Tuesday 27 March 2018


Well the UK have asked Mark Zuckerberg to appear before a committee and he had refused.

I don't like the government much, you've read this blog right? But I also don't like heads of large firms that believe themselves to be above the law as well as government.

They are becoming increasingly above reproach.

Mark Zuckerberg wants to send underlings instead. Watch my account vanish within twenty four hours?! Lol.

It is something I have wondered about for years .. that some companies are getting so big that they think themselves above or beyond reproach to anyone and everyone. Seemingly in the process of trying to take over the world too.

The only thing we have in our favour is that there are just too many big organisations trying to take over the world that no one of them will be able to achieve this. Or they are all in some clandestine group like the infamous but mythical Illuminati often joked about online and TV programs like Family Guy.

You can think of bog names like Samsung and Apple and the like but the real dangers come from those that supply online services like the big social media companies or those with operating systems and browsers and such. Facebook, Google and a few others I cannot think of right now. Well I do have memory issues, you know?!

The dangers are going to come down the line and only a few years from now when the heads of these companies refuse requests like this and get away with it. Eventually it will become second nature that they wont have to appear before anyone and therefore the things they get up to will get worse and more illegal and immoral in nature.

In human history there are always those seeking total control, whether it is over a small group, a whole district, a country or even the world. Eh, Mr Putin? Lol!

Strange all this and I would love to see where it ends up down the line but I have this sneaky suspicion I wont be around to witness it?

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg declines to appear before UK MPs http://flip.it/9lCsS7

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