Wednesday 9 October 2013


The mind is a strange beast and plays the most awful tricks on you with the intention of bizarrely causing self harm to one#s heart and soul.

After having a series of dreams consisting of one old flame, one unknown flame I have now had yet another one consisting of a familiar face once again but of more recent times. In fact it gets somewhat more intriguing as this face was not only more recent, well a couple of years back, but someone that was NOT an old flame but I became aware that she had a soft spot for me.

I have not seen much of her in several years instead of a very brief interlude where we simply said hello to each other. I never see her at all around town and that time that I did see her was probably the first time in around three years?!

But just last night I had this dream with the most intense feelings of all and it was she that was the object of my all consuming feelings of love. There was even brushes, literally, of intimacy too that would entwine the heightened feeling of arousal with those of intense and burning love that continued apace until I awoke with my heart racing like that of a sprinting stallion and other bodily functions going completely haywire!

My face must have been quite the picture with the frowning and shock along with surprise that must have been plain to see!

I had little time to ponder the latest dream nor have I at the time of typing as I had to leave the house to help a friend in his store for a couple of hours while he was off sorting out someone's pond. Now that I think about it, it IS quite puzzling as I very rarely have dreams like this and maybe the odd one every few years. This has gone quite mad of late and I know not why as there has been no love interest in my life and not even that of a passing interest. The spiritualist in me wonders whether I am picking up on something about to happen to me while the scientist side tells me that it is nothing. But then I remind myself of my age old theory of the Universe infinitely repeating itself with tiny alterations and that the seeing of the future is possible, and ONLY SO, if we are receiving flash images or feelings of the past?!

God I do hope it is the latter and that these feelings that have been re-awoken in my dreams are to become more the norm in the not too distant future?! Ooooooooooooh BOY!

Well in recent years I have often wondered if it was at all possible for me to ever love again as it has been that long since I last experienced the feeling! But these recent weeks have shown me without a doubt that not only am I capable of still feeling love but that the feelings I experienced are so strong that it felt like electricity coursing through my veins and fibers and brought about a feeling so wondrous in nature that I was heart-broken that it turned out to be merely a dream.

Later in the morning there was a woman in the store I had not seen before. I was chatting about something and she turned and looked at me. When dealing with her she looked at me several times too. As she was leaving she showed in interest in the Fire Salamanders and when she left I realized that as she was speaking tom someone else she had kept glancing at me.

Now this has happened before to the point whereby my friends and people in the store at the time were convinced I would be dating in no time but nothing actually developed from it, much to everyone's shock. That crossed my mind of what had gone on previously and that maybe the dreams WERE a sign but then thought NO!!

Maybe in time it will show itself to be whatever it is? Most likely is that they will just cease to occur and it will be nothing more than my mind and body pining for feelings absent for so very long. I am sure the devoted hoards of spiritualists will read much more into it while more matter of fact individuals will see nothing much in it at all.

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