Thursday 10 October 2013


Right I will now place up a couple of screen-shots showing a number of oddities!
I will show you three screenshots. The first is of the LAYOUT of my Corruption blog while the second is the LAYOUT of my corruption blog (or the blog design section) but AFTER I have clicked on the feedback button in the bottom right corner! You will note that there are a number of whit blocks that appear that state 'Adsense' on them that was not there in the first picture?!?!
The final screen-shot is that of my Adsense Account screen with the totals many of which have hardly moved in two or three months, IF they have moved at all. Note how the MONEY is moving at a tenth or less the speed it did when I had only had around 5,000 visitors.
Also note that it states my page visitors total only 13,000 when the Blogger Account states around 50,000 give or take.
It is stupid. amateurish, wrong, immoral and there should be sever punishment that includes a prison sentence for this kind of behavior in my opinion.
Funny how Android and Apps get updated every bloody five minutes to drive you up the wall, while badgering and bashing you into where they want you, lol.

hould add that ever single one of my 13 blogger blogs does the exact same thing.

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