Yes I had a strange day today but that is over stating it a little. This is because it was more like a strange couple of hours!
I am standing in my friends shop chatting to him and another mate about world events and how bad things will get in the future. We had been at this for about an hour while consuming cups of tea when my phone started to ring. I took it out of my pocket and see that it was someone called Ash.
I turned to my mate Ash and showed him the phone screen while it was still ringing. For those that have not caught on the phone was telling me that the mate standing next to me was ringing me. He then started frantically looking for his phone thinking it was ringing people at will. I then answered the phone.
I started shaking my head at him when a woman said it was my Doctor’s Surgery and I realised I had saved the numbers on the phone the wrong way round. I had gotten a phone call from both of them the same night. But there were three numbers all together. The Doctor had first tried to call me from the surgery without any luck. Later that day he rang me from his mobile phone around 7pm. Around 7.30pm I was called by Ash who just wanted to pick my brain about some amphibians he had just bred.
I remembered the numbers were on my phone the next day and saved them and got two mixed up.
The odd thing about the phonecall is that I had dropped off a repeat for Nicorette gum. I thought it odd but she then sdaid that it is done but that the Doctor wanted to do a phone consultation with me the following day and asked if I would prefer morning or afternoon. I chose afternoon of course because of the difficulty sleeping due to what I now know to be Fibromyalgia.
When I came off the phone Ash stated and was adamant that this was because they do this with problem patients and I thought hear we go again another claim about NHS procedures that ends up wrong? But then it did occur to me that he might be right qabout this due to what had gone on beforehand.
I had also previously had four vials of blood taken too. One of these is a full blood count which I know is asked for when Fibromyalgia is suspected. As I previously posted there was one to do with my kidneys, which I also have an ultrasound for in a couple weeks time. There was a third and I cannot remember what it was for. Nor can I recall what the previous one was for.
Lastly it is in that period now where my medical records could and would turn up at any time. Also and what Ash did not know is that my Doctor stated that when the notes turn up to now waste my time coming to the surgery he would call me on the phone and speak about anything he sees. I told him that was a fantastic idea and was all for it and I did say that ruling out everything else as he stated was great but that once he had read my medical records he may realise that everything had already been ruled out.
Now I kind of hoped that he would realise two things from my notes, that everything had been ruled out and if so that I was deliberately being messed around by previous GP’s and the NHS as it was looking obvious it was Fibromyalgia and thet I had very suspiciously been prescribed Gabapentin and Amitrityline just as I stated that I had. If so, and as I told my OTHER mate after Ash left that he may phone up and say “Yup Martin you were right, we wont bother with the tests for everything I am just going to refer you to Guy’s Hospital.”?!
So to simplify these are the possibilities of the phone consultation which I think is a brilliant idea..
- I could be getting kicked of the surgery of he finds out what went on at the previous GP’s, despite NHS England telling me it was not possible.
- He could be going to tell me that one of my blood tests has come back with bad news, they would not phone for good news, lol
- It could be that combined with the above I need to pick up yet another prescription as possibly the antibiotics did not work
- Or it could be that I had indeed been tested for everything as I stated I may have done, he has been given a copy of the Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies I left there wiyh a book that contains a checklist of my symptoms
Whichever one it is it looks to be likely that the phonecall will be quite interesting indeed as everything I do, and has done so far since leaving the last practice, will have serious implications to eother me or the medical staff I have seen up until now.
Hopefully I have made that clear here with the above points. Even if it turns out my registration with the Doctor will turn out to be unfortunately brief it will mean that NHS England lied to me and you can imagine what the email will be like. I will also see it that the GP will not like being stuck between a rock (or ME) or a hard place (NHS/PCTs trying to get GP’s to screw ther patients over) and cut me loose.
That will be unfortunete and annoying as I have liked this new surgery and the two Docs, despite senior telling me there were not many Fibromyalgia experts about but this may be because he belongs to a camp that does not believe it exists.
Now if that last paragraph turns out to be the case and this attitude is rife throughout the NHS then and on behalf of all sufferes of Fibromyalgia I will change that forever. Make no mistake!
There is absolutely no way that I have just so happen to have collected a whole list of symptoms over more than fifteen years many of which or rather bizarre and unique that just so happen to be all linked to a condition that does not exist.
OR to put it another way are they really going to suggest that I have spent twenty years of my life slowly adding weird symptoms so that byu the time I am in my forties can turn round and claim I have this weird condition?
For what? To claim disability when they do not even want to award it to totally blind people or this with Lupus?! I mean, REALLY?! Come ON! Who on Earth is going to buy that?!
Anyone that was going to do anything like that would do it over a few months, not twenty bloody years, lmao!
So those interested, probably only a few Fibromyalgia people and a few consiracy theorists at present, tomorrow night there will be an interesting post on here. Just how interesting it will be remains to be seen!
I just pray that it turns out to be edging towards the light at the end of the tunnel and not a closing off of yet another avenue! I really am growing tired of that and writing on here and as I told a friend today I seriously want this particular avenie to end. I am totally fed up with having to do to surgeries time after time to get nowhere and the same with hospitals.
I also met my landlord today to pay them. I told thing quickly what had happened and that I failed all he over forty health tests I had and about the Fibro. They were shocked, yet again, and laughed and said they could write a book just on the things that I have had and all the run ins with the NHS and I said “too bloody late, I already have!” I call it The Dossier of Corruption, hmm or was the The Dossier of UK Corruption? I cannot remember and using Open Office to typse this one out for one, lol.
