Monday 7 April 2014


Now I have mentioned an inordinate amount of time just how I outwitted public services over and over again and stated it was simple once I realised they were comes when it comes to the digital age!

Every single time I have even posted anything I have always stated that they are incompetent, alluding to their knowledge of computing, or are idiots when it comes to IT.

I had stated this for years before I started this blog and when I set out to do what I did I simply went on my own assumption that they simply would be clueless while thinking themselves way smarter than they were. I often used to point out the systems they were using to some staff and laugh. I did the same whenever they crashed or did something very stupid.

Now tonight I spotted on article after flicking through my Flipboard app regarding the UK Government paying Microsoft to continue support for Windows XP?! They have paid £5.5 Million for this and seems they are not the only one as the Dutch Government have paid them too.

What I find amusing is the fact that XP is extremely old and literally in computing terms is a dinosaur. It is twelve years old currently and since it was released you have had the Vista, 7, 8 and now two big updates to 8 and Windows 9 not far away now.

I find it staggering that the councils band government waste the money they do and themselves what they do and yet they use a system that is ancient! There are even modern systems that are next to nothing to acquire. In fact nothing at all if your a private user and many of these cone with a Microsoft Office compatible office suite, normally Libre Office.

I know not what the costs would be of implementing these Linux Operating Systems but it will be a tiny fraction of what Microsoft charges!

Here is the link to the sorry ...

UK government pays Microsoft £5.5m to extend Windows XP support

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