Showing posts with label general practitioner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label general practitioner. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 January 2014


Yes I had a strange day today but that is over stating it a little. This is because it was more like a strange couple of hours!

I am standing in my friends shop chatting to him and another mate about world events and how bad things will get in the future. We had been at this for about an hour while consuming cups of tea when my phone started to ring. I took it out of my pocket and see that it was someone called Ash.

I turned to my mate Ash and showed him the phone screen while it was still ringing. For those that have not caught on the phone was telling me that the mate standing next to me was ringing me. He then started frantically looking for his phone thinking it was ringing people at will. I then answered the phone.

I started shaking my head at him when a woman said it was my Doctor’s Surgery and I realised I had saved the numbers on the phone the wrong way round. I had gotten a phone call from both of them the same night. But there were three numbers all together. The Doctor had first tried to call me from the surgery without any luck. Later that day he rang me from his mobile phone around 7pm. Around 7.30pm I was called by Ash who just wanted to pick my brain about some amphibians he had just bred.

I remembered the numbers were on my phone the next day and saved them and got two mixed up.

The odd thing about the phonecall is that I had dropped off a repeat for Nicorette gum. I thought it odd but she then sdaid that it is done but that the Doctor wanted to do a phone consultation with me the following day and asked if I would prefer morning or afternoon. I chose afternoon of course because of the difficulty sleeping due to what I now know to be Fibromyalgia.
When I came off the phone Ash stated and was adamant that this was because they do this with problem patients and I thought hear we go again another claim about NHS procedures that ends up wrong? But then it did occur to me that he might be right qabout this due to what had gone on beforehand.

I had also previously had four vials of blood taken too. One of these is a full blood count which I know is asked for when Fibromyalgia is suspected. As I previously posted there was one to do with my kidneys, which I also have an ultrasound for in a couple weeks time. There was a third and I cannot remember what it was for. Nor can I recall what the previous one was for.
Lastly it is in that period now where my medical records could and would turn up at any time. Also and what Ash did not know is that my Doctor stated that when the notes turn up to now waste my time coming to the surgery he would call me on the phone and speak about anything he sees. I told him that was a fantastic idea and was all for it and I did say that ruling out everything else as he stated was great but that once he had read my medical records he may realise that everything had already been ruled out.

Now I kind of hoped that he would realise two things from my notes, that everything had been ruled out and if so that I was deliberately being messed around by previous GP’s and the NHS as it was looking obvious it was Fibromyalgia and thet I had very suspiciously been prescribed Gabapentin and Amitrityline just as I stated that I had. If so, and as I told my OTHER mate after Ash left that he may phone up and say “Yup Martin you were right, we wont bother with the tests for everything I am just going to refer you to Guy’s Hospital.”?!
So to simplify these are the possibilities of the phone consultation which I think is a brilliant idea..
  1. I could be getting kicked of the surgery of he finds out what went on at the previous GP’s, despite NHS England telling me it was not possible.
  2. He could be going to tell me that one of my blood tests has come back with bad news, they would not phone for good news, lol
  3. It could be that combined with the above I need to pick up yet another prescription as possibly the antibiotics did not work
  4. Or it could be that I had indeed been tested for everything as I stated I may have done, he has been given a copy of the Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies I left there wiyh a book that contains a checklist of my symptoms
Whichever one it is it looks to be likely that the phonecall will be quite interesting indeed as everything I do, and has done so far since leaving the last practice, will have serious implications to eother me or the medical staff I have seen up until now.
Hopefully I have made that clear here with the above points. Even if it turns out my registration with the Doctor will turn out to be unfortunately brief it will mean that NHS England lied to me and you can imagine what the email will be like. I will also see it that the GP will not like being stuck between a rock (or ME) or a hard place (NHS/PCTs trying to get GP’s to screw ther patients over) and cut me loose.

That will be unfortunete and annoying as I have liked this new surgery and the two Docs, despite senior telling me there were not many Fibromyalgia experts about but this may be because he belongs to a camp that does not believe it exists.

Now if that last paragraph turns out to be the case and this attitude is rife throughout the NHS then and on behalf of all sufferes of Fibromyalgia I will change that forever. Make no mistake!

There is absolutely no way that I have just so happen to have collected a whole list of symptoms over more than fifteen years many of which or rather bizarre and unique that just so happen to be all linked to a condition that does not exist.

OR to put it another way are they really going to suggest that I have spent twenty years of my life slowly adding weird symptoms so that byu the time I am in my forties can turn round and claim I have this weird condition?

For what? To claim disability when they do not even want to award it to totally blind people or this with Lupus?! I mean, REALLY?! Come ON! Who on Earth is going to buy that?!
Anyone that was going to do anything like that would do it over a few months, not twenty bloody years, lmao!

So those interested, probably only a few Fibromyalgia people and a few consiracy theorists at present, tomorrow night there will be an interesting post on here. Just how interesting it will be remains to be seen!

I just pray that it turns out to be edging towards the light at the end of the tunnel and not a closing off of yet another avenue! I really am growing tired of that and writing on here and as I told a friend today I seriously want this particular avenie to end. I am totally fed up with having to do to surgeries time after time to get nowhere and the same with hospitals.
I also met my landlord today to pay them. I told thing quickly what had happened and that I failed all he over forty health tests I had and about the Fibro. They were shocked, yet again, and laughed and said they could write a book just on the things that I have had and all the run ins with the NHS and I said “too bloody late, I already have!” I call it The Dossier of Corruption, hmm or was the The Dossier of UK Corruption? I cannot remember and using Open Office to typse this one out for one, lol.