Ooh I just realised I need to email Enfield Council while I am on here. About the taking me to court thing, not heard from them as yet and just as I KNEW would happen, and I also need to contact them about the Freedom Pass applicaton and telkl them they owe me 6 years of travelling costs, lmao!!
I also need to send this off several times so that they realise they cannot state later that they did not receive it. As this blog proves ver and over again public offices state that it is entirely and completely wrong to LIE, unless it is they that are LYING because they seem to think that it is withing their right to LIE even when it is amoral, inhumane and illegal!
I also now need to pint out about this blog, as it is time to come out of the….ahem out form the cold, LMAO!
It is a time to lay the cards down upon the table one at a time and yet quickly with all that those I have done battle with and that have all gone off thinking that they have one and that I disappeared into the annals of history without so much of a whimper.
This is done just long enough that they have not forgotten, they do have files and have comuters that say no you know, and now realise that I have been building up a mountain of evidence to back up every single things I have ever told them and that it is quite clear now that they have been in the wrong. No way around it and no way out.
This will then put the cat among the pidgeons so to speak. I ecpect a really long pause after an initial reply of acknowledgement while they work out the possible threat I know pose to them. This will cause absolute fear and panedmonium purely and simply because of the numbers that I currently have as well as those that I will get as 2014 comes and goes.
Unfortunately I DO know some very naïve people that are adamant that I am arong and yet do not understand the mathematics involved nor have read enough on here to understand how it works.
I know how it works and unless your willing to ask and then listen how it works then you have no right to cast an opinion, which reminds me. I had a call from Eon Energy where I was threatened with court action and a pre-payment meter and was stated to me that this was law and they were within their rights to do it. Unforunately for the gentleman that called his bosses did not warn him about me.
I exploded and ripped all kinds of crap pout of him who then tried to have a go back claiming that I am not letting him speak, because a 14 day time limit for customers to pay was somehow important. I told him about Fibromyalgia, whoch oddly I must have told them about as he said I was listed with and ana a vunerable customer. IN which case why was his bosses getting him to phone me and threeaten me?! Is that ther idea of treatment towards a vulnerable customer? NICE!
My friend laughed in the background as I tore him limb from limb and he did think he could win and using the fact I was talking lot to prove his point. SO I allowed hom to say his bit which kind of surprised him and the still ripped them to bits anyway and stating that it was totally unnecasary and that I was about to explain myself when he cut me off mid sentence. I then explained it was quite obvious that they knew not a dman thing about Fibromyalgia and then stated that they could not for me to have a pre-payment meter to which we then argued about for 20 minutes. Along the lines of ‘no you can’t’ and ‘yes we can’ and then I ripped him by demanding to know if his top bosses had appeared in front of a parliamentary committee to which he went quiet. I then demanded ‘well have they or haven’t they?’ to which he admitted they had. I then said and did the MPs rip crap out of the bosses for forcing pre-payment meters or not? He answered, YES. I then said can you come around and force a meter or do you have to go to court and get permission from a Judge?! He said that they have to go to court to which I stated, ‘Well then it is not LAW then is it?’ to which he said they would grant it without question.
Now here you see how I put it in a way that they start to give away the facts that they have the courts and Judges wrapped up around their fingers, or in other words CORRUPT!!
He sudedenly realised this and started to back pedal and say that he could not say that they DEFINITELY will because this would be slander. Could not think about it and still cannot but think he got his laws a little mixed up there?
I then said and would you force a pre-payment meter on someone who is blind? I did not think that one through, well it was all of a minute lol, and should have stated partially sighted. Suggetsing that lights going off suddenly can cause injuries ergo that they could end up finding themslves being taken to court by families over people that could have died because of prepayment meters. Without giving away my particular reasons that I would bring up in court, that is.
There was me tyelling at him over a threat of £275 charges because I owe £125 and yelled down the phone “Well its simple then is it not mate, because your company obviously thinks its so big and has the courts all tied up to do your bidding…WELL I WILL MAKE IT EASY…TAKE ME TO COURT AND WE WILL THEN SEE THEN WONT WE?!” He was getting flustered and threatening to end the call to which I said ‘You do not get it do you? I do not care and I KNOW I will win, stop saying ‘no you just think you will’ so just take me to court! DO not call my bluff my friend you will LOSE….TAKE ME TO COURT!’
It did calm down he retracted the threats and I made a payment of £37 and the rest off next Wednesday. Which was what I was going to do anyway he was just too busy doing the bidding for his immoral bosses who are corrupt and greedy. He did in the end acknowldge that in a round about way. He apologised for being harsh with me and I apologised for being angry with him and ripping the crap out of him. He admitted its all shit and that he had gone over Christmas without Sky as the connection was lost and he rowed on the phone with them, just as I had done him.
Afterwards me and my friend stood in this shop laughing our heads off as he is lucky he can afford to have Sky because I have been shafted up the rear end and had all my plans to get things off the ground for twenty years blown to the four winds by the very people that naïve visitors on here think that they DO ACTUALLY help you.
- Department of Work and Pensions
- National Health Service
- Local Councils
When I am afraid that if they can find a way around it will just leave you in limbo or indeed a living hell without so much as pausing for thought whole strutting aorund as if they are extremely intelligent when it is all purely DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR!!
Woo, that was a ride! Lol.