Friday, 30 September 2016


I am just performing a little research ...

On the HM Courts & Tribunal Service and it seems there is more to them than meets the eye along with a fair number of complaints!

Here is a webpage of a guy that kept asking for details of said complaints ...

The last available (2010-11) advises some 1638 complaints received about judges plus some 830 enquiries.

I have not been looking very long and that was onlly the second page I looked at with the first being on Wikipedia!

Let us keep going ...

Another instance of amateurish and totally incompetent correspondence just as I got with three letters titled or referenced, cannot be bothered to look, 'ESA Appeal' and two of them 'PIP Appeal'.

Oddly something has just occurred to me ... these letters stating 'PIP Appeal' set alarm bells going off for me and I passed them off as nothing after wondering quite how they could have gotten them mixed up. I had wondered along with stating to friends that I feared that they may be working with the DWP and the mistakes were a giveaway and that an attempt was about to take place on removing my PIP. I was laughed at more or less and then four days after receiving that first letter titled 'PIP Appeal' I received a request from the PIP department for an assessment, after being told by the DWP that they would not go after that.

So I suspected some forthcoming foul play after that .... faux pas and lo and behold I then get notified of what I had suspected anyway?!

My God ... a ruling against them by the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman?! I simply do not believe it!

Cagey about statistics? ...

My bloody God it gets far worse ... hmm let me check the dates ... This little snippet is from none other than The Law Society Gazette in Septmber of 2015 ...
According to its latest annual report, HMCTS received 15,272 complaints compared with 13,451 in the previous year – a 13.5% rise

The headline reads 'Losing faith in the courts service' and I cannot say I am that surprised.

When I started all this and a feew times recently I acquired and provided evidence from my experiences in most public services and even a number of private retail chains.

However the one thing I said I had not done this with and even when I had previous run-ins with them not really seen much evidence of, just some suspicions, was the judicial system, ie. courts and judges.

I did have four attempts ... hmm or was it three? Anyway ... I won each of them either in or before court and never appeared in any of them.

this latest one was very different in more ways than one. First one I have lost in 7 years and oddly the only ever court case I lost as with ... have you guessed who it is yet? Yup, you got it Her Majesty's Court & Tribunal Service.

Everyone telling me to complain/appeal.

Trying to find who you complain to about the HMCTS without it being the ... well HMCTS?!

Have you noticed that in modern times, just as I have done, how you are expected to put in your complaints and claims of foul-play into the letterboxes of those you are accusing of ... umm foul-play?!

Do you not think this is not only funny but a complete and deliberate waste of your time?

Why would you do that?

What idiots they are to expect you to do that. Or rather what idiots they must think we all are to go and actually do that ... and expect to get anywhere.

Yeah when I see the biggest and most violent villain steal a belonging of mine .... I do not think of phoning the Police ... oooh no that never crosses my mind. The first thing I think of doing is going down his house, banging on his door and demanding it back.

I asked CAB for an external complaints body and what did they say when they answered? "We are dealing with your complaint"?! LMAO!

Yeeah .. sure you all are and we are all going to sit around with our thumbs up our arses until you waste a aload of time hoping that we will go away before you come up with NADA!


Here is a good one where I seem to have been late to the party about corrupt courts and judges ...

It makes me sick how these tosser judges label people as vexatious litigants, when all they are doing is trying to obtain justice from a very corrupt system. The reason they re apply to the courts is because of serious corruption. The judiciary then commit more corruption to cover up previous corruption, and so it goes on - Derek
It seems I might be labelled a vexatious litigant? Whatever that is. Well it appears to be anyone who might collect .. evidence ... hmm yes evidence collecting seems to be a crime and that so-called judge today made no remarks about the fact I told them I had various evidence and sent them a DVD with a few choice things on it. Dumb moron, it was only a tiny sample!

Ismail, a superb summary of just how serious and in jeopody ‘ The Rule of Law’ is in, not just in South Wales but in ALL our British law courts. - mauricekirky
 You must all understand the enemy are intent on dividing us because very well know our correct use of cyberspace, to deseminate just what is going on in our UK law courts, driven by avarice, will finally educate too many for them meaning we will bust’m! -mauricekirky

There is a group of us in California in the former United States who have been the targets of judicial corruption. What we have in common is that we, individually, have all challenged the court for its crimes. Needless to say, we all discovered that the right to petition for redress of grievances is yet another right we have lost as, in order to cover up judicial impropriety (and more), the California courts are expanding their litigant wastebasket corruption cover-up statute CCP 391 — the Vexatious Litigant Statute. - Cole Day Rain

So does that last one mean that this corruption of the law courts is yet something else copied and pasted over from the United States or just another American company running it?

You know I said a long, long time ago on here that the one industry I did not know to be corrupt was the judicial system. I hoped that it was not and honestly thought it was not. I was wrong.


So then?

I am feeling quite … odd.

It is like one of my limbos … except this one actually feels more like a limbo than any of the others and I feel somewhat … lost.

I have had everyone bar one that normally does contact me over this and a mate is messaging me right now and I told him I have no clue what is going to happen now.

I just feel dazed.

I am also confused.

I simply do not know what to do now. I have some options open to me … but not much in the way of options and I think I will have to speak to a couple of people I have recently been speaking to, to ask them.

One of them will probably prevent me ever going to court again but in all honesty and as I said to a friend .. there is never a chance that I would use HM Court & Tribunal Service ever again, not after that. I have been told by a few to appeal and I told them that, that was the appeal one friend said it cannot be it is too soon. I assured her that it was and I said “Y'know I thought the date was very quick and thought it would likely be somewhere between November and January”

After all the Citizen's Advice stated it was far too soon for them to send a representative with me, after initially telling me that they would send one. This is why I complained to Citizen's Advice about their handling of this.

The failure of sending someone as they said that they would was bad enough but they left my dangling on something that set off my anxiety attacks once again which led to my legs not working for an hour, told me they would likely give in or I would win the tribunal which were both wrong.

Also the more I think about the tribunal the more I realise she failed to ask about or mention in passing, proving she simply was not interested.

I absolutely guarantee she is if the brigade that believes the government is right to screw over disabled people to save money. I have absolutely no doubts that if asked privately she would agree with what the Tories, George Osborne and Iain Duncan-Smith was doing. No doubts. You know when sometimes you meet someone and you just get these bloody big signals from them?

This was all about the money too … not the health conditions and I am pretty sure I did not even utter the word 'Fibromyalgia' and I am pretty sure she didn't either.

Not only was I trying to explain my various symptoms to someone that simply did not understand them or the condition she clearly was not interested.

I simply took the whole hearing as an attempt to call me out as a liar on everything.

So according to her, that … judges logic, I insisted on experiencing a group of symptoms for 13 years, though other symptoms were connected and went back far longer, … yes waited 13 whole years before I then decided to turn around and say it was Fibromyalgia.

I waited 13 years before declaring what it was.

Oh and do not forget I managed to fool and manipulate an entire GP Surgery, get sent to Guy's Hospital and then fool a Fibromyalgia specialist called Dr Kirkham who was based in their Rheumatology Department.

Yeeeah … if I could do all that I would have been a millionaire well over a decade ago … the fucking morons!

I mean … really?! That is the best you can come up with … really?! Jesus H Christ this country really haas and is still going to the pits.

I have just had my landlords, plural, here and they were both astounded as I told them what happened at the court. The … lady of the two told me that I should appeal and that this was terrible treatment. They said I should try and fight it. But what with?

I feel very much burnt out right now.

My tank is empty.

Though I did achieve something I had wanted to for a very long time.

Just that I lost my first case and the situation is … well diabolical to put it mildly.

My word … it is going to take me days to figure out what I have to do or will end up doing and that is if I can think of anything at all.

