Monday 6 August 2018


Well at a news article stating clearly that the DWP have accused human rights and have to pay back £2 Million over something I found this blogger ..

Frank Zola.

He seems to have been doing a fair bit of digging against them.

But what do I find?

Details about them watching people on social media and this includes one single solitary group of which I warned several members. In fact it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were plants within this organisation.

It's a lot of money and many serious crimes being committed. Money and prison will reach separately guarantee you no expense spared.

So what about both?

Of course because of my own endeavours into corruption I knew I would get watched and that the list of watchers would grow.

Who has basically let the cat out of the bag that in being watched?

  • MI5/Secret Services - been in contact twice .. six years ago plus and then a couple months back
  • NHS - know my name before I go in and go quiet in second visit, wont say a word to me
  • Job Centre - Knew they was checking me out years ago, went back on a signed agreement and one rule for them and another for us

Well they never think things through because .. now that it's shown that they watch people, which is itself an admission of guilt, there are going to be follow up questions .. like ..

So we you watching the social media of this list of people who went on to commit suicide over your breach of their human rights?!

Oh .. dear.

I find it staggering that for a career people are willing to kill for their lords and masters?

Only thing worse than that are the people asking or expecting others to kill for them.

Or the very contradictory idea is that the best thing for the country, which is its people, is to cull the people.

See I once would have viewed this as a right-wing notion.

But as I said I've heard more and more that Christian faiths tend to be right-wing so how can this be?

I believe the left and socialists were all about peace, live and fairness and were for the little people. Except they have been anything but, have been hypocrites and targeting people with hatred and violence.

Everything is backwards to what I believed.

I'm sure the few people I know on Twitter, some or all follow me, that argue for the case of Jeremy Corbyn do want things to be fair? One is  a reverend for Christ sake. I'm not so sure he's aware of the things I've been discovering that the hard left want and are into. I don't think he would approve?

Soo .. becoming a bit of a problem this social media malarkey, is it not?!

Hmm what could be a veritable time bomb among the people of the west?

  • Taking in immigrants when you don't have the housing or the money
  • Not noticing there all soldiers
  • Taking things away from white people to give these people things
  • Start shutting white people to when they complain about anything
  • White people and others start telling white people they are the problem and have destroyed everything and they deserve it
  • Ignore the fact that almost all, all as far as I've seen, suicide victims are white
  • Slant the media into naming and shaming to shut people up

Cover to the crimes of these immigrants, don't charge these immigrants at all or give them far reduced sentences than you would anyone else.

Yeah .. over a long period of time, that should do it.

The DWP have been complicit with this along with many others.

Christ .. even DPAC, who are on the watch list, have warnings about staying politically correct on their Facebook page.

Strange then that it should be stated that the DWP must view them as a threat because I don't see them as one and they have been losing members.

In a row not long ago they got accused of only ever making noise. They got asked to stop saying they are making headway because things have gone from bad to a living hell for millions. They got accused over their politically correct stance. This was inevitable and I knew it was coming for a long time. I had secretly said this to other members who agreed.

Never ceases to amaze me for these organisation get setup by people that are either naive or sound suspiciously like government people who then grow large?

I've had to wonder if in each case they weren't set up by government people as either a distraction or somewhere everyone would gravitate to they want to keep a watchful eye on?

Oh? Are they not keeping a watchful eye on DPAC's Facebook page?

See? Naive.

If you play by their rules you get beaten again and again.

In fact I stated exactly this to disability solicitors, Mary Ward. In the beginning it sounded like I'd get my money back. After 18 months they did nothing more than send a few letters.

My social worker friend called them all the names under the sun.

My daughter and I wouldn't have had dozens of conversations about how we would be better off dead.

No more anxiety, pain, depression and all the worries that have pushed us right up to the edge.
Yeah .. wonderful country this is.

As I've said many times past what intelligent alien race would want to talk to us?

Imagine they listen in on everything? See how we treat each other. Governments treat and kite to it's people?

Now think of all the crazy conspiracy theories on recent times from Hollyweird to pizzagate and even to with the lizard people? Imagine half of those are true and some alien race knows about it?!

Alien: So? Do we go down and say 'hi'?

Captain: Not fucking likely! If they treat their own like that imagine how they will treat us?! What I don't get is why they bothered sending out there messages trying to contact us. What they did they was like was obviously all lies?!

Frank Zola's webpage about all this .. on WordPress ..

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