Thursday 9 August 2018


I have stated many times that I believe that al the trouble in the western world is .. intentionally being enticed.

The reason is that they are bending over backwards so far, so often and so obviously so that they know it is going to piss a lot of people off.

They have even gone as far as fucking over white people when it comes to tightening the belts in the financial crisis and left everyone else alone. I have reported it before but there is a crazy amount of suicides and just people throwing themselves off of bridges in just Birkenhead and Newcastle alone it is a sad and scary amount! But the mainstream media have avoided many things at all costs.

In our forms of escapism we are having things shoved down out throats too and no matter where you look online there is a humongous row going on. Cinema, TV, gaming and politics and likely many others too?

Is this some kind of joke?

You know your so obviously pushing for civil wars, right?

Ergo and in my mind this has to have been pushed for by someone .. somewhere .. for some reason I have not worked out just yet. It is too in your face, too often and too obvious and based on very obvious lies. For a utopia you cannot reach. Cannot .. achieve. In no reality is this even possible because people are unbending, whether it is some religion or just the rest of us that are sane.

Lies. Lots and lots of lies and using words that do not mean what they want them to. But they are words that will cause shock so they fashion them into meaning something completely different to what they are actually stated to mean in a dictionary.

Little do they fucking know that the word 'Nazi' comes from Germany's old World War 2 idea of socialism. You bloody morons! 'National Socialists' in German has a bloody 'Z' in it!

Now let us forget all that for a moment and let us say for the sake of theory that nothing is planned .. sorry I am tempted to laugh at the very idea but .. OK ,, here we go ..

Yeah your heading for civil wars just the same.

It wont be a fair fight and not in favour of the side that you might think.

Right now it only appears to be slanted to one side but this is an illusion. Because they have control of a majority of the Internet.

Now here is a point where I have to stop and state that I warned about this for fucking years! I have stated over and over and over again that there is a race going on because these tech companies believe that whoever controls the Internet has power over most of the globe. Now I understand why China were so funny about it all. Yeah I am not a fan of the Chinese government but I am of the country and the people.

I digress.

So .. what is going to happen over the nest few years is that the majority of people, made up of sane people, intelligent people, scientists and Christian religions that do not have blinkers on, will get ever angrier.

They already know that the mainstream news media is lying to them just as I stated for fucking years and all of them and now they are watching them and the EU scrambling about like paethetic twats trying to shut down the communications on the Internet and limit the truth being spread.

If it is NOT the truth what do you they have to worry about?

I cannot say that? Funny as just about every Policeman on the planet would say that to someone who has been arrested or under investigation. Or are words and questions along with statements only allowed if you clear them first?

So .. the numbers will build. If they bring in that stupid Article 13 thing then they will show the world what they are really after.

Groups will band together and it will be plainly obvious at this stage that they simply cannot use the Internet. Well in its easily available form.

The create the division to the point of breakdown I any given society .. you would need to create division in the public services, most notably the Police forces and armed forces.

At some point said groups will mobilise and I would imagine their very first targets would be one of a short list of organisations.

The headquarters of the companies profiting as well as controlling all of this ..

  • Google
  • Twitter
  • Apple
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn

May well be others by then.

We already have exit threats all over the EU .. Brexit, Dexit, Swexit and various others. Italy, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Greece and others. The lists just keep getting longer and longer and the opponents to this secret wave of socialist control are growing.

You will NOT see this on your TV news channel. But there are penty of videos to prove all this is going on on YouTube.

Take a look then ask yourself once again .. why the sudden scrambling to get control of the Internet? Because YOU are not allowed to have a mind of your own or make decisions on your own and this has to be done for you. By God? Lol .. nope. By some idiot appointed into his position by a friend.

Now there could be a sign to this happening and of course it might have already been thought about by any or all in the ever growing list of perpetrators?

There will be a marked increase in security in and around these headquarters.

Result! Unemployment will go down briefly!

It wont do any good because of the sheer number involved.

Then there is the fact that not only are the sane already in the majority but that this number will grow and continue to do so.

I really do not believe that there are that many insane and evil people out there?

That is your other problem because this will be seen as a battle of good and evil and the things coming out every five minutes and all the talk have made me realise this.

I have literally stated in a number of places that it recently hit me that this is like watching Steven King's old two part story The Strand play out?!

It will probably come to this because even of if these hard left moronic socialists were to read this? Yeah .. they are not very good when it comes to mathematical evidence, scientific evidence and just follows that common sense gets ignored along with the others.

I have had it within my family and she was a Socialist Worker Party member ..

There are the facts”

You wont change my mind”

Well these are the facts!”

Wont make a difference!”

Well there facts and so you will remain wrong then!”

In fact I will let you into a little secret ..

This will also go to explain the numbers I am talking about being one sided ..

Everyone else in the family and all my friends think that this person has a mental health disorder and has needed to see specialists for years. No one agrees with her but she lies about this to make herself look right to get someone to agree with her. When she is wrong!

One person against several dozen and she has lost all her friends because of this attitude and all have tried to ell her. But what she does is twist even that .. states it is only her kids, has moaned to others for years that none of us are like her and that we are like out Dad. So it is actually my dead Dad's fault. A Dad that the BBC helped to kill. Yeah that is yet another story.

More and more their side are being exposed as idiots and if nothing else .. no one wants to be seen as an idiot. Just look at the arguments on YouTube!

So what seems right now to be heavily left leaning will more or less end up as a rout.

They must know this and hence why I am pretty sure the security will be raised significantly at some point?

But hey? What do I know .. this is just some half-arse tinfoil hat requirement theory like aliens .. except there are no aliens here. Or lizard people .. except there is not so much as a single scale to be found. Cannot even weigh myself to see whether it is three stone I have lost now or more. All because of socialism. Many other crimes committed all because of socialism and then totalitarianism and bullying ways and not doing what they do but do what they say.

Any other crazy theories you would like to compare all this too though there is no sign of anything like that and all I have mentioned is not only believable but in many cases inevitable.

Which part of the phrase 'It is not a matter of 'if' but a matter of 'when'' do morons not understand?

If your thinking 'Ooh he is talking crap, that will never happen in this country' .. then your doing it again and making assumptions from feelings and knee-jerk reactions for you see ..

I never actually .. mentioned a country!

A taste of the overwhelming warmth and sympathy for a repeat victim who has cancer as a result .. take a look .. at what point did she express shock or sympathy and throwing in the obvious word does not count ..


This might be of interest to the smarter ones ..

Probably one of many reasons and might be a main one as to why they want to stop me putting links in my blog and YouTube videos in here too?!

Yes .. that is what Article 13 is all about they already tried to put through Europe wide. They failed but everyone expects them to try again.

Now .. do you get a vote or even a say in this? NOPE!

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