Not waking up tomorrow would be kind of … nice and .. final.

Except I would have to make some arrangements as I have a … very big collection of stuff I would need to … well think of it as passing on the baton. Not really into athletics but I do not what a baton is. Probably spelled it wrong though? Lol.

I swear to God if I was a religious man I would have sworn to God that I had just had a meeting with the spawn of the devil himself.

The funny thing is that many of the support group for Fibromyalgia I was at looked a damn site fitter than me and none carried a walking stick around with them, though this might have changed over the last year. They are under the impression that Fibromyalgia is a bona fide disability and I hope to God if they ever get their money stopped and attend a court hearing that they do not get the … person that I got.

I could have raised my left sleeve and showed her the many scars and slashes on my upper left arm but I literally looked at her and though “you simply would not give a flying fuck!” and so I did not.

Any time I did try and explain something there was this turn of the head that showed disinterest and whether she had decided I was a liar, for whatever reason or agenda, before I entered the room or not she was certainly giving me every signal that she thought I was.

It was plainly obvious to both see and hear that she was not going to listen nor accept everything and spoke to me in a way that has not been done since I was in nursery school or primary school.

If I was to say it was both patronising and condescending it would be a gross understatement. How she could be a judge of anything at all is beyond me. Maybe she spent all her life handling purely financial cases or something? Or just spawned in hell like I stated earlier?

If I am ever forced, and I would have to be forced, to ever attend a HM Court & Tribunal Service … umm tribunal again I am taking crucifies and holy water.

I feel so burnt out and spent right now. I could really become an alcoholic, really I could. At least it would numb the pain better than any of the wrong crap the NHS gives me!


Well … I had my court appearance and it was dreadful.

It was today, Friday 30th September 2016.

It was worse than dreadful. I can tell you here and now that I lost … and so I am going to have to claim Universal Credit until such a time that some group somewhere does something about all this.

Ten minutes into the session and I knew I had lost because of two things … as I first noticed and mentioned to the only woman sitting behind a desk “oh? I thought there would be more of you?”

There was just single person and quite bizarrely and more importantly no GP?!

There is normally three people, it was like this 7 years ago when I had one and an A&E Doctor told me there would be one. There was not.

The lady sat opposite me spoke harshly and abruptly and in all honesty, quite rude.

She showed absolutely no interest in my condition or its many symptoms.

She called me a liar in a roundabout way because her definition of blackouts were not the same as mine. I said to her that everything goes grey and then black so what else would I call it? She said that I would fall and wake up not knowing where I was and I said that this has happened recently but she was not interested.

She was only interested in calling me a liar and backing up the DWP.

This was the absolute greatest example of being railroaded I had ever heard of and I was witnessing it first hand.

The fact that I carried around medical grade wool in case of little accidents did not matter either as I was not carrying around … let us just say the PROPER items! So because of the name of what I carried around made the difference.

The Citizen's Advice recommended that I attend and the fact that I turned up was used against me because she more or less said so.

The funny thing is that ten minutes into it, maybe less I cannot remember, she actually asked me if I was recording us! I said no and she asked me for my phone, so I took it out and handed it to her.

She opened the phone and the screen is light sensitive and it lit up showing the day and date and she said she would keep it with her and placed it on the desk in front of her.

This woman … and I use the term loosely, was one of those that believed in the idea of kicking everyone off PIP and ESA unless they were actually missing legs, or parts thereof. Because she stated that I could get to a bust stop!

I used to have carrier pigeons but they all flew the coup. I had been telling my General Practitioners for a while now I was getting worried about doing stuff and was relying on my bike more and more and forgetting stuff much more often.

I pointed out that it was a Saturday, that I as supposed to be taken and let down and I figured I would try and get there as the EEG was important due to my blacking out.

All throughout she had a face that you could read like a book and if I was to ever offer some advice it would be to not play poker!

Even when she had finished she was rude and discourteous and just said “right!” and I was thinking 'what? Does she mean that is it' and I then asked. She said she would write to me but that was very, very clearly not needed. I asked if I could grab my phone from her side of the desk and she said yes.

The door was opened for me by the clerk and I, courteous as always, thanked her for opening the door.

God help my friend and anyone else with diabetes if they ever call him in for an assessment!

Never had I had anyone be so rude and insulting to me I my entire life.

Funny as I was not aware that being a judge allowed you to be discourteous, saying sorry once or twice for making a mistake does not count, nor be rude or insulting. Insulting because any answer being led to her face turning to one side and being dismissive.

This was a complete set up and I know wonder why if I got my answer when I wondered why my anxiety levels went so bloody high for the last month?

I might have done exactly this before and lost but this time … this time I had names for my conditions and could explain my memory problems, feet pain, arch pain, ankle pain, anxiety attacks and other things and actually put names to them.

A friend of mine on DLA for his diabetes was absolutely shocked of how she sounded, realised from things I repeated that she said that I had lost not one but BOTH benefits, yet again and was shocked that I lost. “Blimey, this is only for ESA?!!” was one line he uttered making him realise that PIP, or Personal Independent Payments was going to be far worse.

If I am not entitled to ESA then by this judges own words I am fully fit to work.

So am I have applied for Universal Credit now and I have had to lie on the form so that I get paid … SOMETHING by stating I am fit for work!

That is a lie … no two ways about it.

Seems they are making people join this Universal Jobmatch thing where you apply for jobs and I have to go and meet someone to talk about how I am going to get a job.

Now I can guarantee you this .. when I explain about my health conditions .. they will tell me to LIE to employers, I know because it was either said to me by them in the past or to someone I know.

I have applied for a job that is temporary and as a driver. I crash at the wheel and get into trouble I am going to tell them that the DWP told me to lie about it! Then they can get their arses sued by the company.

Oh and as usual I note that none of the jobs are their own and are pulled off other sites … typical … they never have any jobs, haven't had in years.

My friend said that it is outrageous what the court has said and that I am disabled in his view and that I should get a sick certificate from my GP. I said I did not think they did those Statutory Sick Pay certificates any longer but he seemed to think that they do.

I did state that when I see my GP again I am going to mention that his letter cost me three benefits and that he needs to tell me in his view whether or not I am fit for work or not.

If he says yes I am going to ask him then how did a A&E GP in North Middlesex Hospital tell me that with my medical records there is no way?


I attended an support group once run by the FMA UK, I kept forgetting to attend all following group meetings.

They were under the impression that Fibromyalgia is a disability ... not any longer!


Oh and I have asked the Citizen's Advice Bureau for an external, separate from the CAB, body to lodge a complaint.

Because they got it wrong, started my anxiety attacks up and failed to offer what they promised and even seemingly dragging their feet over it so they would not have to send someone along?

They said it likely would not get to court as the DWP normally give in and if it went to court I would win and they would send a representative along. None of those things happened or came to pass.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016


It was probably less.

It felt like a lot more.

I had a day of anxiety attacks that ebbed and flowed. A certain phone number was always in the forefront of my mind. I had eaten nothing and nothing to eat. I thought about leaving the house to retrieve some food but I simply did not care enough.

After many videos on super heavy elements and quantum mechanics I got the phone-call.

It was one of my brothers with a serious voice and telling me he needed me to be ready. The phone-call ended.

I had spent the day fighting off anxiety attacks and trying to remain focused and interested in the videos before me. Suddenly everything just .. changed.

I had received a message a couple of days before telling me one brothers mother-in-law who has bad Multiple Sclerosis had been taken into hospital as had my sister, due to give birth for her first time ever.

I sat ... anxious and silent.

I thought about that I was anxious about and then the serious tone of my brother's voice.

Something ... somewhere ... had gone horribly wrong.

It was not that long ago there was another birth in the family and that one ended up with a stillborn child. Surely this could not have happened again?!

