Thursday 2 August 2018


Well we are talking about an SJW now?

As it turns out The Quartering just uploaded a video stating that a number of people have managed to identify his attacker.

Would you believe he is a gamer?

From what I could see on the video he also kind of gets invited to talk on shows. There's a picture of him with microphone and headset and a few others. You can kiss goodbye to that for a street. Well .. I think.

Also there is a picture of him wearing a shirt that says something along the lines that he punches Nazis'?!

Oh .. my .. God. Sargon of Akkad is likely to flip of he hears about this?!

So there's plenty of pictures and, from the sounds of it and what I saw, eye witnesses too.
He's calling the Police.

Let's see what happens now shall we?!

One person had already been locked up for talking about their opposing side despite not what he was arrested for.

Will the other side get away with attacking his opposing side unprovoked?!

They have already demonstrated that which everyone had accused them of fur the umpteenth time. 

Can't win an argument then scream, shout, attack or stand up and walk out like a child.

Let's see if there's the preferential and contrasting treatment every claims to?

Well I hope there isn't but in recent times nothing would surprise me.

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