Ooh I just realised I need to email Enfield Council while I am on here. About the taking me to court thing, not heard from them as yet and just as I KNEW would happen, and I also need to contact them about the Freedom Pass applicaton and telkl them they owe me 6 years of travelling costs, lmao!!

I also need to send this off several times so that they realise they cannot state later that they did not receive it. As this blog proves ver and over again public offices state that it is entirely and completely wrong to LIE, unless it is they that are LYING because they seem to think that it is withing their right to LIE even when it is amoral, inhumane and illegal!
I also now need to pint out about this blog, as it is time to come out of the….ahem out form the cold, LMAO!
It is a time to lay the cards down upon the table one at a time and yet quickly with all that those I have done battle with and that have all gone off thinking that they have one and that I disappeared into the annals of history without so much of a whimper.

This is done just long enough that they have not forgotten, they do have files and have comuters that say no you know, and now realise that I have been building up a mountain of evidence to back up every single things I have ever told them and that it is quite clear now that they have been in the wrong. No way around it and no way out.

This will then put the cat among the pidgeons so to speak. I ecpect a really long pause after an initial reply of acknowledgement while they work out the possible threat I know pose to them. This will cause absolute fear and panedmonium purely and simply because of the numbers that I currently have as well as those that I will get as 2014 comes and goes.
Unfortunately I DO know some very naïve people that are adamant that I am arong and yet do not understand the mathematics involved nor have read enough on here to understand how it works.

I know how it works and unless your willing to ask and then listen how it works then you have no right to cast an opinion, which reminds me. I had a call from Eon Energy where I was threatened with court action and a pre-payment meter and was stated to me that this was law and they were within their rights to do it. Unforunately for the gentleman that called his bosses did not warn him about me.

I exploded and ripped all kinds of crap pout of him who then tried to have a go back claiming that I am not letting him speak, because a 14 day time limit for customers to pay was somehow important. I told him about Fibromyalgia, whoch oddly I must have told them about as he said I was listed with and ana a vunerable customer. IN which case why was his bosses getting him to phone me and threeaten me?! Is that ther idea of treatment towards a vulnerable customer? NICE!

My friend laughed in the background as I tore him limb from limb and he did think he could win and using the fact I was talking lot to prove his point. SO I allowed hom to say his bit which kind of surprised him and the still ripped them to bits anyway and stating that it was totally unnecasary and that I was about to explain myself when he cut me off mid sentence. I then explained it was quite obvious that they knew not a dman thing about Fibromyalgia and then stated that they could not for me to have a pre-payment meter to which we then argued about for 20 minutes. Along the lines of ‘no you can’t’ and ‘yes we can’ and then I ripped him by demanding to know if his top bosses had appeared in front of a parliamentary committee to which he went quiet. I then demanded ‘well have they or haven’t they?’ to which he admitted they had. I then said and did the MPs rip crap out of the bosses for forcing pre-payment meters or not? He answered, YES. I then said can you come around and force a meter or do you have to go to court and get permission from a Judge?! He said that they have to go to court to which I stated, ‘Well then it is not LAW then is it?’ to which he said they would grant it without question.

Now here you see how I put it in a way that they start to give away the facts that they have the courts and Judges wrapped up around their fingers, or in other words CORRUPT!!
He sudedenly realised this and started to back pedal and say that he could not say that they DEFINITELY will because this would be slander. Could not think about it and still cannot but think he got his laws a little mixed up there?

I then said and would you force a pre-payment meter on someone who is blind? I did not think that one through, well it was all of a minute lol, and should have stated partially sighted. Suggetsing that lights going off suddenly can cause injuries ergo that they could end up finding themslves being taken to court by families over people that could have died because of prepayment meters. Without giving away my particular reasons that I would bring up in court, that is.

There was me tyelling at him over a threat of £275 charges because I owe £125 and yelled down the phone “Well its simple then is it not mate, because your company obviously thinks its so big and has the courts all tied up to do your bidding…WELL I WILL MAKE IT EASY…TAKE ME TO COURT AND WE WILL THEN SEE THEN WONT WE?!” He was getting flustered and threatening to end the call to which I said ‘You do not get it do you? I do not care and I KNOW I will win, stop saying ‘no you just think you will’ so just take me to court! DO not call my bluff my friend you will LOSE….TAKE ME TO COURT!’


It did calm down he retracted the threats and I made a payment of £37 and the rest off next Wednesday. Which was what I was going to do anyway he was just too busy doing the bidding for his immoral bosses who are corrupt and greedy. He did in the end acknowldge that in a round about way. He apologised for being harsh with me and I apologised for being angry with him and ripping the crap out of him. He admitted its all shit and that he had gone over Christmas without Sky as the connection was lost and he rowed on the phone with them, just as I had done him.

Afterwards me and my friend stood in this shop laughing our heads off as he is lucky he can afford to have Sky because I have been shafted up the rear end and had all my plans to get things off the ground for twenty years blown to the four winds by the very people that naïve visitors on here think that they DO ACTUALLY help you.

