Sunday 13 April 2014


Unfortunately here is something that had lacked for decades that had been a factor in my miserable existence and no doubt others too?!

However this was the very, very first time I realised that government and public services were naive. Yes I do mean long before I realised they were also corrupt I thought then naive!

They cut down the building of social housing and they did this without dealing with other factors first?!

Think 'closing the stable door after the house has bolted'? But this does not do the situation true justice! So how about ...

'Closing the stable door when the horse has been on a beach in Australia for a week sipping Pina Coladas!'


They did nothing regarding the increase in population and not did they do anything about the huge influx of asylum seekers!

Added to this in a desperate attempt to look politically correct they went over the top, for reasons I admit I do not know for sure, and refused to help those born in the UK and only helped those coming from far away lands.

This was a very shown manufacture of an extremely large Molotov Cocktail just waiting for a sniff of a spark!

I personally do not think they can ever regain what they lost! The funny thing is they start worrying about drops in numbers about babies being born and yet they have hampered many peoples chances of having a home and a family!

That will not go down very well after a few years of desperately wanting a family! Being politically correct won't stop you being railroaded when nature is being forced to be hemmed in for too long?!

When nature calls we are in essence still at her mercy and she will not be forgiving in the end.

Also you have not acted as civilised human beings towards your own people so in the event that a reversal is not forthcoming you are hereby banned from using the words 'civilised' and 'uncivilised' labels to anyone during any unrest that may occur!


Councils 'hustled' over housing

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