Then I wondered that it might not be the baby but my sister instead? Then I thought about both of them?!

I paced around my messy home.

My anxiety switched its reasons but remained just the same.

I realised I might be out all night ... if the worst had indeed happened. Instead of pacing I watered some orchids and my amphibians. That would keep me busy until my brother arrived.

Finishing I then sat down on my sofa to roll yet another cigarette. I took a lung full and thought before actually producing a single tear. Surely my family cannot be this unlucky?!

The phone rang to let me know he was outside.

I walked the path to his car with some heightened fear of what I was about to hear.

It turned out that his girlfriend's mother had taken a turn for the worse a couple of times and the pressure on his girlfriend and him had lead them both to breaking point. They had also just had abuse thrown at them by a new neighbour whose family seem to think they own a parking space outside their flats. The Police were involved. He had my nephew with him and had to pick up his daughter from school so I came went with him as someone to talk to and some support. I hope that I was.

I was relieved not to be told that someone had died!

My sister is still in hospital and I can only hope and pray that all goes well with them and my brother's mother-in-law.

I stated at some point inn the evening that I just could not believe the trouble we had been having and it was like there was some shady government plan carried out to release something into the air or water supply. So many things going on or wrong at once.

We ended up at McDonalds and I had an attack of pain in my digestive system. I should have seen that one common and make the mistake I always make. Had no food yesterday and had not eaten today and ended up at McDonalds. A very big mistake I should have learned from long before now, but with everything going on I simply did not think.

If that was an hour it was surely one of my darkest ones.

Monday, 26 September 2016



Often seeing that word brings that of preposterous claims of wild accusations of actions seemingly ridiculous plans. But conspiracies do happen.

Sometimes they sort of hit the headlines, like that of the faked and infamous 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq being the reason to go to war against Saddam Hussein. Other times they can sort of not hit the headlines  or somehow pass you by entirely or come out many years later.

Among these conspiracies are the powerful companies and their often shady secretive ways along with over the top actions or reactions to given situations.

I often start to become suspect of companies that get way too large or rich.

Just recently I have been watching a great deal of things on YouTube and one channel I keep going back to is one that does the top 7 to 10 rundown on various mysteries. Well that is when I am not watching videos on quantum mechanics.

This morning I watched two of these with one regarding powerful and secretive companies and one on real conspiracies that took place.

I was surprised to discover many things I did not know about.

Tony Blair made number one on one of the lists with his Iraq war fiasco. The fact that these lists are created on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean makes you realise just how many people see it for what it is.

Others include a couple of accounts of people being deliberately poisoned by governments and another one regarding the war involving Kuwait. This one involving a girl from Kuwait giving account of the Iraqis throwing living babies out on incubators onto the streets to die? It turned out to be a false account and that the girl in question was the daughter of a member of a prince or something or other.

I had not heard of this account nor that it was falsified and I had to wonder as to how many people did hear of this account and still believes it to be true to this day?

In the other video of mysterious and secretive companies is the fact that Google, yes of course they are on there along with Apple, had a motto on their wall at one point saying 'Don't be evil'. Apparently this has since been changed to 'Do the right thing' or something.

Watching videos such as these can be a bit of fun but can also be eye-opening and make you think. Sometimes with some of the things that went on makes you realise that absolutely anything is possible. Hard to say something not that shocking is untrue with some of the things that were done in the past.

Google's artificial intelligence 'Deep Mind' also gets a mention along with the claim that they had to install a 'kill switch'!!

Hedge fund company Renaissance makes the list along with a company that was claimed to have been poisoning people, Monsanto who are claimed to be guilty of a number of things Founded in 1901 they certainly have had plenty of time to build up a list of questionable practices.

Another interesting inclusion is Cellebrite, ,who I had not hear of but discovered they are thought to be the one behind America's FBI cracking that Apple iPhone that Apple themselves refused to do.

Probably seeming the most scary for Americans is an outfit called Blackwater that they liken to that of a super-villain organisation straight out of DC Comics! An army for hire when you want that army to carry out actions your .... regular army is not allowed to? How is that even allowed by the Americans or even the Geneva Convention?

Here are the videos ...

7 Real Government Conspiracies

7 Mysterious Companies

Sunday, 25 September 2016


I am dying...again.

The only way I can describe anxiety attacks like I experience briefly is that it feels like I am literally dying. Except it takes a long time, sometimes seemingly forever and … well, you don't die.

Thought to be honest I half expect a heart attack or something else pretty major each time I experience one of these attacks.

I am sure that actually dying would be far less cruel?

It is Sunday and for some reason the anxiety has decided to go onto overdrive yet again. It has more or less stayed at lower levels for a few days but now has suddenly decided to go nuts?

Oddly I just remembered I have now had an email from the Citizen's Advice that states that they can have someone with me at court but seemed to think I was asking for someone for a DWP assessment?! Except as I have pointed out it clearly states in the subject line 'representation to court'!

I cannot believe the mess I have going on with both the Citizen's Advice Bureau and HM Court & Tribunal Service. They have both made such awful and amateurish errors.

I am the one with the anxiety attacks and the memory problems and despite that I can still read and I cannot help but think that they are working together to deliberately play against my two weaknesses of anxiety and memory loss?

How can you make these many errors? Also the court date was many weeks sooner than I expected it to be.

So with mere days to go I have to send two more letters to the court, with hardly any time for them to process them, and try to get the representation from the Citizen's Advice, keep my rising anxiety at bay and I have just found out my sister has gone into hospital so may be about to give birth?!

Plus the mother of one brother's girlfriend has been taken into hospital too.

While I sit here feeling like I am dying … except I just wont .. frustratingly. Leaving me always asking how a human can feel this much pain and still be alive?

I have a letter in my backpack to the court already with their own pre-paid second class stamp on I forgot to post on Friday. Then yesterday I realised my Visa card was missing and that took up a day and I thought it must be in Sainsburys I went there as asked and they had nothing handed in.

A friend that morning had insisted that the banks are open to 4pm and that I should go in there and tell them I lost it. So after Sainsburys I went there … but no as I thought it was not open and according to the times on the door does not open at all on Saturday.

Of course I forgot about my pre-paid second class envelope to go to HM Court & Tribunal Service which is now barely going to have time to be read.

This is the idea and way that justice is handled in the UK today? My God.

Do not forget I have some pretty bad memory problems and bad things happening spark of my anxiety which itself can cause other .. effects. The fact that I have to try and keep on top of all this also helps drive my anxiety over the top.

This week is not going to go well and I just hope everything goes OK for my sister.

Friday, 23 September 2016


How could I forget quantum entanglement?!

Oh yeah … I forgot … I have memory issues and many times each day my mind goes blank and I cannot think of the things I need to do throughout the day.

I can walk along in my supermarket within a metre or two of the bottles of milk I went to the store for and it simply does not register. But I might return home with toilet tissue instead?

When it works the brain works extremely well. I mathematical puzzle in the form of a ven diagram at college needed algibra to solve it. At least that was what the lecturer stated. I was good at algebra at school but now ass a mature student trying to get into university to acquire a degree I could not recall any of it. So I sat back in my chair while others scribbled out equations to reach the answer.

“Umm, Steve?” I enquired five minutes into the scribbling...”Is the answer 17?”

Steve Lockett, the lecturer who gave us the problem, turned his back on my quickly while pulling a face,, sticking his tongue out the side of his mouth which was a tick that gave his answers away at times.

He paused for a moment before stating “Let us wait and see what the others get from their equations”

After several more minutes a voice broke the silence “I have 17” I heard before looking towards the student to see him staring back at me with shock on his face. The silence was broken again “I have 17 too?!” I heard as another student now stared at e with a quizzed look upon his face. And again “I have got 17 as well” and one by one before more than half a dozen students all now sat looking at me, now feeling sheepish, with a look like they wanted to ask me something.

