Wednesday 21 March 2018


Well I simply do not believe it.

A number of newspaper reports by The Independent have shown that the DWP and government have to pay back 70,000 disabled people for not paying them benefits?! Jesus .. some good news finally but I will believe it when it happens!

Apparently the reported figure they will have to pay is £340 Million. Yup .. for those that are amoral and do not like the welfare state .. sowwy! Well you have been an idiot and I always said that this was a futile exercise and a complete waste of your tax money, so I have been arguing your .. umm .. arguments. Or points. Well you did not moan about the fact that the government pays tens on millions of pounds each to at least three and maybe four organisations to cheat people. The keyword here that everyone missed that would have made them put s stop to wasting the public's taxes in the first instance is .. cheat. It is also a massive exercise in ignoring the laws as well as any morals .. but I guess that is all OK as long as you are getting what you want? Well do away with laws completely if that was your attitude?! Either have laws or do not have laws, you pays your money you takes your choice!

I am afraid it gets better .. as many might actually get a higher payment than they did previously because I for one got less money than a diabetic friend of mine who admitted that I had more difficulty than him. More frequent then he and whereas he can .. take preventative measures anyone with Fibromyalgia can not. Mostly they can just be careful which does not always work and damn difficult to judge.

I am afraid it gets better still as it also turns out that the government has been found to be discriminatory towards people with mental health problems?!

There is a fucking God!

Ooh the thought of amoral people crying into their cornflakes fills me with joy right now! Well as much joy as I can possibly muster given the circumstances I am faced with.

Now I thought I see a line somewhere that said that the government had put money aside for this? Oh? When did that occur? When they started in case it all went wrong? Or was this a secret plan to cover their arses over their "we are all in it together" crap to state that they always intended to pay us back after we paid for their mistakes?! But I am not sure .. I might be remembering the line wrong?

Now there is just the question of Universal Credit .. I mean .. they now admit that they have been discriminatory towards disabled people so what do they think the Universal Credit has been designed for?! To be FAIR?! I do not fucking think so! Single mothers and unemployed expected to work for 12 pence per hour?! Hmm they might have upped it to 13 pence I am not sure?

Oh and then there is the question of homelessness and the ever inflating rent prices, especially in areas people know and call home .. like my home of London.

Wow this was .. unexpected, I must say.

Government ruled to be discriminatory towards people affected with mental health issues ..

I previously stated that a diabetic friend said that I am worse than he and should get the same higher rate that he gets? After seeing several things but nowhere near everything I have to go through and that was prior to the high blood pressure issues that are not resolved and the heart palpitation issues.

Well guess what? Another story in the Independent about how disabled people were not getting high enough rates ..

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