Tuesday 7 August 2018


The situation I've been blogging about for six years that's has gone on for twenty years?

The story that made it into two small double page magazine articles where they ignored the rest of the story that could cover a couple of dozen articles?

Yeah .. that may be about to take a twist?

I'm sitting here on the rain watching YouTube videos and reading tweets. I've got bored as it's quiet for new videos and tweets right now.

I'm waiting for a phonecall or message to call someone after a curious phonecall about an hour or so ago.

A social worker was in my daughter's home and I get a call from her while she was there.

I was told she was there and I was asked what local council I am under and can I get a form to be housed? Curious.

Of course I asked the sixty second socialist about where the council was and was immediately interrupted with a lecture. Because socialists not only know everything but know what your going to say and what they feel is important.

First she was wrong .. but let's forget that. I had to explain this want for me. Drawn in you see .. I then get interrupted again with another lecture.

Yup a twenty second phonecall and I've not explained it and in getting lectured.

Then I get a run down through history of their feelings and everything everyone had ever done to them.

My heart is now playing up and gig crazy and in holding me chest for dear life? Do they notice?

Well no because it's not about them and their feelings so they just carry on.

My heart gets worse and in squeezing my chest like there is no tomorrow.

I get told after half an hour that others agree with her .. it's a lie. She tells me that my daughter shouldn't come down here because I can't handle it?!

I get accused I don't listen .. when she's interrupted to control the conversation .. dictating to make it all about them. But constantly proved over and over again that she's the fucking most deaf of all of us.

Challenge her on that and she states that she has an excuse because her life and family problems are worse than anyone else's .. including this directly affected by these said problems. Another lie to keep control. Sound familiar?! Keeping control? Doing so the talking? Talking over others? Dismissing others problems? Talking about feelings?

All our lives we have had this.

The hilarious part about it all is she thinks she is so affected but has no idea that she turns out lives into a living hell.

She ran through everyone in the family we've heard a hundred times, while dismissing at the same time something extremely serious involving the lives and endangerment of children and with Sudden Death Syndrome, Cancer and dangerous vitamin and magnesium deficiencies thrown in. And chance of being murdered. And violence thrown in.

But nope .. she had to go over everything fur the one thousandth time because her feelings are more important.

So I left. Because she is so left.

No .. she didn't know what happened on the twenty second phonecall because I didn't get the chance in thirty minutes.

Everything currently going on has to take a back seat so she can run through her history of victim cards yet again. She also says "You won't change my mind" when you show her facts. Once again, sound familiar?!

So what happened was this, just so I can tell her later that dozens of strangers knew before her.

Oh yeah she also lied and said people in the family agree with her, that my daughter coming here I can't handle because of the autistic grandchildren. Another lie as they ones they were referring to were telling me I need to go back north.

Oddly enough the same one that offered to sell my car for me that didn't. Had they I would be to there now. I also lost 4 grand because they didn't.

And I get lectured on helping my daughter.

But according to the socialist whose lying to make herself look correct, I can't handle my daughter coming down .. here?!

That's the logic and the selfish nature I have to deal with. Why I cut myself off for days or weeks at a time!

Soo here's what happened ..

The evil perp told a domestic abusers brother that my daughter had cheated on him while he was in prison for domestic violence?! Oh and that she got pregnant and had an abortion.


This is what she was up to ..

Lukmal, from the news articles I published on this blog, hears this and goes mental. He goes around to my daughter's home and there is violence. Police get involved. Social Services get involved the latter of which they evil liar has been telling lies to that my daughter is secretly seeing her ex.
This way she looks like she is telling the truth.

She then takes my eldest grandson .. for money and she's not forced to work. She then gives the other three to for adoption because they are too difficult.

She previously handed another child to his father for a £5,000 fee. Daughter never sees him again. Got told my social services that he had been injured by his parents recently.

Now I'm wondering if the social services, who I had previously stated that they claimed the ex had rights and they were going to help him, might now have finally realised they have been lied to and used for years?

I say this because my daughter phoned and asked about forms for being housed down here in London while this social worker was sitting there?

Oddly my daughter also believed that the visit that was taking place today was called because they were changing social workers? It now appears to be something else entirely?

I'll post this for now for the time and date stamp but this app trends to screw up formatting.

One of them also loses tags!

1 comment:

  1. And .. Just like it's done for four years it's lost the tags when the app states they are there .. nice one yet again Google!