Before they got the chance to the lecturer spoke “OK, now how in the hell did you do that?!”

I might have forgotten my algebra from my school days many years before, I was 27 at the time, I was always good at seeing patterns. Again when my brain was relaxed and decided it wanted to come out to play.

I explained how I did it, it was not particularly complicated and gasps went around the room as the lecturer rubbed is forehead while smiling.

One of the students went on to Middlesex University with me and we had already become friends and he stuck to me. Even admitting at college he was going to stick close by me due to my understanding of things and the way I could see the answer to a complicated problem.

When my brain decides it wants to work.

But there I am passing within a few metres of the pure white bottles of milk I need and y mind is just blank!

There are the times I have been watching a documentary about life and hearing scientists and pseudoscientists waxing lyrical about how perfect the human body is and what a miracle it is and I just want to call them up and give them a right ticking off.

The amount of our brain that we use is tiny and the few health conditions I have cause over 100 symptoms and no cures are available and the drugs not allowed and I just want to tell him or her how bloody wrong they are.

The human body and brain is a wonderful thing but as for being perfect it is very, very far away.

As I learn more about the quantum world I learn we are getting closer than ever before in understanding things we never have before, like how our brain works and even our consciousness. But linked into our brain and body they are held back. We are tied to animal like habits too that have proved over and over again to far to many we fall prey to. At a high cost to others and themselves.

These actions can be found to take place in all levels of society in probably most countries of the world.

We are only human. Though in all honesty some actions whispered about but dare not reported actually puts some substance into how some refer to them as a reptile race. The R-complex of the brain being the likely culprit.

Absolutely no one is immune to the basic human feelings that lie deep inside us. Though in my own experience some seem to act and behave as if these basic feelings to not apply to them. No. They apply to one and all in varying degrees.

I often wonder at what point in time and how many generations it will take us to shake off some of these things. How long before they are buried deep down inside so far that they never surface?

Maybe by understanding quantum mechanics we can learn how the brain works and that will lead us to ways of changing these feelings, controlling these feelings or subduing them altogether until such a time that they simply dissipate entirely? Or rather that part of the brain simply shrinks away and becomes redundant.

Yes so I forgot about quantum entanglement.

Two particles are sometimes linked to each other in such a way that they can instantly send finite data to each other and do this instantly.

Faster than the speed of light!

Let me explain ..

They have found that this entanglement exists between particles and that if you, say, measure one particle to see which state it is in, spinning up or down, when they do so the other particle is always the opposite. Measure the other particle instead and every time whatever state it is in the other will always be the opposite.

This occurs even if one particle is on the moon and the other here on Earth!

Based in these peculiar actions and properties you could transport an object from one place to another and … this is no longer theory. The particles might be small but they have achieved this already. I believe one experiment was done on the Canary Islands?

Amazon might have been a bit too quick talking about using drones to deliver items?!

There must be a sub-atomic level of spacetime or contact between the fabrics of alternate dimensions that allow these peculiar actions to take place? Once again if asked any theoretical theorist will tell you they simply do not know. Unless I have missed a documentary or lecture? But there will be many theories.

The next decade will be extremely interesting and I cannot wait to see what is discovered, unless I am told soon I have an inoperable cancerous tumour in my head from a recent MRI scan or a public office succeeds in leading me to an early grave?!

As I have stated in the past I never really thought that death was the end and there had to be something more? It … dare I say, felt like there was something more?

Now due to quantum mechanics they are now looking back into people with near death experiences and children that talk about having previous lives. Maybe our consciousness is part of the energies that exist in a sub-atomic world and we find a way to attach ourselves to a brain of a living thing? I wonder if that is why life evolved? Maybe it is all designed so that we evolve into a state that our consciousness can live in to full effect?

Maybe we are destined to create androids with quantum computers as a brain that we can upload our consciousness into?

After all if we live in another form and strive to live in this three dimensional reality what does it matter what form it is in?

Have you eer looked into a mirror and seen a physical part of yourself you do not like? Ever thought about how strange your nose or ears might look? Is it not strange that we think of parts of our bodies as if we just purchased parts in a shop but now having second thoughts about it? AS if it was not really … well, ours?

Maybe it is because it was not what we expected?

Think of it like an episode of the classic science fiction series Doctor Who when he goes through a regeneration. When he was played by David Tennant one thing he said when he first appeared and attempted to talk was “”Oh … teeth” … if I remember correctly, which I sometimes do not. Well think of it like that … we sometimes seem detached from parts of our own anatomy and … well, judge that part.

I always thought how weird this was when I did this, as if the part is not really mine?

I remember watching a programme about children that recalled previous lives, called The Ghost In My Child, or something similar. One episode had a particularly amazing story about a young boy called James who shocked his mother once when she pointed out aircraft in TV as dropping bombs when he corrected her and said they were empty fuel tanks. He started to tell stories about how he used to be a pilot and started to recall much finer detail in things. His police officer father tried to play it all down and constantly tried to disprove it. But the boys mother paid closer attention and used to ask her son about things he recalled. Eventually they got the name he used to be known by and even the name of someone who was a friend of his in this previous life.

Now at one point he mentioned that he was a pilot of an aircraft called the Corsair that was based on an Aircraft Carrier. On researching this the father found information he fiorst thought to be correct and stated that it was all nonsense as Corsairs were not stationed on Aircraft Carriers or this particular Aircraft Carrier. Digging some more the boy's mother discovered to her shock that there was indeed a pilot with the name her son had told her about.

She tracked down the pilots family and discovered he had a sister that was still alive. She acquired the ladies contact details and asked her if she had anything about her brother she could send over, too scared to admit the real reason she was phoning her. The lady sent over some things for the mother to look at.

Upon receiving and opening the package she phoned her husband and told him he had to come home at once. Upon entering the house the boy's mother presented her husband with a picture of the pilot their son claimed to be standing next to a Corsair that was standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier! The father was stunned.

They contacted the sister of the dead pilot's sister again and revealed their story and the lady invited them over. Upon entering the house James, the young boy, ran over to the old lady and through his arms around her and said “Hello, Annie!” and the old lady looked at the boy's parents and said “Only my brother ever called me Annie!” and explained she was convinced that the boy was her long dead brother.

There was likely more details to the story I am failing to recall? Very recently I watched a lecture about consciousness and to my surprise this boy and his story was bought up in the lecture as an example and evidence that our consciousness lives in. Possibly in some quantum state that I imagine we are still a few years away from understanding. That is if we ever understand it at all?

The lecture by that medical Doctor I spoke of can be found below and the story he tells briefly of the young boy called James can be found in the lecture at around the hour mark...

Maybe we exist as a completely different life form in the quantum world and are able to entangle ourselves to the human brain so that we might exist?

Maybe we are intending to shape the universe so that we might exist within it?

I wonder too if this is why we are always thinking up of realities where we ravel through space, and time, and across both interstellar as well as intergalactic space? Because of our desires to see new things? To explore, discover and shape things to our will?

There are the answers out there to be discovered and I now think that at least in most they are not as far out of our reach as I once thought?

I just doubt about the abilities of evolution for us to catch up?


I have been in some disbelief for the past 24 hours.

If you are not aware I have stated over and over again that I have walked into everything and approached absolutely everyone as if the organisation was corrupt and will tell lies and cheat. In every situation thus far I have been proved correct in my suspicions and even acquired evidence to these facts, you will have to do a search for these items.

I have also often stated that the only industry I have not run into and therefore never acquired any evidence on is that of the courts. There have been a few attempts but in each case I won before getting there, or it was too far away, like Nottingham for example, and I still won.

Now I have one that is located 500 yards or so from my home and is imminent.

