Friday 13 April 2018


It's bloody odd lately .. seemingly beyond bizarre in fact.

I've long since had my own focus on things being backward to my own eyes.

But I've also been looking at a few other things being backward and failed to make the connection of two. Well .. two of the biggest ones I've looked at. There are others ..

The two biggest being ..

  • Hyperloop
  • Star Citizen

Another example being ..

  • Solar Roadways

My own being public servants that whine and priest they don't get enough money but don't bat an eyelid at doing nothing and innocent people dying as a result.

Like I said .. backwards!

There is some craziness going on in the world and I've been trying to make sense or if it for the longest time. I never linked any of these things together either and I believe I made an error here.

The only thing is the one thing I can come to with is a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. But just because it sounds like a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory does not mean it's not true. Or not going on right now. Umm .. most of the time. Some of the time.

The other thing is that I've had my suspicions about something else that supports a tinfoil hat theory ..

I asked myself if this sudden rush to store all the food plant seeds before starting on the rest of them is because of something coming?

Something that we all know they would not tell us. Yes we have all seen the films.

But this would not be all of this was the case. No just food seeds would not be all that is needed. A method of survival .. for the rich and powerful only of course. Though I'd love to see them delegate the hard labour afterwards. Yeah .. mankind will cease to exist with their plans.

Like the movie '2012' they might need some sort of ship or undersea building to survive any earth ending calamity that was coming our way. That would take money. A .. lot of money.

It would also need to be quick. I would estimate in as little as ten years or as many as thirty?

So I imagine the scramble for money works be by any means necessary as would the excuses to not spend any?

After all the fools they had decided were going to die would still be required to do work and still want to be paid, right?!

Star Citizen seems to have raised a lot of money while delivering on fuck all after more than six years?

Hyperloop seems to have raised a hell of a lot of money for something that cannot possibly ever work? (See link below)

The UK government alone is fucking over a lot of its own people namely the disabled portion of society along with the sick portion of society and if you happen to be white and British born too? God help you.

This makes me wonder if similar things are going on in other countries?

I could research this but with my languages limited to just one .. I'm restricted to Australia, New Zealand, Canada and America. South Africa maybe but I think they would not be privy to such things. Maybe? Maybe kept in the dark?

I don't know. But there has to be a reason all this conning is going on? All this inhumane treatment by governments of its own people? I have just wondered whether or not the financial crisis was manufactured so that they could put this collection of money in place? Think I'm out on this one? 

Well ..

As I've posted on here there had always been something else in all this that had never made sense ..
The money grabbing started stealthily and years previous to anyone even knowing about an impending financial crisis.

As I exposed on here and confirmed to me by a psychiatrist called Dr Cody .. they started taking disability away from sufferers of mental health around eight years ago. Maybe even prior to this as this was just when I discovered it. The aforementioned psychiatrist suddenly noticed a pattern herself and checked the books to the mental health clinic. No patients were in receipt of disability any longer. What shocked her was that no one in government or the NHS warned them. Like I said .. stealthily.
But the financial crisis came on much later and I even speculated that the shock shown by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons was .. feigned? Because something had already been in place for a fair of while and I simply couldn't understand how no one saw the financial crisis coming .. sooner? The two things strongly suggested a feigning of shock reactions.

I have simply mentioned the UK government being up to something prior to the financial crisis that suggested something.

I also mentioned the storing of food plant seeds in Svalbard in Norway and might be going on in Greenland (for Europe & USA respectively).

I've pointed out the treatment of vulnerable people in the UK of disabled people and the sick.

I've posted about these separately and repeatedly for five years and talked about them for a lot longer than that.

What I never ever did is consider the possibility of a link between them all?

I wonder if eagle eyed conspiracy theorists might now go off and do some research? Hopefully those that are multi-lingual?!

This .. catastrophe could be an incoming comet or asteroid? It could be magnetic flip where the magnetic north pole moves in a long process from the north to the south? Could be they worked out a series of major earthquakes are coming? I mean that idiot on the news stated there had not been in increase when there clearly has been. It could be that the process of continental shift is about to take place, look at the rift that just appeared in the Rift Valley in Africa? 

Hmm .. maybe they arranged a mass culling by .. say .. I dunno .. starting World War 3?! Oh wait?!

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