  1. Department of Work and Pensions
  2. National Health Service
  3. Local Councils
When I am afraid that if they can find a way around it will just leave you in limbo or indeed a living hell without so much as pausing for thought whole strutting aorund as if they are extremely intelligent when it is all purely DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR!!

Woo, that was a ride! Lol.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


I have declared my intentions to a few people I know. I have explained for the last time what will now occur in the first few months of 2014. I have seen a couple of eyebrows raised over this.

This is likely due to the fact that it now appears to some that it all seems to be coming together at the same time. This is what I had good to take place and did make an effort to plan for this but you, or at least I, never really know if this will pay off.

This is partly shown in here but I have not explained it all nor my intentions. I can, however, over the course of the next ten days start to put the final pieces if the jigsaw together just to show this. Remember I have a number of things I am being taken to court for and a number of others that will materialise in the coming months.

Capquest have sent me a letter apologising for the fact that I an upset over the fact that they are liars, corrupt and part of an industry that includes public offices that intentionally break several very serous laws each one carrying the punishment if time in prison to obtain money from those without any, mostly innocent too! No ifs and buts this is what is going on and had been for a very long time. Long before I was victim to it all.

Two things need to be remembered from the above paragraph and that is that this is just the start of something big to do with bailiffs and debt collectors and their knowing involvement in corruption and law breaking that resembled that which why on in the reign of King John in the 16th or 17th century. Only stealthily done. That is point number one. Point number two is the fact that until the courts become involved, which they seem to very readily and easily do as well as grant whatever orders are requested if them, I have never, repeat and emphasise NEVER, had any correspondence with Capquest.

Now hopefully what will arise from this, and I will email them on the 1st January 2014 along with performing one other important task with a few surprised, I will be informed of the governing body of debt collectors and bailiffs and suddenly scare the living daylights out of them too?  Hmm in fact I may do that today just so I know I have done it.

This is because a very important point links ago that I have done together. That is my health issues as I knew all along that I required help because this is my condition and no one else's. I knew there was not just one but several things I required hero from and this wool blow up shortly into such an event that it cannot and will not be ignored. Because many people will be lined up to take the blame who can easily afford their own top solicitors and we'll go running to the presses to save their own ARSES!

The trick has always been that one I had enough evidence and ruffled enough feathers it will get to the time that the Fox is to be set loose into the hen house! That time is now almost upon us and 2014 will reveal once and for all to everyone what really goes on as and keeping, or likely FORCING, the news media into action and keeping them busy for a long time to come.

The one thing that everyone was relying on was my despondence. This 'despondence' was over the fact that I bitched and moaned about not making my sideline money from my blogs. Yes it was annoying and I let this show but this was designed to confuse the issue intentionally and unfortunately I could not do this without venting my ire to all. It was ire and I do think blog are treated extremely badly and seriously conned by. After all a certain company became very big very quickly and if history has taught us nothing else in recent times I'd that there is a much darker and seedier side to sudden success. It defied belief for me that is for sure. Of course this of you that have followed my endeavours will know that my financial failures have been down in part to failed by Google between their blog, browser and an extension that is supposed to block pop ups only but which altered my layout screen, which had NOTHING to do with pop ups!

I got feed up and left this alone and only visiting the layout now and then and thought Google had removed the ads so added more. I do not know how long this went on for but this blog had more than ten adverts on it. The limit set by Google is three and the financial side froze and refused to move. Whether this is automated by way of an algorithm I do not know. But they refuse to let you contract then unless they are making enough money to be forced to pay you. You can bet that whatever a big writer makes it is a small portion compared to what they will make. So if they will only speak to you when your making £60, $100, per month then I would wager that are making between three and ten times that.

Typical of being similar toot tossers like those on Dragon's Den that seen to be challenged intellectually for the most part making money, and expect to be making money, on the back of the ingenuity and intelligence of others. This is because banks would not give them money, because they are also brain dead, which was obviously an issue long before the recession even started. Blowing part their current excuses that they want to give it money but people do not ask. BULLSHIT!

After all take one look at me...

1) I know about and have blogs on corruption...
2) Astronomy & Astrophysics
3) CPU'S and Computers
4) Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish
5) Orchids
6) Wing Chun Kung Fu
7) Music
8) British Wildlife
9) Japanese Maple Trees

I also have four others... and a number of subjects I do not have blogs on!! At least four.

I also have the following...

A) I have written two books on number one above with a final one in my head
B) I have a book on number four above and can write several others
C) I could also wire books very easily on Numbers 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and even number 6
D) During the years I was refused help I got up to a fifth chapter of a science fiction book!

At the present time I am going to try to start manufacturing electronic cages to house tropical plants and animals. Those that look around will see I have gathered together a number of tools. I need a supply of materials and then I can make a start.,,

That would be a fair amount of glass, possibly perspex too and various types of wood.

Remembering what I said at the start of this post about sticking it to the man and men and ask things coming together.., ARE WE THERE YET? LOL!!!
The energy companies are not excluded here and everything everywhere with all that I have written, especially if I have repeated it, is a deliberate TRAP for them to fall into.

For each and every obvious and steadily hidden two this also counts as double for each JUDGE AND COURT that zI would be taken to court by.

