Monday 7 April 2014


Now here is a bloody good idea if it were not fur the fact that Doctors, nurses and specialists were going out of their way as was instructed to not diagnose people?!

Now the funny thing for me is that eventually technology will make it ever harder now to lie and cheat members if the public. Governments the world over have shown how they simply underestimate the power of the Internet time after time and that even after all this time they are still ignorant to it.

The fact that they have refused to accept the realities of a changing world is also the reason why they will inevitably lose and be forced to change.

Here below is a link of a Google Glass app for Doctors to stream videos of patients to other Doctors so that a consultation can take place between the two?!

Now obviously if you can be linked in to the ideal Doctor or specialist using this app then this can save a huge waiting time and a great deal of money besides! Then the patients can then get a referral where necessary and not when not! Unlike me where I have been sent to just about every department at least twice and even three times on occasion!

I am the living proof that their idea of money saving is a gargantuan false economy! Lol!

A Google Glass App For Doctors To Stream Video Of Patients To Consult Other Doctors

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