Thursday 10 October 2013


By a very strange quirk of fate and me venturing along a local path that I did not know existed I manage to acquire into my possession that of a very interesting electronic device!

Two friends have already been show what I have and could not quite believe what they see before them in my hand! Haha!

I was in some pain with my Plantar fasciitis and was heading for that Pain Support Group that had itself some of its own surprises in store for me, see the next post. I had reached a level crossing but was thwarted in my journey by a gate that refused to swing open. A chap behind me stated that there must be a train coming and that the gates automatically lock. I thought it strange as if you venture two miles north into Cheshunt the gates I use regularly to get into Lea Valley Park do NOT lock. He stated that there was another way before venturing of down an alleyway and after checking the time I decided that with only twelve minutes I had better follow him.

As I walked into the small Close on the other side of the short alley I wondered if this was not going to add too much time to the journey as I knew this Close due to my bike but other than the very nice houses located there I did not recall any other way to get across the railway line. I could see the man who had spoken to me reaching the wall to an even bigger house at the far end and to my surprise he turned to the left when I was expecting him to turn to the right.

I followed and as I did so I spotted something on the path but close to the right edge. At first it did not register and then I thought 'That looks like one of those streetlight Wifi antennas that everyone has been talking about?' But I noticed the protuberance from the housing looked flatten laterally and decided it could not be one and what were the possibilities of me of all people managing to find one.

Bit it WAS ONE!!!

As I was between some very picturesque and expensive houses I had wondered if the residents of them had themselves thought as so many others have done and thought it linked to a camera to spy on the public? Maybe they took matters into their own hands and somehow knocked said device off the light? As I have previously stated I know not if these things are linked to any cameras. But the official reason for them is utterly ridiculous, the council cannot be that naive and wasteful surely?! Added to this those that were affixing them to the street lights lied when asked what they were doing! Their answer was "we are cleaning the light housings" despite then being watched and them NOT doing that nor having any cleaning materials or liquids about their persons nor on their vehicles!


Here are some pics and I will do a Johnny FIVE on the device to check out any microprocessors and/or circuitry and of course I will check out any microchips I fond, to ascertain what they DO, and provide pictures...IF I EVER MAKE THE TIME?!

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