This I have been working on a very long time and the idea is simple and came to me when I was shafted by a DWP TRIBUNAL that made the mistake of making it so clear to me were not interested in me, including THAT GP, and only interested in helping the DWP so committing fraud, rather like ICE are doing. The fact that I had realised this with twenty minutes of leaving the tribunal and before even reaching my house the mistakes and arrogance they showed were to become their Achilles heel.

This new year that approaches is to become the year of the Achilles heel whereby them running around trying to guess my next few moves will suddenly come to light... All too late to help them.

After all it mattered not whether I told them if this blogs existence or not there was always the possibility that any one of them would find it before I starred to their it in their faces. Throwing it in their faces has adjust started but only the first few the rest in the coming months. As you will see in the next few weeks... think of it as tying up the lose ends, so to speak.

There were two things in mind when I started this blog. First I had to keep it low profile and out of their mindsets to avid being taken down until I had far too many people...

... secondly and this is the best bit.. the trouble with big evil corporations is exactly that... they are evil and amoral. They will not inform others, public offices or private companies, of what they may find on here and will therefore not team up to help each other out. They will not give a shit about other corporations nor those within their own. They carry on regardless, could not resist that line, with the over confidence that someone below then will take the blame our fall upon their sword for them, for a price of course.

However I was not after fall guys and I had seen enough of them in the new either get the blame from the news media whether this turns out to be intentionally, for fees or favours, or just plain missed due to incompetence.

Now consider that this all cones together in a short space of time? Considering the size of the whole thing with each singular job being humongous in itself, 6 months to a year would be short.

Then consider the fact it was just one person who did all this, running rings around them as he went sending them all running in rings in the opposite our wrong directions? Be pretty amazing some might think, eh?

Now factor in that this was a disabled guy with bugger all money with 120 symptoms more than half a dozen causing him pain and it might look more impressive still? So it sure could look that with those last two short paragraphs?

But the one thing you can be sure I would do is provide hidden clues, true or not? Hidden clues I can call upon at any moment? Littered thrift the life of this blog and so Ovid when you point them out that one pointed out asking with proved out everyone into one last position whereby no matter which way they turned they would be facing a brick wall?! Could there be anything solitary thing like that within the time stamped posts of this blog? Could there be more than a single solitary thing throughout the pages of this blog? Yes.

But could there be one single solitary thing that I c could say now at just the right time to make everyone release be they friend, foe or just naive and even the i immoral one? Yes. Could it be linked to everyone in such a way as to make them look utterly ridiculous and obviously incompetent or corrupt and therefore obvious all along that everyone who has ever done anything to me would immediately be seen as being WRONG?


Well that would be the very reason and single solitary reason for the creation of this blog in its first instance along with how and why I started my books in the first place which the very first chapter of which explains in its ENTIRETY!!

The thing about Fibromyalgia is despite the amount of pain and the number of areas of pain and how severe the pain, which I will get to and prove in the next few weeks, and desire the fact it causes sleep problems and is responsible for the depression and anxiety there is one other thing... one single solitary thing that shows that all have abused their positions and poorer where I am concerned. One single solitary thing I hoped all along I could prove but never dreamed it would be laid out for me and appear like the most accurate sniper's rifle you could ever lay your hands on...

...hmm I have now lost my train of thought and totally forgot what it was I was going to say?! Darn it that is the bloody thing with these memory problems it makes it so hard to fight the establishment and get around it. It costs and had cist me so much time and effort among with losing battle over they years!!! So much so that I am sure they have been aware of it?! It had unusually been not noted by anyone or any do called professional I have had the misfortune I have come into contact with?!

I have thought long and hard about how I could work around my Achilles Heel?

Oh..oh..OH!! I KNOW!! ...


Oh wait a minute...


Sunday, 8 December 2013


Previously some of my visitors here know that I have had a conundrum as far as these blogs are concerned. Many recent visitors will know that it turned out there was something up with my blogs that I was completely unaware of and had affected them for at least four months?

Theye were inundated with far, FAR too many adverts as a damned pop-up blocker was hiding them from me. With the help of someone nice on a forum that quite correctly guessed the fault I then corrected it across my dozen blogs and lo and behold the earning started to move again after being frozen in stasis for several months!

This was great but what I was also I was totally unaware of is that less than to wqeeks later I was to go and spot something else. Something with a far greater impact on the rising earnings than the previous problem ever could. Far greater!

The coount screen provided by Google for the earnings has been redesigned at some point in the three months I had got fed up with logging numbers. I had long complained that these numbers were com-letely ueless and only served to leave bloggers not knowing whether they were coming or going. Then just yesterday afternoon I was looking at the new screen when something happened.

I was looking over the new design wondering if it was helping in any way at all and could not see it. In the bottom left hand corner where was a large number '9' the screen and layout was less cluttered and arranged differently. Much of the data was also of a lrger font size too! As I scanned around I kept looking back at that number nine and I started to stare at the words that described what the number represented. It stated 'Visitors'. I scanned around again at other things and I was then drawn back to that number '9' and the description of 'Visitors'. This was for that particular day, or yesterday, and it was only 4PM when suddenly as I looked away again I thought 'hang on a bloody minute! That is not RIGHT!!'

Despite this being only 16 hours of visitors I realised that number could not be correct?! I get more than that from just one blog alone...A LOT MORE!

