Thursday 2 August 2018


Well I just finished writing the last post and had not even published it when I saw this odd video pop up on YouTube.

A guy I sometimes listen to in America had this odd video title about an attack at an event he was at.

There was also a blurry picture. So wondering what this is I clicked on it.

The guy was attending something called GenCon and I have no idea what that is.

Someone came to to him, a bigger guy than even him, asked him if he was who he thought he was. The Quartering guys answers yes and then this guy starts attacking him. I mean a full on attack like he wanted to kill him. The guy attacking him had to be pulled off by deferral other people?!

It gets worse because the event organizers didn't want the victim, clearly shaken up in the video, calling the Police?

A window in the bar got broken and they didn't want to call the Police?!

The attacker had a four day pass on him suggesting he was a regular and possibly known by many people. Making the discouragement over calling the Police look somewhat suspicious.

Now I don't know why he was attacked and I don't think anyone really knows outside of the attacker himself?

He could be someone who is a YouTuber and a nut-job jealous of the viewers The Quartering gets?

But the general consensus of opinion of that the attacker of a far-left socialist nutcase.

Makes sense but remains to be seen.

Of course all the comments are full of what I've basically stated in my last post and previous posts, which is why this was weird coming through when it did. That the left when they don't or can't win an argument reduce themselves to moronic tactics. Shout out scream over others or use violence and fear.

Stephen Hawking must be rolling over in his grave over his theory that we should 'Keep Talking'.

Much as I admire Hawking and I know many others have said the same I kind of disagreed all those years ago. Yeah .. big Pink Floyd fan at a concert finally too in 1994 .. or was it 1995?

The trouble with keeping talking over things is two fold ..

One side wants to ban the other from talking about certain things and have used Google, Twitter and Facebook to stop those things. By also stealing Donald Trump's phrase of 'Fake News' and trying to steal it as their own and change it to mean other things.

That's one problem.

The other is that if you just keep talking the frustration builds up, it turns to anger, it then turns to hate and eventually it's all just toxic poison.

I've said this repeatedly.

I'm currently being proved correct.

I wish I was wrong on everything I really do. But I've been seeing this shit for twenty years. In that time I've seen more and more and more.

During that time I've been labelled as mad, not a liar, with an overactive imagination. But I knew what I knew and I stick to my guns. I'm well known for sticking to my guns.

Funny that the banning of what you can talk about comes from the same side that is violent?!

What makes all this a bit weird is that also included in my last post..

Anger, violence, banning what you say and the thought Police from the side where they think when it comes to sex .. anything goes including paedophilia.

Do you see the hypocrisy?

I tend to think that the socialists on the left have absolutely no idea what the far left want and secretly believe? I think of they knew they would be in trouble.

But then maybe they do? Or maybe they are beginning to which is why you have this #walkaway movement going on?

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