Thursday 19 July 2018



I seems what I was told is true .. though still fewer than I was told at three in number but more than the one in number the BBC reported?!

OK so before I get into this I've been wondering for a very, very long time where all the money has been going?

Things have been allowed to get way it of hand, allowing individuals to get greedy over their private wealth and not even considering their own family.

All the time the only ones to benefit from this is the government. Which is weird because they always claim to have no money. Or in one idiots case .. no fecking "no magic money tree" though they all get fecking paid OK to say "no" or not carry out their promises.

I'm also a scientist and highly knowledgeable on many fields, as many that know me would attest to. I'm also pretty wide too but just no fecking good when it comes to my own life. Though it's screwed up too many times to be all me I now realise.

So I've known since a kid that mankind had not only been walking into treacherous times of its own making, no help from me, but we have also been living on borrowed time.

Even as a kid I realised that space is a very big place and there is a hell of a lot of stuff going on within in. I even have a blog about this subject.

Much of this stuff is extreme .. from near absolute zero in temperature to millions of degrees and then there are things like gravity, which will still don't fully understand, and magnetic fields.

This is without getting into high energy cosmic rays and keys leave alone quantum mechanics.

What might seem the most serene of what goes on it in the vast vacuum of space are the asteroids, meteors and comets that to our view appear to be serenely sailing through the cosmos?

Except they are not and time and speed are relative. A car traveling at 200mph or more might seem lightning quick if it passes within a few feet of you. Viewed from several hundred metres away it would appear to be moving a lot slower.

Now think about that asteroid or comet that's hundreds of thousands or even millions of miles away?
Yeah if it was hitting Earth it will no longer appear to be going quite so slow any more!

Then it was realised that there were a lot of rocks floating about it there. From taking out a road to a small town to a large city and beyond to a whole country or the entire planet.

As smaller and smaller rocks were being detected further and further away someone realised that the Earth had as many craters in it that our moon does on its surface. Something that had probably puzzled astronomers and physicists for years.

Then they realised ..

We are on borrowed time.

Then came the announcements that appeared to pop up every year or two .. 'Asteroid passing close but don't worry it wont hit us!'

To my shock I was amazed at the lackadaisically like attitude of governments ..

Maybe the governments involved are just made up of religious fruit loops that think God is in control of everything?

I had lived a long life waiting for the day we stop this naive attitude and instead I live in a world and a country where this seems to be encouraged. At every step and the more radical the more it is encouraged.

Probably all to just win brownie points among their peers and not a wider audience?

Of course anyone intelligent knows and often depicted in films .. they wouldn't tell you if they knew a global catastrophe was coming.

Like in the Roland Emmerich movie 2012 though they would secretly build ships and rid would take a lot of money.

In that film it was regarding continental shift as theorised by Albert Einstein many, many years ago.
In the film The Core it was a flipping of the magnetic North pole, told you about magnetic fields and this is just a weak one.

In San Andreas it was regarding a large earthquake.

In Armageddon and Sudden Impact it was regarding an asteroid strike.

I'm not going to even go into global pandemics of a flu based virus or anything else like Ebola.

This is without even thinking about it, oh Super Volcano, and coming up with a longer list.

Oddly you could probably add civil war to that list.

Any of these would have the powers that be running for the proverbial hills!

Then and just as I questioned at the time you started hearing about a science project to store all the seeds of food plants. On an island called Svalbard in Norway.

I later heard something about one existing in Greenland but could never confirm that. If true they kept it quiet as I can't find it.

Maybe they think that public knowledge of a second one might have people asking questions? One storing seeds for European rich and the other for the Americas? Is there one in Asia too, I wonder?
But that would not cost a lot of money. Not much at all in fact, but .. it does take time.

The argument for another one existing goes way up if I ask .. what if the asteroid strikes Svalbard? What if continental shift destroys Svalbard?

I will tell you what would cost a lot of money ..


I noticed a few days back of a report that they are going to build a spaceport in .. umm .. Scotland?!

Ooh yeah I was excited about this and hope I live long enough to get to see it .. but .. Scotland? OooK.

I didn't write anything about this at the time and the following day I was asked by my daughter ..

"They are up to something. Something is going to happen .. have you heard about the spaceports?!"
I days that I heard about the one in Scotland and thought that as she was plural age had either made a mistake or one is being built somewhere else in Europe? But .. no.

She told me there were going to be four or five in Britain and she was confused when I told her I only knew about the one in Scotland. I looked it up and still they were only reporting on that one location.
She says "they are building one of Snowdonia!" and I said "What?! No way, that's a national park!" Unless it's not going to be a national park for much longer?