I then went into the blog setup screens and took a look at the overview for each blog. I had a brother here at the house at the time so was only half concentrating. I looked at the 24 hour period for several blogs when I turned to him, him being a little defeatist about many things I do, and said 'oh crap! I have been missing a lot of earnings and I think I just found out why. I then explained about the earnings screen telling me I had those 9 visitors and he said 'what is wrong with that?'. I then explained that my most popular blog was telling me that I had in fact 157 visitors for that exact same period!! He then asked me how much I had earned since I corrected the advert errors and I explained that it had gone up by £2.50, then gone down by around £1 but had now appeared to gone up by another £2! So quite literally it read £12.00+ then £15+ then £14+ and was not stating £16+! He said so basically if you have got £4.00 for those 9 visitors a day that it should be a lot more because it has not been registering your 157 per day? I said 'yup'. He said 'oh!' probably now realising that this idea of mine many thought doomed for failure was alreaqdy succesful but some error had stopped me from being able to show people.

I said I would have to look at it again closeley to see what was going on but that it was damned annoying is it appears to be deliberately made to look complicated when really it should not be.

I am about to do JUST THAT!

The odd thing is I have also sorted out my GP problem and during that time I was running around putting things right something occurred and it is something quite revealing. I have also recorded this but I will NOT be putting this particular recording up on here. I will explain what happened thought and what was said and the weekend of December 8th 2013 I will ad up the details but it is regards the NHS and fairly damning in my opnion and I will not be wrong in this instance.

Now as I have sorted out that problem I am to see the new GP and the subject of Fibromyalgia has been put forward. I also will be requesting a referall to a specialist and talking about the medication I am currently on, Amitriptyline, and whether to up the dosage or switch to Pregabalin?

So these are two journeys regarding my blogs and the health conondrum both of which I have been working on an extremely long time. These are both now a few months away from merging and nearing their ends of many of the goals set out. Not over just reaching the ends of many of the goals set out for them to achieve. Goals I had set out to try and achieve over a decade ago.

Now the very bizarre thing about these two is that they are intricately linked to a great many other things I have been workng hard to change. So these two nearing their completion and allowing a great many ghosts to rest will also set a number of other journeys on their way to their inevitible destinations. A bizarre set of circumstances when my philosophy has always been that it is the journey that is important and not the destination.

It is this very philosophy that I adopted when I thought about hiring a solicitor to take the government and public offices to court. Many events along the journey will complete the destination for me even if it is not me that reaches that destination but some one or a group of people that reach it instead.

Now if you will excuse me I have some sets of numbers to go and stare at intently.

Monday, 14 October 2013


Well I kept it quiet on here but I attended a Doctors appointment today!

Now I recorded this appointment as I always do and the plan was to change the Gabapentin drug for Pregabalin because the former made me ill and I stopped taking them over a week ago and Pregabalin is a newer drug that does not make you ill! Well that is the story that every single web site I have even visited tells me.

My GP sees things differently!

Now bare in mind that I WANTED Pregabalin and change one Neurological Drug for another, THAT was the plan. Except while there he suggested Amytriptiline, which is a drug whose name I was familiar with?!

Now in the recorded audio I first stated that I had taken this drug previously but for something else, I could not recall at the time but thought it was depression. Added to this I did state the Pregabalin drug to which he said that the Amytriptiline "is an alternative to Gabapebtin", which it is not and I was pretty sure of that! He also states "Well we will try the Amytriptiline and if it does not work we will try the Pregabalin."

Well it did turn out that Amytriptiline is for depression but I still do not know for sure whether I was prescribed this or it was someone that I know? It also states that it can be used for pain cause by 'nerve damage' which I am pretty positive that is not my problem.

I also asked for this referral for the Pain Consultant because I have to get referred by him for the REAL support group. Only he keeps asking what the support group is actually called and stats with a little sarcasm that 'I cannot refer you without knowing what it is called!' while my brain then said to itself 'but I just told you I need to be referred by the Pain Consultant you blithering, no do not get angry! before I then stated "I told you already it is the Tranquil Support Group which is what I was already attending only to be told that its not the real one!" to which he says "oh that is odd! Tell you what, leave it with me" and I tried not to laugh as I had already told him where it was and that you CANNOT be referred by a GP! Knock yourself out matey but I did SPECIFICALLY ask you for a referral to the Pain Consultant and even gave you his name of Dr Assizzi?!

Two simple requests and the outcome of what I requested? NONE OF THE ABOVE!

Oh and lastly....those that keep up will recall that I was ASKED to to go in due to the lying about an ultrasound and them wanting to state I was mad?! The letter was put up on here as was the correspondence with the General Medical Council over it. I was supposed to go in and see him at the beginning of September according to the letter! It is now MIDDLE of October! What did he say about the General Medical Council? What did he state about me being mad and needing Psychiatric help? What did he say about my previous claims that Darren Francis lied about the ultrasound?!




Monday, 15 July 2013


Here is a set of things I typed out for other webpages I thought that would be of interest to people who visit here and will become of even more interest over the coming months. Kind of for the record so to speak.

I write a whole series of blogs on the things I am interested in and are hosted on Google's Blogger.

Reptiles, amphibians & fish have their own blog as does CPUs & Computers, British Wildlife & Bird Watching, Orchids, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Japanese Maple Trees and a just of others.

Among the interests I do not cover in a blog is that I like to cycle and do a great deal of it getting the photographs and videos for some of the blogs listed above.

