Saturday 21 July 2018


You know I just don't get things sometimes.

There are things I've never, ever understood.

One of these is the subject of politics which I've always hated and yet I got dragged into years ago and have talked about ever since.

I still fecking hate it!

While it wasn't having an extreme adverse effect on my life or anyone close to me I preferred to stay out of it.

Years ago when I did though people were ashtray stating that people in politics were liars. But this was worryingly accepted. I think because they thought it was just a few at the time. Before long it was joked that it was the entire Conservative Party, though I suspect that others thought this to be true?

After Tony Blair it seems to be accepted it's now almost everyone, if not all?

My daughter, myself and others that I know have not only been kicked in the teeth bit have had this repeatedly and for years. From all the p services. Bar the rescue services.

In these instances not only are you left to suffer mentally, physically or both your whipped to do things that would aggravate your conditions.

In doing all this what effectively is taking place is a whole bunch of organisations and government who are known to tell the most awful lies latch onto something you did to make you look like a criminal. Creating sight about your character to justify their inhumane treatment of you.

I call the main three 'the evil trinity' and I have done on this blog for years.

They have never ceased to amaze me at how far they would go.

While all this was going on and ignored by the mainstream media, not just my family but millions of others too, I have seen some crazy shit.

A mainstream media ignoring mass murder, persecution and prejudice, because that's what it is, but cover stories about peoples feelings getting hurt over something being said somewhere.

Something being said.

I noticed this years ago and was experiencing it to much condition from people such as Doctors.

Very, very literally lying to you, fobbing you off and not sticking to their Hippocratic oath of OK but a patient pushed too far, getting angry a raising their voice?

Yeah I wasn't even that loud a yet I was treated as if I was a serial killer. Literally and was kicked off a couple of practices over this.

This on not because I thought I was being lied to and it was not that I imagined I was being lied to but because I knew I was being lied to.

I don't get any over things I'm not sure about and I certainly don't imagine things. They tried the latter .. they failed.

But in politics the thing I hate is all this talk about right and left.

So if your on the far right you have to believe and sick with a number of principles and narratives? Why?

I presume of your on the far right you have to stick with a different set of principles and narratives? Again, why?

So do you get kicked out of you explain there are one or two you don't agree with? Why? Where do those people then go?

In all honesty I know nothing about the far right and what they stand for ..

I had it drummed into my head for years that they were evil and racist.

I got the impression that you would get no out of work benefits, disability benefits and would be left to basically die. I didn't agree with that so could never have considered myself right wing.

This is because someone in my family is a communist and socialist. But I never agreed with that either.

Always seemed to be that never end world work.

Today, however, I seem to know a hell of a lot more about the left than I ever did about the right. 

Only because they have come out with bizarre, crazy and evil things while screaming their voices making them look like they have self-entitlitis.

One minute their defending each other and celebrities are queuing up to speak for them, defend them and agree with them. The next thing they are turning on each other.

Like spoilt children give them too much of what they want and they demand more and more.

I simply don't get it.

Does it mean nothing to be adult anymore? Do all adults now behave like spoilt children? If so, why?
Is this something to do with they way we changed parenting over the years? Many seem to think so.
They certainly have no idea how wrong they are even in the mainstream media. How do they not see this?!

How does someone like Owen Jones not see that his childish behaviour and storming off Sky News not see that this won't be seen as anything else other than childish? If there was ever a case of a child being treated too softly and this continuing on into adulthood he is a prime candidate.

Why is it also that only those on the far left behave like this?

Going back into the parenthood aspect .. hour the actual fuck does he think that behaving like this is going to get him anywhere?! He's not at home with mummy and daddy now. You cant storm off to your room waiting for others to give into you.

And yet Own Jones is interviewed a lot, talks in TV a lot and does speak at protests. Guarantee he was there to protest Trump and Brexit.

Oh don't get me started on fecking Brexit I still see people on Twitter harping on about it ..

We voted to leave the EU .. not half leave, not leave a little bit but .. LEAVE!

You also can't ask for another vote and of you got one I guarantee it will go against remainers because the EU looks worse than ever and navy remainers believe in democracy.

Added to that many remainers also wanted the exact same two things leavers wanted.

All other European nations have a population rising in their hatred of the EU and that's not going to slow down.

Sweden have not had an outright popular party in decades and yet they now have one that are nationalist, don't like the EU and are at 36% in opinion polls when normally hardly anyone had gotten above 20% and that's bloody Sweden!

Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland and others all previously give the same way.

Macron's popularity in France is dropping even after France win the world cup in football.

I hate to say it but the writing is on the wall.

Yet they are still harping on about leaving the EU?! I don't get it.

Everyone almost everywhere seems preoccupied with something or other and as I write on important subjects it's hard to keep up as well as keep track.

There honestly hasn't been a time like this previously in history.

Some might state world war 2 but at least then the people of each nation treated each other OK .. of the same nationality that is.

It's not like that today and all I've ever received is people or organisations that hear about me or meet me admit that my life is utterly horrific as are my health conditions.

My daughter gets the exact same thing about hers and yet .. nothing is done. No help is offered by anyone. Quite the opposite on occasion.

In fact just yesterday and after being promised help .. along the lines of being offered a magic carpet that was then pulled out from under us at the eleventh hour she said ..

"Dad. No one's going to help either of us, are they??" I had the question and I had to say .. "No. It certainly doesn't look like that"

She then said that as I was the only one that ever helped her she wanted to try and at least help me. I said, no!

Yeah .. so I hate politics and I don't understand people who cry and scream over hurt feelings ..
.. sorry but you have no idea what true hardship and pain really is.

That pain lies within the pages of this blog .. which I have spent nearly six years typing out.

In comparison to what has happened to my daughter, myself and five children .. let me tell you .. you would have to look long and hard to find something that compares to us.

Several ailments with a high potential to kill .. suffering .. mental anguish and pain to a degree most do not understand, shocks a great many and those that do not know us simply do not believe.

That does not even include the fact that one is homeless .. one is threatened with homelessness and .. cancer is also included and we know not what will happen over this.

To think that the worst could happen as far as the cancer is concerned after a period of being treated in such inhumane ways?

Well I can tell you that down the line the history books will talk of it. The treatment, prejudice and lies and tricks we have had towards us.

Personally and after all that has been done to us .. I would like to see the biggest institutions decommissioned.

This will not be that difficult to achieve had 90% of the news media not shied or literally run away from us.

We had a tokenism gesture put to us when only two parts, published separately, were published with the other two dozen were ignored. Despite promises being made to the contrary.

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