So I might state some things that certain demographics do not like but it is just the truth.

I have never performed any kind of act on anyone else or treated anyone any differently based on age, sexual preference or sex, even gays. So I fid it really offensive reading the things I have done by evil people claiming to be social people of peace. Yeah I have had years of this now and the suffering and pain that goes with it with these people and yeah .. I am going to say things they do not like.

A good job I am not the same as you and part of a larger group, eh? Because I do not think you would like it one bit if you was treated in the same manner you have treated everyone else while claiming to be peaceful and socialist? Guaranteed you would be screaming blue murder if the tables ever get turned on you.

But the country and the world is full of people that think they are right and have wrong opinions on things they have had no immediate experience in at all. The country is full or morons like that as is the world.

It is just that the waking up, for me, is not happening fast enough.

Neither is transhumanism .. tough I often get upset that even if they were to try it I would never get the chance anyway?!

The Charlie’s Angels Reboot Cast Has Been Confirmed

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