This is HM Courts & Tribunal Service.

During my few correspondences with them there has been some ... confusion. Despite my suspicions being aroused I told myself that this was just some clerical error, though courts are not supposed to make these. Friends said the same thing, just too quick to do so, and I pointed out that courts ... don't make mistakes.

I got another letter that sounded confused and spoke like I had not been in contact with them, though I had done so twice?!

The confusion seems to be that they seemed to think that my appeal was against a decision to stop my Personal Independence Payments (Or disability) except it was not. They also mentioned about the fact that I mentioned that my Employment Allowance was being stopped. Except I did not because it was not and because I have never received this benefit.

It was Incapacity Benefit being stopped BY the Employment Support Allowance but while this was going on, along with my housing being cancelled, they asked me for an assessment for my Personal Independence Payments. That assessment date only just passed by and means that this will now follow the exact same path as the last one and therefore also get cancelled. Meaning they would have cancelled all three in just two months. Harassment right there. Triggered off several things to do with my condition even preventing me from walking at all at one point. Self harming due to the strength of the anxiety attacks for another.

So for the third time I sent them a letter explaining what exactly had happened and assumed I probably did not need to as they would have received the same humongous pack from the DWP that I did with all the correspondence that I did.

So both I and the DWP would have informed them via the correspondences we each received what the facts are?

So how come yesterday morning I got my fourth letter from HM Courts & Tribunal Service listed below?

So you see ... they umm ... are still stating ... INSISTING this is an appeal against the cancellation of PIP and not IB?!

I ... I ... I really do not know at this stage what more I have to do to convince them?

I am sending a letter today and ooh I just had a thought. I have some copies of bank statements here I will send them! Maybe then they will get it through their thick skulls they have somehow got things arse about face?!

This will be the fourth time I have contacted them, no really!

I sent them the very first letter .. hmm or was it the second, via recorded post so have the receipt for that here somewhere.

Quite how anyone is supposed to think they stand a chance against crime and corruption withinn the UK anymore is simply beyond me.


Dear Sirs


I am in receipt of your letter dated 13/09/2016 regarding my benefits appeal.

However and despite this being the fourth letter I have sent I am somewhat confused and bewildered that I am still confused.

Under point one of your letter it states that your appeal file contains papers regarding my PIP claim and this should be impossible. As they have not cancelled this yet.

I have stated this previously that they have requested I attend an assessment which was 21 miles away in Brentwood. I found in both astounding as well as classifying as harassment that they would do this and I have pointed this out to them but the response shown lack of care that they are harassing me.

I expect to be told in a matter of weeks and by post that they will proceed to cancel my PIP too even though a hearing is to tae place about them cancelling my IB. Therein lies the other problem … it was not ESA being cancelled but is IB being cancelled by the ESA.

So I am at a loss to understand how you have it on your file that it is a PIP appeal which has not been cancelled yet.

In the second point he date you state of July of 2016 is linked to my IB claim and not an ESA claim and neither PIP but that which was cancelled by the ESA.

This is also confusing as you should have received the pack from the ESA containing my file and the correspondence therein should be explained.

As for what I want you to do … I am not sure of the procedures in an event like this whereby there are two or even three things going on at the same time.

Of course I want to appeal the ESA decisions to cancel my IB, or refuse me ESA, as IB is intended to be phased out anyway.

As the cancellation of my PIP, which they told me they would not touch only a month before asking me for a assessment and so lied, is more or less the same thing as the cancellation of my IB, refusal of ESA it seems senseless and a waste of the taxpayers money to have two separate and consecutive appeals.

I have also wondered whether this confusion has something to do with me?

My condition of Fibromyalgia, as I would have stated, has short term memory issues that plague me every single day anywhere up to a dozen times.

I blog about corruption and have done for four years. I always knew that eventually others that have collected evidence that is incontrovertible would … gravitate to me. Last month I had one and this month I have had a second.

The second one read about what was happening with me currently and he pointed out a number of laws.

One of my problems is that I annoyingly have trouble focusing and relaxing enough to do something as simple as reading.

Currently and to help me through the anxiety attacks I have been experiencing over this and the court date, which have surprised me as I have done this previously without issue, I am learning about quantum mechanics and quantum computing. To do this I have to watch documentaries on YouTube due to the fact I cannot focus enough to read.

So yes I do want to appeal the ESA decision.

I now enclose bank statements showing that payments for PIP have not been cancelled.

Yours sincerely

Martin Haswell BSc

Thursday, 22 September 2016


I am suddenly questioning reality. No, really I mean literally.

Soon after pulling out of watching a sickening conspiracy video that left me sick to my stomach I got back to the subject I have focused on of late. That of quantum mechanics.

This was a subject I wanted to get into for some time now. I worked with a solicitor who was a friend and he got into it, purchased a book and once finished gave it to me. I never got around to reading it. I did get a quick description from him of how it works down the level of an atom which … was close but not quite right.

It was explained that there was up spin, down spin and spinning both ways at once and this stuck in my mind for several years.

I took two things from this description …

  • That a transistor would now shrink be several factors down to that of an atom (which was a big deal in itself)
  • That instead of just two states, 1 and 0, you now had a third

If that has made you say “Wow, what?!” well you read that right. Except the truth is weirder than that. Sub-atomic particles like that of electrons can exist in several places at once. That is until you measure them. They are a wave until they are measured and then become a particle. Like hearing a Mosquito at night and you think its on the left, switch on the light and it is on the right. The first proof of this was a simple test that anyone could do known as the double slit experiment.

You wanna know what is really going on? Well though because no one knows, lol. They just know that it does.

So the spinning both ways at the same time was not … precisely correct.

One theory is that the particles that behave this way are leaping from one dimension to another and back again in a different place to that they were in when they blinked out of existence on our plane of reality.

It is one theory.

String theory works on the basis that there are different realities that exist on membranes or branes for short. I used to think that these might have something to do with the frequency that all particles vibrate.

We also now know that the vacuum of space is not … exactly right either but this I am not that surprised about.

I have wondered that in spacetime as we know it particles have to be of a certain size or mass to … well, exist in it. Maybe that strings, of energy, themselves exist outside of it. That which exists, or indeed does not exist, outside of spacetime. That the process that may have started the big bang actually started several and that is how the different membranes came into existence. If they exist. Separated by vibration frequencies or another something else?

That is just me at times in the past when my mind has wandered.

Now that I have watched enough documentaries I am starting to think that the three values to be stored by a single atom was … underestimated a little.

This known fact of these sub-atomic particles existing in multiple places at once, or at least as we currently understand it, is known as a superposition, which is a pretty good description really.

What I saw tonight though and learnt was something that is going to blow the minds of every single person I know.

Oh and one other one I have to look into in more depth.

This one is straight out of one of the most favourite and famous sci-fi movies of all time.

The Matrix.

The theory?

That we are living in a simulation?!

In all honesty I had mixed feelings when I heard that one as if true … they could at least fix my fecking Fibromyalgia, or I mean to say the kink in the central nervous system in the base of my neck that causes the damned condition and its 100 plus symptoms.

You see where I am coming from?

However this speaker, cannot recall his name, speaking at a university in Manchester, stated something that was very true … several things in fact.

  • Not that long ago we was playing Pong video games
  • Today we play in worlds that look remarkably like a 3D world
  • Virtual Reality is about to take off
  • Now imagine what the reality of video game simulations will be lie in just twenty or thirty years?

In other words it will not be long before … you will not be able to tell a simulated world from the real world.

Sooo … maybe we are already in one?

How about we get a little weirder while your heads is still spinning?

Maybe … the ones controlling us are themselves in a simulation controlled by others?

Noodle cooked yet?

You might well be wondering what in the hell else I heard I need to look into a greater depth?

