Wednesday 25 April 2018


I always loved her ever since Sapphire & Steel.

I, of course, an speaking about Joanna Lumley.

She's just come out and said something amazing and at the perfect time.

"I'm terrified that all men are going to be seen as bad"

You said it sister. Childhood sweet heart!

If you ever wanted someone on your side you simply could not get a better ambassador than Joanna Lumley. Or maybe you could bit I certainly cannot think of one.

I hope that from her wise words they certain groups, as opposed to 'group', start to see the error of their ways? Or even as far as the incompetence in the lack of foresight they have had.

Unless one of my theories of all this being deliberate to incite something is right in which case they won't care. If so they will go right on not giving a crap either.

Well Ms Lumley from a man's perspective that will be backed up by my own daughter .. yeah, all men are not only seen as bad but treated as if they are bad. It also gets worse depending on your skin colour. Quite unfortunately.

But like I said I'm all about striving for change that includes fairness. To many different groups getting treated badly.

Quite unfortunately this has now spread across genders, age and .. ill health. Something I am angry about and have been enduring and fighting against for a very long time.

This has nearly cost me my life many times and may do yet in a variety of ways.

I have been shocked and dismayed over recent years about this trend .. leaning towards hating men, labelling men and have seen it go from a trend to now being something fashionable. It also gets worse depending on your skin colour while the worst kind of of men are somewhat .. ignored, quite bizarrely.

I find it both surprising and shocking that I can actually refer to this .. labelling as fashionable. How the bloody hell can it be fashionable.

But it literally translates that being evil is down to gender. Your either evil or your not .. so if your male your evil and if your female your not.

I also see this occur with skin colour and I have spoken about the stupidity and naivety of this so many times.

I could give a good example going on right now of Star Wars and I was not even aware it was going on. I even saw The Force Awakens and still did not realise immediately but since then I have seen tens of thousands of comments on YouTube about it.

The Last Jedi came out and many of those that doubted what was going on now either had no doubts or strong suspicions.

But now your hearing statements like 'There are too many white male directors in Hollywood' fro the white male director of The Last Jedi and I even heard a bloody great one recently 'There are too many white males working in computer graphics in cinema'?!

Right. Soo what they are saying is that all the special effects in cinema films have now got to turn to utter shite and go back ten or twenty years because you have to just go out and employ all women because it is the right thing to do? What utter stupidity and you cannot have grey matter in the double figures nor getting them to work as a bloody team to come out with comments like that ..

If there is few or no women then this will merely be down to the fact that women or girls are not studying in those areas and this is where the problem lies .. with women and their choices of subjects to study.

I did a computer science degree and when I think back I can only recall three women .. Claire, Melanie and an cute oriental woman whose name I cannot recall. Out of 200 odd students in the computer science degree.

Also .. what are these morons also saying? Oh they are saying that these 180 plus students now having all been in jobs for years now need to be fired so that they can replace them all with women they do not have. Soo .. umm along with firing a load of people good at their jobs without good reason your going to fill these positions with women whose qualifications are a lot lower then those they are replacing?!

Here is an idea that really will be of benefit to everyone .. even those that do not deserve it ..

Anyone .. and I mean ANY ONE that sounds like one of these crazed moronic Social Justice Warriors that say stupid things like this should be fired, removed from office, stripped of being a judge and so on and so forth and replaced with someone with common sense?!

I hate these ridiculously stupid word they invent too .. yeah .. so of a higher order are they that the invent new words .. like 'mansplaining'. Yeah you better believe it .. they even have their own way of explaining which is different to other ways of explaining. Quite obviously there way is the correct way, or their opinion is correct, and everything else is wrong and deserves its own derogatory terms?

Along with all the other serious stuff I am directly involved with, have been for years, collected evidence and secret recordings on for years of every public service .. this is another terrifying this I have had to watch unfold.

So every now and then if I see something that makes me mad or gives me hope I feel like I just have to post something on this scary subject. Mainly because these people are not only scary but also bloody hypocrites which is painfully obvious to anyone but the most blind out there.

You know I had no idea that not only are the morons out there that think like this but that it would go as far as it has done?!

In fact a great many things have gone a lot further than I ever thought possible and .. well for the love of God .. that is how this blog got started in the first place! It has still continue to go on beyond the boundaries I thought would never ever be breached.

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: Joanna Lumley: 'Terrified all men are seen as bad' -

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