Tuesday 14 August 2018


My I was forced to have to think about this one.

Despite the memes and the jokes going about about Jeremy Corbyn's onset of senility there are these warriors still .. actually .. defending him?

You have got to be fucking joking?! Really? I mean .. REALLY?

  • He is a racist and therefore not a socialist .. no IFS and no BUTS
    • He picks one skin colour over another
  • He is an apologist to rapists and murderers
    • He helps protect and hide them and bullies his own to keep quiet
    • Because his ideals do not work and re not working
  • He fails to see that a photo opportunity that is obviously political will turn people against him
  • He fails to see that choosing one government over another loos as if he is going against the people under these governments .. which is brain-dead
    • HE got into politics, how exactly? Oh yeah .. running into the arms of others as a sympathiser obviously
  • He LIES
  • When then caught out he gets the party to do a press release stating more lies
  • He then plays a senility card?
Your fucking joking, right? This is your idea of socialism?!

Funny as it is the complete opposite to what I imagined and I know which of the two is closer to the truth. Mine. By ten country miles!

But there are still people defending him lie squawking parrots that are getting their argument destroyed on Twitter left, right and centre?!

If you think it is bad now .. well .. if he ever became Prime Minister? Oooh boy.

My head is filled with images of a doomsday scenario. After seeing a single poll where he was ahead and I was like 'what the actual fuck?! Are people made or does he have mental health sufferers supporting him?!'

Yeah .. you see it will not take long before I see worse things happening to white people .. well those of us that have not chucked themselves off bridges or started to death.

Seeing horrid things happening to people around you, well anyone left that gives a crap, will result in a banding together into .. death squads. These will act at night and I believe their intent, though it might not start out this way, will be to kill. Socialists and their thought Police.

I am not joking.

It does not take Freud to see that things are boiling over right now with Jeremy Corbyn and this thing he presents as socialism and is anything but that.

These sane people are going to get more and more edgy as we get closer to the next general election and it would not even surprise me of what I have stated here has been foreseen and there have been plans against it.

Oh they only do that in America? Yeah why would we be any different after all they are white and we are .. oh wait? White!

Jesus .. if he is destined to become PM, and I still believe he wont, I hope I am dead before then! 

Well .. probably be dead before the end of the year.

We are Corbyn? I am most definitely not Corbyn!

Tell you something else too .. my daughter hates the Tories but has stated that she will NEVER vote for Corbyn after what he has said and done.

Oddly by that time Europe might have woken up and gone in the opposite direction in which case they might welcome us sane people with open arms?! I would go if it came to that as would my daughter and likely what remains of my family. Several members having fled to Australia years ago with the direction the country is heading in.

Turn it into Britistan and it wont stay socialist and you wont stay in power Jeremy.


Now THIS is what you call investigative journalism and this woman did it all from a computer making the mainstream media look like fools .. well most of them.


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