Tuesday 8 October 2013


The subject of Doctor David Kelly being found dead with the official story if him taking his own life has resurfaced.

There was also the theory that he was actually murdered with some pointing the finger at MI6.

Dr David Kelly was the one man on my mind when I set out to do what I did. Even a boffin friend reminded me about Dr David Kelly while we chatted over a lunch in a local pub. I stated that the incident was foremost in my mind and that when I put all my plans in motion I made preparations for any unforeseen events taking place.

After all I did this for my family, myself as we'll as all the decent and honest people out there. Maybe a majority are not decent or honest but at least I may help any that meet the criteria that visit here and read my posts and listen to the audio evidence?

At least I am trying.

Whatever the truth is behind David Kelly I had to keep in mind that it was a real possibility for me. After all I recorded a great deal of people belonging to a wide expanse and variety of both public and private organisations and made it all accessible on here.

Added to that using a whole network of different cloud services in different countries all proved to be a wise choice too!

Unfortunately the term 'Conspiracy Theorist' is now used, to the governments glee, as a term to mean someone has serious mental health issues! But it purely means someone with a theory and no different to anyone within the world of science with their own theory! They are sometimes proved to be way off but no one says that they are bonkers.

When I set out to do what I did I myself did not want to be labelled a conspiracy theorist and is one of the main reasons that I recorded all that I met. I know not about the legalities of what I did and I did not care! As far as I was concerned and despite Margaret Hodges labels of 'evil companies' to those concerned any law that made my actions illegal only existed to allow evil, lying and amoral people to prosper! End of!

So I did not care either way and I started as I meant to go on. Predicting successes for the different goals I set out also proved problematic and extremely bizarre.

It is also  reasonable to state that you cannot call anyone a 'Conspiracy Theorist' even with the associated insinuations to it unless they have been proved wrong more than three times and that this equates to at least 90% of the time over their claimed theories!

I myself could not nor did I have any intention of going about looking for these theories and start stating they were facts. This no matter how obvious it looks too.

I find it strange and worrying that this attitude with the use of the term can be used my people lacking in intellect and against Members of Parliament! The likelihood is just an attempt to muddy the waters and quite deliberately alter the human psyche of the weak minded to believe what they want them to?

As I already stated, what should have been obvious, labelling someone as a 'Conspiracy Theorist' does not mean they are mad or wrong!

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