She mentioned Cornwall too and I thought she must be mistaken? But .. no.

Today I remembered what she said and I looked it up and sure enough I find it reported on the three locations she mentioned.

You see that's the thing with space and it's rocks as the distances are huge. It's fully possible that they could predict an asteroid strike ten to twenty years before it hits. That's ten to twenty years and maybe more to build shit.

So first seed storage banks of which they are only talking about one of them.

Now spaceports?!

The idiots are writing that these are for satellites .. and ask I have to say is are all you science writers complete idiots?!

They are trying to get rid of the junk to there already and you think that three to five spaceports in the UK alone are for satellites?!

The world running out of big open spaces that they have to use this tiny island of the UK?!

Not wanting to sound like a bad take on Gordon Brown .. get real people!

Now even if they said that it was for commercial rights into space. Because they either now have the technology or will have in a few years I'd buy that. There's been enough private investment involved to warrant this. Except they didn't say that.

Also I would not buy this anyway. I mean THREE spaceports?!

One in Scotland .. one in Wales and one in England that I know about.

I also realised they are all in remote areas where it's possible to block the roads, slow people down while any passengers sky over the top in their helicopters and aircraft. That's .. convenient, don't you think?

But that's just me as I look for the conveniences along with the possibilities.

I don't know for sure what's going on or what's going to happen. Just theorising on the possibilities of actions being decided upon now.

I'd suggest if they start announcing similar ports in France, Spain, Italy, Germany and Russia I'd start getting a bit more concerned.

  • But the facts are these ..
  • Something will strike one day and ..
  • They won't tell you about it and ..
  • Money will go missing and ..
  • They will make arrangements in secret

Spaceports are a bit harder to hide than the submarines in the 2012 film. So better to come to with an excuse, albeit a bloody lame one, to build them.

Ooh Jesus?!

I went to send my daughter the link when I mistakenly sent her another news report I'd forgotten about..

This was NASA starting they intend or could have people living in the moon in as little as eight years. Eight years.

What the actual fuck?!

I had only previously read this story and failed to remember it and their thread the obvious link between them.

Spaceports and now living in the moon?

What better way to avoid a global catastrophe on Earth than to live in the moon?

Better still is that we always see the same side or face of the moon meaning that any collisions grin any other asteroids are more likely to guy the other opposite side these days.

In fact the only record of any big impact goes back many hundreds of years to like the eleventh, twelfth of thirteenth century, was witnessed by some Abbots or monks and right to be something to do with God? Yeah ever we know there's a big crater on the far side of the moon which is likely the impact they saw?

Perhaps in the solar system's early history where there were millions of rocks and I've floating about you could get stuck anywhere? Maybe back then to moon's rotation was different and either a single impact our a series or quick impacts from a group altered this?

It still stands that you would want to live in the side of the moon that faces Earth than the opposite side.

Scratch that. Make that seven spaceports in the UK?!

As I suspected a second one in England.

But apparently the report talks about 'horizontal spaceports'?! One near Glasgow I do recall. Hmm built up area? Underground link? No that works be going far too far. Way to expensive to have an underground link over those distances.

How would you stop your public from realising though?

Oh well you could maybe talk about a third world war with Russia? Maybe with North Korea which is not realistic. Maybe China?

None of these are likely to work with most people so what else could you do?

Well get people in the political feels as well as the emotional feels ..

Turn factions against one another like the left and the right in politics.

Turn races or religions against one another .. let a load in that you know so not integrate .. while they foolishly believe they are doing God's work their complete annihilation secretly speeds towards them.
You could keep harping on about a surprise President?

Basically keep people's rage and fury going strong and keep this to for years and then think of something else.

I can see the very next one that comes in the UK with Theresa May going out and Jeremy Corbyn getting in.

Within no time at all YouTube and other sites will be awash after realising that the biased attitudes that exist in the UK become worse. That's when a civil war is likely to go down in the UK.

If the Tories don't bring it about then Jeremy Corbyn will speed it up and usher it in.

Yeah your not going to be noticing very much in a civil war, are you now?

There's a surprising amount of talk regarding a civil war in America.

There's talk of it around Europe too.

Most of the things I hear being talked about, see too, have the potential to keep everyone distracted for well over five years and likely mute than ten.

A series of things is the reason it could go on a long time and if it's engineered it would be pure genius were it not for its depths of evil.

If something is coming then it's destiny. But it would seem someone's planning to fly away from said destiny.

Yeah .. and they'll all be the perfect fecking candidates to continue the human race.
In which case and as a species .. we're fecked!

UK Spaceports ..

Living on the Moon in eight to ten years ..

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