These blogs are becoming quite popular due to my knowledge if the subjects and the content but oddly there one other subject I cover that is far more popular than all the others combined.

This blog also has its own content and in the form of screen shots, scanned documents and secretly recorded audio. The latter is collected on some very surprising people and organizations with some very shocking facts and statements. Lies are thick and fast that I'm afraid roll make you realist that you cannot trust anyone even your GP.

This blog is on Corruption and called The Dossier On UK Corruption was started in August 2012. The data was collected over 20 years and was sent to all major tabloids and tv news networks over a year ago. Even this was a ploy and I then started to gradually build up a blog and divulge my data. There was enough to send FOUR DVDs off to all the above. After the Olympics I thought either the journalists would go mental our I would hear nothing.

Hearing nothing meant that the media was just as crooked as everyone else. As I had not even received an email of thanks I was already suspicious so my back up plan of a corruption blog to lay traps for all that were corrupt as well as divulge details along the way and get more among the way that the media did not have.

They probably thought that I had sent them everything but I had not despite them receiving over 15GB it was more like 25GB! Today it would turn out to be an entire collection of 50GB.

My data had been used in the media over and over again for over a year now! Even a friend I looked after while dying of cancer was noticing this and he passed away 18 months ago. In the last few months this had increased by some margin to the point of being a joke.

Data has also been used in the House of Commons too because I was first asked permission by an MP and then saw headlines pulled straight from my posts a couple of times. How much it is used I am not sure but it was used against Ian Duncan Smith of that I know as a fact as that was its intention.

I did it because I had to. Because someone had to. I had suspected for many years there was corruption in many organizations but everywhere I looked corruption was waiting to be discovered to one degree or another.

Most people would throw their suspicions into the faces of those they experiencing a rough injustice from. Not me. I had gadgets recording at every meeting I had to build up a bigger picture. The trouble with corruption is that it is easy to do when you have professionals and hierarchies that think themselves so much more intelligent than everyone else based on what they do for a living. A good example of this is GPs, certainly my current GP sens to have this attitude and yet he had stated and answered questions with some right stupid answers. Also another tip to people that think they can outwit you...when a patient asks you who had forged and faked your medical records there are two things you should do...

1) React with utter shock that someone would day something that serious. Call them crazy would be a good idea.

2) Do not answer the above question with 'Why are you asking me?! This is not very bright and you could get answers like "Well I'm not going to ask the fucking postman now an I?!" Or "No your quite right I should have asked GP number 3 out of the 5 I have because everybody has a whole list of connections to the Health Service. There is my GP....hmm....let me think for a moment...ooh yeah the Pain Specialist! No wait he discharged me....wait.....thinking here....ooh yeah the Neurologist! No wait a moment....he recognised my face without ever meeting me before, lied to me did not perform well neurological tests and sent me back to my GP stating that I had been tested for all neurological problems and were negative even though he had not tested for everything and that was a lie and i now have a neurological drug that is not only working but the actual first one to fucking work in ten over ten years!!"

Yes they are just a couple of examples of the comebacks that are on their way before very long. I have long since collected more than enough data to sink the ships of just about all that are corrupt. Despite the fact that i was just recently lied to about an ultrasound i was told had nothing on it but actually had two things on it one they have no clue about that hurts like and quite unexpected was an Inguinal Hernia in my left groin. Oops, not quite nothing then, eh?! A nervous reaction and a shuffling of papers to make it look like he was doing something important before dictating a new letter to my GP that DOES mention my hernia?! A hernia that kills, no less.

Me personally I am not only sick of the corruption and seeing it everywhere I go but sick too of collecting it. No good comes of any of these lies and I originally thought that the attitude in each public office was 'what us wrong with a few lies' but that in each office all of these few lies and cheats together make for a much bigger and damning lie that each of the group fail to realize.

But no it started to look somewhat more than that and finally get the last piece of evidence when a whole string of medical professionals bare face lie to me while I am recording them. Just as it was with my daughter when I recording the authorities 250 miles away using my daughters phone it had now been just over a year now. Just over a year when the Social Workers Department of Wirral Council asked my daughter at s being if her phone was switched off before there was a scuffle and it went dead.

Well only took them fourteen months to realize and by then it was way too late. Unfortunately for Merseyside Police the exact same was true of them but they probably have no idea to this day I have their DNA, s give hour recording of two Detectives in my living room I blatantly pulled off right in front of them and when the app stopped because I reached 1GB I turned to them and said "one minute please, i have list my internet connection on my phone!" picked it up and restarted the Tape Machine app on my Android phone!

When they told me as they were leaving my house in North London that I was a genius I answered "yeah I get that a lot" but was thinking 'hahaha you have NO IDEA!'

So yes I am a blog writer. I became a blog writer due to blind literary agents (possibly warned away from me and the two books on corruption I wrote along with a third planned?), the inaction and greed of the news media on all fronts and that other people would grab my data with both hands and use it to their own benefit while i would not even receive acknowledgment. The blog would slowly grow, draw more in to take and use the data and all the while the contact, acknowledgment, trickery and lies would continue. But all the while normal people without a clue to any if this corruption would find themselves here. They may have thought they had been a victim of lies and corruption that left them out of pocket or endangering their lives our that of their children?! This blog shows that yes they do go that low and no they are doing nothing for the millions of pounds they receive to exist and do nothing.