Oh just a little detail about a scientist who was looming at the maths behind the smaller details of reality, string theory, that noticed computer code created ages ago that is used in web browsers. Dr James Gates Jr, that was his name. Still trying to remember new names in all this, Brian Greene is pretty easy to remember.

I think I can smell something burning? Yup, your noodles definitely over cooked now! Lol.

What with quantum computers being fully functioning now and many working on them all over the globe with more no doubt following things are going to get very strange before very long.

What these new powerful computers will lead is to is anyone's guess.

Strange then that we live in a world where some very bizarre people are in power and we treat each other the way that we do?

Another thing that was mentioned was transhumanism were we upload our minds into a computer, though he spoke as if we would not actually be mobile in these computers. I have a sneaky suspicion that robotics and androids will be in a surprisingly advanced state in ten or twenty years too.

We also have Graphene too and all the things that will lead to in the following ten years and the search for unusual properties that other elements might by hiding if forced into single atoms slices or other shapes or thicknesses? I mean carbon turns into Graphene when one atom thick and others may do two or at two or three atoms thick or arranged in particular shapes?

It is thinking about these things that keeps me going at times and puts my other .. currently ongoing issues into perspective. Yeaah does sound a bit like an understatement that.

Ooh yeah, I forgot about that other study going on about the human consciousness, or soul if you prefer and the fact that they think they have an answer to that, or on the verge of a breakthrough.

I also wonder about the timing of all this?

When the financial crisis going on globally started one of the things I stated to a friend of mine, I will have to remember to remind him of what I said and this posts subjects, is that we would need a … push. A eureka moment. Something … new to get everyone motivated again. A breakthrough and wow product, or set of products or new horizon to aim for. Until this happens things might remain .. well, stuck in the mud so to speak.

We are primates and need to be entertained and don't I know it?! Things have become somewhat miserable and a little bit boring. Added to this people are feeling threatened to due to changes handled badly and you have a pressure cooker about to go off.

These few things might be it … just that they are at least ten years off is all. Lol. Maybe five for one or two but they certainly all will not come together for at least ten years.

I will likely read, listen and learn all this and then get that letter that tells me it was all a waste?

Confusing times indeed.


I .. I .. I just do not know what to say.

Looking at something entirely different on YouTube I saw this video ... it was long .. like just under three hours long.

I was always into the more sensible conspiracy theories many years ago, some I still am You always get these absolute wild ones that are obviously by nutters and you get annoyed because you think it screws it up for others genuinely exposing the truth and then wonder if it is all planted by governments to confuse everything?

Yeah there are plenty of conspiracy theories on the latter I have no doubts.

But I decided to watch this video and see how it went from the beginning. Now when it comes to conspiracies there is one that recently spread around like wildfire after something hit the news a year or two back. Personally and initially it sounded completely mad.

Well that was what was spreading around. In fact what was going around was doing so via text and picture messaging and though it was linked to what was hitting the news headlines ... it did not mirror the story. Not precisely.

There were names going around in text messages that were not being named by the news media and I checked online and noted that the names were widespread ... even on YouTube.

Before long I realised that there were far, far too many links and pictures for this to only be green smoke. There was obviously much more to it and it rocked me to my core.

I have mentioned this albeit briefly in the past.

People are always asking questions about whether we are alone in the universe and when told no they always ask "Where is everyone?" which is what a famous scientist first asked many years ago.

One of my theories was that they do not answer or contact because they purely think us too animal like and primitive. They probably have the technology to know everything that everyone on Earth is up to. Np question mark needed.

This ... video might be long but I challenge you to get thirty to forty minutes into it, that is all that is required, without feeling absolutely sick to your stomach. just the possibility that any of it is true will make you sick to your stomach.

It will also prove my theory as to why people still think we are alone in the universe ... because no intelligent self-respecting alien species would have anything at all to do with us.

It is backed up with a few videos, explanations, interviews and other stuff. I am not stating that it is true and a statement made in the sub-heading of the channel does not help But the video is not theirs and was sourced from somewhere else.

I am also not stating that this is true either ... just that watching it was stomach churning and I felt quite sick .. as well as very concerned.

Yeesh! I gotta stop watching crap on YouTube!


Oh dear.

Oh dear-oh dear-oh dear.

I have stated for a very long time about statutes of limitations and how they protect those with more power and money over those that do not.

I read an article yesterday in the Daily Star, nooo ... I did not buy it lol, about childhood Hollywood actor star Corey Feldman and him admitting he was sexually abused when he was that childhood star?!

Upon being asked who it was he replied that due to the statute of limitations in California he cannot name him, well actually them, because he would be the one to get sued over it all.

I spoke to a friend of mine at the time whose newspaper it was and he mentioned the name of a director that had since died. I said that I did not think it was him because he was dead and that I believe it was an actor, still an A-list and I came up with a name. He said he thought my guess was a good one.

They stated in the article that they think this will lead to the biggest paedophile scandal in America and I have just finished up reading the Inquistr and one other page on it and .. I wholeheartedly agree. It certainly sounds really, really bad.

I have also just come off the phone to another friend and was telling them about it and I mentioned a little cult group I am familiar with because he mentioned two a-list actors belonging to it. I really, really do not like this group and a shiver goes down my spine whenever I think about them and I told them that I hoped it was something to do with them.

Unfortunately this very sorry affair and scandal is only going to prove something else I have singled out for criticism over and over again on my blogs.

If your not aware Corey Haim, who died from an overdose, and Corey Feldman were stars of films that are long time cult classics The Lost Boys and The Goonies. The latter I have heard they are trying to remake.

Reading about this does sicken me but this is something that should be stopped.

It is also a prime example of what inevitable happens when too many people are handed too much money which then provides them with too much power.

In the comments section of The Inquisitr article both the names one friend mentioned were listed as possible suspects. Just goes to show the image these two give out to the more intelligent members of the public.

It is also going to make a lot of these naive idiots that flock to places come hell, high water or several foot of snow just to get a glimpse of these morons while screaming like demented idiots as if they had just won the lottery.

Also listed among the suggestions is a name that if mentioned I simply would not believe.

With all the accusations the Police have had in America in recent years God only knows what this is going to do because the childhood actor reported his abuse and named the abuser and they did nothing.

I find Corey Haim's mothers reaction to all this to be somewhat a little bizarre to as she has complained about Corey Feldman bringing all this up again. One person in the comments does not have very good things to say about her due to this bizarre reaction.

This has the potential to be one of the biggest stories or scandals in the world, what with the worldwide adulation these actors and actresses get. Only the odd country, like North Korea, would be missing swathes of screaming airhead fans over Hollywood actors.

Good God, I dread to think what is going to come out when this can of worms gets opened and as I said to a friend it was not that long ago that a case against the director of the X-Men films, Bryan Singer suddenly stopped midway after being accused.

The trouble is you can think you have shut down the news media over stuff but it does not stop the general public coming up with their own versions of the truth and they normally are all saying the same thing.

The common one for the last scandal was because of money and the film being finished and released.

I think that the USA may be about to show just how much money matters over human life and suffering.

I even wonder now that maybe when big pay demands are made to film studios it is because they will get up to no good and want the cash to hire all the best lawyers in case they ever get caught or the proverbial finger pointed at them?

You do have to wonder, do you not?

Now I know why 80% of Hollywood films have been crap, even ones based on classic and extremely popular characters and story lines?

Despite the things claimed the video on YouTube below has a very sobering interview with Corey Feldman regarding his childhood and his adult life ..


Not got a chance to really talk about this as I do not have the time currently..

But as I normally end up forgetting to do 50% of my posts I did not really want to miss this one.

No one on a train wanted to give up seat for someone disabled!

