Monday 14 October 2013


It is funny as I was thinking about that Doctors appointment tonight and I then hear about this story.

I had expected more accusations of my mental health, which I could argue there was as I was given amytriptiline when I requested pregabalin, purely because I had stated that a Chase Farm Doctor had lied to me about an ultrasound scan and had even admitted it. Hearing the latest revelations about Jimmy Savile and his now infamous abuse of children at a hospital had now been extended to another THIRTY hospitals!

After getting over the shock of another thirty hospitals meaning God knows how many victims this amounts to makes the reaction to my claims about lies, corruption and including evidence all the more bloody annoying.

So as well as posting about this gradually more horrific and sick story I wanted to make the link of the reaction to my claim that so called health professionals lie through their teeth...

In fact when I explained beforehand to a friend what had happened at the Doctors the last time I visited the surgery he said two things...

"It is because you ate not foreign!" Then laughed before stating "Tell them next they do it to take out their false teeth and put them in a glass before speaking!" myself and another friend asked why before he continued "will that way they cannot be accused of lying through their teeth?!" before the three of is burst out laughing which resulted in tears along with pains in my sides, lol.

So the link is here and I can refer back to it which I no doubt will need to do at done point.

One other point I want to touch upon is how the people with power within the hospitals and celebrities can abuse people who do not have power, money but fame.

There had been a long tradition of those that belong to the 'haves' abuse and exploit 'the have nots". Now I am sure elements of the media, namely tabloids, can find someone from the pits of society and name and shame them because they have created a life on the welfare state, had six to ten children, been given a huge house, even two houses knocked into one. This person can them sound extremely ungrateful too and I agree that this should not have been acceptable. But what is done is done and any portraying of FAMILIES like this spread eagled across a newspaper is irresponsible and has an interior motive.

Every child with said family had now themselves been named and shamed and I dare say they will get picked upon by fellow school members and others in the public. That is irresponsible to show pictures of the kids!

Secondly it it's like some kind of lame right wing, I am assuming, trickery to fool their readers, so no respect for them and assuming they ate all dummies, but into thinking all benefit claimants ate like that...

So lying and manipulating is what it is at the end of the day. I saw this in the Daily Star just today and they have done that a few times now.

Now I do not buy it, my friends but it and it's in their shop when I visit. I had never really considered the Daily Star to be a right wing tabloid and they had covered the odd story over time that I agreed with.

But this was ridiculous and pointless. I mean what did the reporter think he or she could accomplish from it? What did they expect to happen? All money and benefits taken away? Houses too? I do not know what the family and the kids are actually like and each one could bee the child from hell. But making them homeless and starving them to death while having them persecuted by members of three public is hardly the answer!

They are moaning about regulations bit if reporters and editors are going to indiscriminately point fingers of blame that are not only completely wrong but will only make things a great deal worse over time then do not be surprised if the belt of regulations tightens around your waist!

'Up to 30' hospitals in Savile probe

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