So as more and more use my blog to their own ends and selfish goals the more and more people realist that they have. The more and more that people search for the corruption as it us exposed will end up on my site and realist that I had blogged about it 6 months to a year before hand and had been working on this and researching it while having evidence to it too. The more and more these people will come to realist that all this corruption and data that had been reported all came originally from the data I collected and sent out to them and did this recorded delivery too so even more in the way of evidence, oh deary me they really are not that bright.

Yes so I write a while series of blogs. They are growing fairly rapidly though the numbers presented to me make no sense whatsoever. So I started a blog on the exact same subject on the other biggest name in blogging, Word Press, and within two months the numbers there were the exact opposite behaviour as my first?! More meddling they think I won't notice. They really should read my blog as I show an example of how I can see patterns in things, including numbers.

I did not achieve all that I did because I am an idiot now did I?

Time and time again I was spoken to like an idiot and as if i was a different and low life species like that of an Amoeba?! The trouble with those that I met along my journey was that it was difficult to judge whether or not they themselves were guilty and knew what they were doing? I did not want media attention and scorn being poured onto someone who was completely unaware of the consequences!

Take my present GP, he has said things that strongly suggest he is in on it. But then the mere fact that he was originally going to get a letter saying I had nothing show up in my ultrasound suggests he may be being used. Her could have found out via me several times but stupid comments he likely thought intelligent prevented me from doing that. I cannot just bang on about this blogs existence as the evidence collecting dries up you ere. He stated that I had no neurological problem because he has a letter stating as much. But the letter is a lie but the question is does my present GP know this? To test him I would ask why a neurological drug if not only working but the only drug i have EVER been given in over twelve years that works?!

That last sentence alone demands its own answers to why it took twelve years to realize that Gabapentin works on my feet?! Twelve years and that could have made s major difference to those twelve years?!

But the GP gives me another stupid answer to match the previous one and know this immediately as the words leave his lips. The fact that he had been called an idiot by nurses and many people who take the drug is neither here nor there?!

"Gabapentin is JUST a pain killer!"

Ooh dear. He does it again.

Sometimes done things are just very easy indeed...your left with one of TWO FACTS out if that answer...

1) He is a complete incompetent moron and should NOT be a Doctor and not allowed anywhere near so much as a stethoscope?!

2) He knows the NHS is s big con now, allowed himself to be used as a Patsy to send me all over the place when the reality if it is they that are jumping through hoops at my every command to them to do so. Only thinking if the money in other words.

But there is more to it as he checked my groin and did it wrong. Stated that if you are able to dress yourself and you s returning soldier with no legs but working arms your not entitled to any help? He calls himself a fucking Doctor?! Oh asks i took him an X-Ray if my back i had done privately and he was not even interested in looking at it and said he was not qualified to do so. Odd as my PREVIOUS GP REQUESTED ME TO BRING IT IN TO HER and after looking at it she announced to shocked staff that to immediate effect the practice was now closed" and buggered of forthwith clutching my private X-Rays?! So she saw something on it and I never found putt what it was. Since then i have been first told there was something on it and then told there was nothing on it and another said the chiropractor was just a quack. I said but even I spotted the problems with my back when I looked at the monitor which impressed the chiropractor?!

They love talking the big talk but if you return with anything closely resembling intelligence they look all at sea and there speech turns into a low din?! They follow a routine and have things set out to say but if you disrupt this routine in the right way then they get flustered and suddenly they do not sound quite do bright anymore. At this point I could go in for the kill and finish them off completely?! But I do not for the goal if the bigger picture and always was from the beginning. Other people want to go straight for the throat if the one they see as the only culprit but I do not. I an more than capable of rendering any opponent in an argument to a quivering, babbling, wreck and heap of embarrassment. This is purely because they think Doctors trump all else when it comes to intelligence and have smart answers with a quip as if treating a strip off you for saying whatever you did in the first place. But with me you need to make ABSOLUTELY SURE that you're quick sarcastic remark has no possible comeback because any sarcasm will be returned in such a way, when the time comes, that afterward you will think you have just been skinned alive and bludgeoned into unconsciousness and hung up a tree bashed by your feet.

On other words you will end up feeling extremely stupid and will be so crushed from your defeat that you will never want to ever day a sarcastic comment or smart remark to anyone else ever again, lol.

The danger they all have now and for the rest of 2013 is when I decide to change tact as I have taken this as far as I can go and have provided enough to help and show all the truth and if they are unable to see what is staring them in the face our taken to be part of the big conspiracy and corruption...will there is little i can do about that. They will just have to live with the fact that these are facts and they were wrong. If this causes mass embarrassment well you should have read more and possessed ask the facts and that you obviously have used Twitter far too much and text messaging because you are of the idea that the famous book, War & Peace, can be fitted into a micro blogging site our 60 words or less?! The very things destroying the use of language and communication and there have already been millions of cases were journal tired things have been taken out of context now on Twitter these hit the need once our twice a week! But not all celebrities use Twitter and this out of context statements could well be a daily basis if they did?!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Well look at that, right on cue?!

Just posted the latest in a long line about getting prescription drugs you do not want and being refused the ones that work for you and bam! A report comes out!

As well as the problem of the Primary Care Trusts leaning on Doctors to spend as short a time as possible, no treatment our expensive tests if they can weight out of it. Lie about it all if they need to and do not prescribe expensive drugs.