It is just one of many reasons I do not travel,, like I told the DWP and Atos who then twisted my words ... if I travel I will be in pain in several areas, sweat far too much and contend with embarrassing things that are permanent and spontaneous.

So I will be peeved all the time.

Throw in some idiot who is rude and it would be akin to lighting the touch-paper.

Also there was recently a programme on Channel 4 about the disability issues with the DWP I am always talking about. Did not see it, probably would have annoyed me anyway.

Just another thing in the news media that is short and sweet and designed to make the general public,, you know lie those arseholes on the train that only gave a shit about themselves, reason to carry on not taking any notice.

And so it continues.

What was also interesting is that someone else on Facebook commented just as I did about it and stated that fifty years ago, a time I often dream about living in, everyone would have care and offered their seat.

This is the Disabled People Against Cuts Facebook page ..

Well at least it has some airr time and now maybe another news media in another country will take notice and start reporting about how we treat our own people?

Think about it this affects everyone ...

If they treat the sick, disabled and vulnerable like this then what chance do you have?

The only time your not affected and that is if you have large amounts of disposable income whereby hiring a solicitor at £220 to £400 per hour is nothing to you. If you cannot, there is no legal aid and you are just as fecked as the rest of us.

I wonder if anyone bought up the fact they have been not only breaking the law as well as being immoral but that there is an attempt to take a couple of ministers to court over all this? One of them being Iain Duncan-Smith.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016


My main thing at the moment that stops me from … well, going crazy is learning things that interest me.

Currently that subject, or rather two, is quantum mechanics which encompasses quantum computing, how it all works and where they are at.

As well as these blogs on corruption I have others on reptiles, amphibians, fish, British Wildlife & birdwatching, orchids, astronomy & astrophysics along with computing and a few others.

I have stated many times that I have an overactive mind but my body seems to pull in the opposite direction.

I find boredom … well, painful.

There have been many subjects I have been into all along or at some point or other and one of them is strange mysteries and very real causes of a modern day apocalypse from a scientific viewpoint.

I came across a couple of videos on YouTube and I suddenly thought it might be a good idea at this moment in time for me to run through what I believe to be an interesting list?

This list not only contains all that have interested me but each one has a very real doomsday scenario attached to it.

Now I complain from time to time about how much time an money is wasted on the cheating and lying and by many companies, governments and other organisations along with how slow our progress in science has become. So this list might put that part of my personality and give it all some … perspective?

So here goes …


A short one this one but was something that America started doing that suddenly had everyone thinking that very global catastrophic results could occur.


I always end up reading articles about this and I can tell you that we have long been overdue some kind of outbreak we cannot control that with our interconnected modern world will have doomsday like effects.


This one was pretty close to me and I watched and read about this apparatus as they were building the damn thing. I think it is a marvellous achievement but it did have me stop and think about it momentarily when many were claiming that black holes could be created that could destroy the earth.

I soon realised that this was unlikely due to how the machine is built and how it works and that any black holes would be weak and need matter to grow to any substantial size.


This one I was unfamiliar with and resembles the plot of the film The Core so I thought I would provide this as an example. An example of how idiots that run militaries can make super dunce decision just as they are made to look in films. The idea was to drill down to the Earth's core?!

Now my estimation is that the core and magma have been building in pressure of late and any stupid move like this one will not end well for anyone within miles of the borehole?

The Russians get an entry in this list for that one.


Another one I was not familiar with and another crazy scheme that the military came up with which was releasing a virus that wipes out rice crops. This dis happen and spread a bit but done today would have catastrophic global effects. As it turns out they destroyed their … stockpile of the virus a few decades back.


Another moronic idea and the prize goes to the Russian military this time. I think they planned to use nuclear bombs deep down to trigger earthquakes. Oddly someone in South America accused North America of doing this and why the earthquake in Haiti happened?

Oh dear, will he do that every time there is a normal quake? Even in San Andreas?


Oh this is one of mine … but I have to degree with some folk by saying that I think that anyone that could be that advanced enough to get here to Earth from light years away would have gone far beyond the animal like behaviour that will still display. When I say that I do mean to each other and even animals too might be repulsive to them.

Oddly I have also wondered how the powerful people and governments of the world might react when suddenly an advance intelligence that could orbit out in space and possibly listen in on everything, search all governments computers and find out how those in power really are?

How would they react? Would they suddenly repent on their sins because an advanced civilisation that is peaceful towards its own might look down upon the?

We might actually find out the answer to that in my lifetime? Oooh.


Yeah, did not know about this one but it does not surprise me. You can bet there is a whole long list of things that even just the American military has fecked about with? Now take each countries military and imagine what horrors each of them have cooked up. Nasty.


There are a few little details about this one I simply did not know and that those that built the first nuclear bomb to be tested were worried the explosion might be bigger than they thought and set Earth's atmosphere on fire?!

Really?! Think about that for a moment. The builders were worried that the bomb might have a very large and even global catastrophic affect and yet the military set it off anyway?!

Tells you a lot about the military's intellect does it not?

I am amazed that there has not been a military of some country somewhere that has not set something off that has wiped out half its population.


I can tell you now that I was unfamiliar with this one but knew straight away were it came from and I could see why, but it is … way off. Way, way off.

Now the idea being that the universe will disperse because we have, or will look at dark matter and the reason being that when we do look at it it will then start to decay.

Yeah someone read an explanation for quantum mechanics me thinks, looked at super-positions and how they work and when viewed the wave particles, electrons, of the sub-atomic level collapse from being waves to particles? Wait? Have I got that right? Lol.

Well they thought they were particles but then realised they can also behave like waves … umm when not being viewed.

It is all very weird and means that there are other dimensions.

Best thing to do to explain the above is tell you to loo up 'the double slit experiment'. Trust me it is only a very simple experiment. You have a light source, a wall with two doorways and behind that another wall with no openings at all. Now what happens is that when you shine the light you get to lit areas on the rear wall shaped like the other openings, or doorways.

Got that?

Except when not viewed you actually around half a dozen of them! You can put detectors to detect the electrons above the doorways or behind the doorways but when being detected you only get two bars.

In effect the electrons behave like water where a ripple would be split into two via the openings and then criss-cross, or interfere with, each other.

Are you now thinking 'ahh feck it I do not understand this'? Well do not worry …. no one else does either. No I mean that … even the guys building quantum computers because of all this do not understand what is going on. They just know that it does happen and that they can use it.

I now realise form recent research that quantum computers are going to change everything. All of societies problems we cannot work out? This thing can when all the computers of the world combined would take a million years. These will do it in a matter of hours.

Lockheed Martin have purchased a quantum computer from D:Wave and I think Google went halfsies with NASA or bought one for NASA? One of the two.

So yeah … looking and viewing sub-atomic particles actually causes them to change their behaviour. Except this subject was about someone saying that if you 'view' Dark Matter it would start to decay?


I think that that one is pretty self explanatory and in history almost happened when an alarm told the Russians that five missiles were heading their way.

Was some years ago so do not panic.


Yeah those misdirected morons that think they are the master race an fifty virgins await them once they have blown themselves to smithereens! Hmm … hold up a minute? What happens if they blow themselves up and do not take anyone with them? Does Allah take their heads off and leaves them in a room with a dozen sex starved 80 year old nymphomaniacs?

One could only hope.

Right then, let us start getting very really and very … well, natural …


This can do enough damage as it is and stop every electronic device from working over hundreds of miles or more.

But if this occurs during a magnetic flip (see below)? Start to pray. Because what could happen is that if holes or magnetic poles spontaneously appear around the globe? Over built up cities? You might want to be verrrry careful with those electronic devices you keep about your person, or even standing next to.

Aircraft, phones and other things keeping us connected? Forget it!


