Wednesday 4 April 2018


I am going to tell you a story ..

This guy was out one day riding around on his mountain bike one warm summer's day. The gentle warm breeze causing the edges of his sports vest to vibrate. A camera strapped to his side as he rode along raised walkways keeping his eyes open for the merest glimpse of wildlife.

He stops at makeshift bird hides and an old man on his motability scooter breaks the silence after several minutes. The man complains about how they spent money on the place only because of the London Olympics. At one point he goes on to say ..

“And they tried to blow it up!”

The bike rider pauses for a moment, turns to his right before asking “What .. did you say? Who tried to blow up what?” The scooter rider explains that some radical Muslims tried to blow up the White Water Rafting Centre in Waltham Abbey. They had inflated a dinghey by the side of the River Lea as the use of boats was prohibited along long stretches of the river. But as they paddled down stream MI5 and the Police were waiting for them. Asked how he knew the scooter rider explained that he knew someone that worked in security.

The scooter rider bitterly complained for half an hour about how they kept it quiet and told no one what went on.

“Umm .. I happen to know the answers you seek.”

The place this occurred was close to Gunpowder Mills in Waltham Abbey and the mountain bike rider was me.

As it turns out .. people very rarely actually want to know the truth behind many things .. they just do not know it at the time..

Yeah .. I have stated this before .. I did tell you I got a lot .. a hell of a lot and .. yeah that below .. should you have the courage or the balls to listen to it? Yeah that is like 1% of everything I have. Might be an argument it would count as 5% but .. I think one percent was being .. generous.

Let's go .. FISHING?!


Part One ..

Part Two ..

MP3's ..

Part One ..

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

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