This one is pretty self explanatory but the really big threat is what they call Super Volcanoes in which Yellowstone Park is just one. Just the one at Yellowstone really going off in a big way will have a catastrophic effect globally. It will reduce the amount of sunlight likely enough to affect most plant growth around the world.

There WILL be a time when a big one does erupt … we just do not know when or where … just yet.


Speaking of seismic activity and along with Yellowstone you have the San Andreas fault line that they not only think is way overdue but signs suggest it might be a big one when it goes?

The trouble with humans is we do not live very long. Oh yeah? Well look at the lifespans of some trees and whales?! Lol.

When you do not live very long you are naïve and get too laid back about very real and very big catastrophic events. Well your Dad never told any stories of major quakes and what living hell they are to live through did they? Neither did your grandfather. Yeah so it will not happen in your lifetime then so why worry about it?

Unfortunately you should because … well nature is not very forgiving when it comes to naivety. It could be tomorrow and it could be fifty or a hundred years time or more. They simply do not know.


Real ones I mean, not computer viruses they the latter could become a major problem one day. I have no doubt that with the amount of people we have in the world and just how interconnected we all are this one is a time bomb waiting to go off?

It will likely come from something that some moronic military commander ordered to have synthetically produced?

If military commanders are reading this … trust me you wont want to be that moron, think of the history books of the future with a picture of you as the prize idiot?


Real bad one this … a wolf in sheep's clothing as I think to start with things will be very slow indeed? You will get a few odd things happening around the world before the big changes start to take place.

Basically the Earth's core has two densities for the upper and lower part of it. That is why your compass points north as the strongest end of Earth's magnetic field is located there.

Except … it is moving. It has been moving for years but as time goes on it seems to wander further and further. The theory is, is that the molten iron at the core is mixing up in a process that may see the lower half become the denser half. There area a few theories about how long this will take but no one really knows. Humans not living very long and all that and there are no records of it ever happening not for thousands of years.

The problem arises if poles start popping up all over the place during the switch and whether or not the entire magnetic field, or parts of it, will lose enough strength to cause bigger problems.

Letting in all kinds of dangerous and invisible killers like cosmic and gamma rays?


This is a good one and one close to my heart. Transhumanist and all that!

OK so well known one this of killer robots or androids like in the science fiction films, like 'I, Robot' or 'Alien'.

Yeeaah, I am on the fence on this one.

I am firmly on the side that thinks that scenarios like the brilliant film The Matrix or Terminator simply will not happen.

But then there is the side of me that says to myself “Martin? You just now some wanker in the government or pratt in the military that thinks they know better will ask these machines to go against their core programming and lie, cheat and do all kinds of shit?”

Again and again and time after time science fictions films have shown these military and government politicians to be morons, doing something they should not, the shit hitting the proverbial fan and all of hell breaking loose. But they will STILL go and do it and then have someone else to blame when the proverbial comes into play.


Was shocked to here about the antibiotic problem and this has the potential to be a real big thing.

But they are well on their way currently with these nanobots that are microscopic robots that can enter your body and do all sorts of things. They put them inside mice .. to .. do .. something … I cannot bloody remember. That is not on my notes!! LMAO!

If you have not already read … I have a condition that causes over 100 things and one is short term memory issues! No … really! Lol.


Shortage of Bees? Heard of that one? Became a big problem globally and now there are some Hornets turning up of Asian origin that are and will hunt and kill the bees. Those poor bastards just cannot catch a break! If we are not filling them up with a concoction of thirty pesticides and killing them they are being hunted down, killed and eaten by illegal immigrants?!

Now that last one we are now beginning to empathise with them!


It has been my belief for many years now that despite what so-called scientists dying for a career on TV way tell you … nothing can be done about and it is all natural.

There is an argument that we may be speeding it up … but I have personally seen signs in the animal kingdom going back over a decade that the warming has been going on for a very, very long time. A few thousand years minimum.

But I do agree that you should stop pumping crap into the atmosphere.

But I believe it to be suicide to put all your eggs and money into just one basket. For something that not only could be irreversible but may be holding us back from entering an ice age? Or heading for one?


I .. love .. astronomy.

See all those beautiful stars in the night sky? So distant and harmless looking? Well they are not … at least not all of them.

Stars live a very long time, even the short lived ones. But they all eventually die in one way or another. Before they do they go through various changes depending on how much mass (think dense) they are.

Now with some of the bigger stars they … kind of have a very big gun .. two in fact. When a star collapses into certain forms, like a black hole, they can give of blasts of gamma radiation. Anyone heard of the Marvel hero called The Hulk? That is gamma radiation and as anyone who has seen a film with him in knows that the gamma radiation he was exposed to should have killed him.

Think worse than the radiation from a nuclear bomb.

Now there are probably miniscule chances of this actually happening but if a star collapses and is side on when it does with one of its poles facing us directly … we could have a major problem.

Has it happened before? Not that we know of. But we did eventually discover that the magnetic north pole was once the magnetic south pole from some rocks near Hawaii but these were very old rocks.


I can hear three groups of readers saying either …

  • Ain't that the thing that happened in that animated movie called Ice Age?
  • Ain't that the thing that happened in that 2012 disaster movie?
  • What the … feck … is he on about?!


Yeah the Mayan Calender might not have been a real thing in 2012 but what took place is a very real thing. Do not take my word for it … look up Albert Einstein, he came up with the theory!

Wherever we stand and miles underneath us and as we all know the rock is molten. In other words it is a fluid. I remember seeing in a programme on Dinosaurs that the idiots claimed that Dinosaurs lived in Antarctica?! Umm I DO NOT THINK SO!

If Dinosaurs have been found on Antarctica I can promise you one thing … forget about the snow the Dinosaurs were running around on, if you saw the same documentary as me, Antarctica was most certainly not where it is right now.

The continent would have had to have been a great deal warmer so would not have been situated at the south pole and cold blooded giant lizards would not have been able to survive those temperatures.

Scientists are pretty sure it has happened now and can happen again. As to what triggers the whole process off?

It might be linked to the magnetic flip theory as all that hot liquid iron suddenly on the move could have the continents on the move?

It might be from a global series of super-volcano eruptions?

It could have been from a Comet strike hitting us hard enough that wiped out the Dinosaurs, placing the Antarctic where it is, killing of any Dinosaurs that may have lived there and exactly why the are finding them today? If they found them that is, I mean they showed them living there in the documentary.

I can tell you for a fact that they have found fossils of animals that would live in warmer climates on Greenland and it is pretty darn cold there most of the time.


I bet many have already thought of two things from the title? Comets and asteroids … ahem though I suppose a gamma ray burst technically falls into this category. But I felt it needed its own little section?

OK so those first two are pretty self explanatory but what you may not know is that the size of he asteroid or comet that could wipe out millions … does not need to be that big. In fact I think you might be very surprised by how small it needs to be.

Size is not the problem … it is speed and density, the material of that striking us, that does the damage. Many of them that can wipe us out are nigh on impossible so spot with the current technology and the very few telescopes searching the skies for these threats.

No, no they are both obvious threats … the other one that can come from space are actually black holes. Rogue black holes, if you like, that are possibly roaming around interstellar space or even intergalactic space.

I think most people would probably know or have a good idea about what would happen if one headed into our solar system. Yes I said solar system as it does not even have to come anywhere near us … I mean what if it went close to our sun? Not good.

Luckily I think this is very unlikely to ever happen. Comets and asteroids is another matter entirely though.

So there have it …. just some of the things I tend to think about when my mind wanders from time to time.

Have I blown your brains out?

Have I scared the bejesus out of you?

Well that is why I am disappointed that certain … areas of science seem to have been held back and sometimes out of very naïve public opinion. Oh even people I have known personally, believe me.

Nahh but what are the chances of any of this or that which I may have left out from ever happening, right?

Sleep tight!