Then on the OTHER SIDE you have the drug companies giving back handers to Doctors everywhere to take certain drugs.

I believe the latter had certainly been going on a couple of decades.

There must be absolute hoards if people out there with this knowledge of being fiction to this practice? Possible many with evidence too?

Eerie how time after time those that I have focused on are appearing in the news one by one?!

Hmm wonder if I can make a short list about what is left?!


Sunday, 26 May 2013


Right well after the recording I posted up here is a letter I was not aware I had sitting around?!

This, you will note, is stapled back to front just as my Neurology letter was when arrived not so long ago.

Also this letter states the 100mg dosage, so occurred BEFORE reaching my GP Surgery, and it also came, just as the Neurology Letter did, in an envelope without an NHS logo?!

Indeed it had sat here for several days before I opened it which is NOT what I do with letters with the NHS logo on as it could be rapidly approaching appointment? Like one I have imminently in a matter of days!

So as I edited onto page two it looks like someone intercepts my letters before they go into the post. Tsk-tsk, if there was any one single solitary person you should not perform this practise on it is ME! LMAO!

Whether this practise is confined solely to me, because of this blog for instance, or whether it is extremely widespread I do not know.

What I DO KNOW now is exactly how to deal with it. Stay tuned for that one, lol.

So as you can see, even setting to one side the contradictory nature of all I have spoken to and the odd occurrences, it is utter madness and extremely suspicious.

Now to me and just as it has done for a long time they have been up to no good at the NHS and have probably manipulated a great many naive nurses and even Doctor's, many of which probably think they are impervious to being fooled.

To be honest it would not surprise me to find out that the Enfield Primary Care Trust, or even someone higher, has been meeting with my GP to keep him in line and bullshit him because a second GP in a row realising what I know and QUITTING would just be too much to HIDE, lmao.

Funny really as sometimes I am sure they are aware of this blog and other times I think they are oblivious to it.

When I think about it hard enough I think that the top overlords are aware of this blog and are terrified that those down the chain between themselves and me will find out about it, lol.

Or even in a position to find someone that wont mind bending the rules with the right incentives, so someone they can work closer with, lol.

Of course, and if they are reading this right now they will themselves be realising, it wont make one jot of difference to the eventual outcome.


Thursday, 4 April 2013


Oh my word that must have been one of the worst days of my usual ailments I have ever had...EVER!

After going from a week of not being able to stay awake night before last I did not sleep at all. Annoyed by this and not wanting to stay in all day feeling like crap and being miserable all alone I decided to go out on my bike to catch the morning sunlight up at Lea Valley Park and get some wildlife on film and photo!

Also nearby there is a TK Maxx store and I was overdue a new jacket and thought I would get one more outdoor-sey and a little camouflage like but not ARMY camouflage I hate that!

Only I got up there too bloody early, it was also bitter bloody cold, the cloud cover not supposed to arrive until the afternoon suddenly appeared around 8am and the sunlight was gone?!

Added to the bitter cold was an even colder and quite strong northerly wind and I ended up on the grounds of the old ruins of Waltham Abbey itself where a very nice old gentleman walking his lurcher dog stopped and chatted for about an hour.

Eventually he was getting too cold, shook my hand made his farewells and off he went which I did not mind him keeping me busy as I had decided not to go n my nature hunt, it was too cold and the light was crap.

But then I realised I still had an hour and a half before TM Maxx opened?! So I convinced myself to have a very, VERY slow cycle INTO Lea Valley Park the entrance being immediately opposite TK Maxx.

I venture too far getting up near the goose hide before coming back. At the northern edge it seems to have gotten colder and stronger this bone chilling wind and several old pensioners on bikes complete with their grey hair greeted me good morning before then complaining about the bitter wind and temperature in April?!

Cycling back to Waltham Abbey I had realised I had done too much yet again and yet did not feel too bad when I entered to park and yet another reminder that I cannot do too much. I knew it would end on a bad day but what could I now do?

I have to live, you cannot live by sitting on your backside and regardless of what the politicians say that they can live on £55 per week thats an outright lie as I corrently cannot do it on £100 a week and am struglling to by the bits I need to improve the blogs on here to make money as well as my YouTube account that...

...I am beginning to realise I am being ripped off for and should have received my first payment MONTHS AGO?!

Hopefully after the 5th May and the 5th June have passed I will know for sure whether this is the case and as to how, why and WHO is doing it. The important point is I KNOW it is happening but cannot do much about that until more data comes in.

I got to TK Maxx and the two jackets I saw in the Enfield store were ... NOT THERE!! In fact as far as outdoor jackets go and the size of the place that had nothing under £150 I liked or would be of use to me. Though I should me receiving about that figure for my endeavours by now but am not and will not know when I will I can not spend that much money.

Now getting tired, angry and fatigued I left and I knew I was in pain from both my groin and a frozen shoulder I went into McDonalds to get a meal so I could take more painkillers.

I cycled to the Enfield Town TX Maxx store and wondered if I was going to make it. At one point the Heavy Duty D-LOCK I had purchased from Sainsbury's two weeks earlier had proved to be the same as another lock I had purchased from the same store the year before to be made of extremely sub-standard tools, materials and engineering when the holding bracket snapped clean off sending the big D-LOCK smashing into my left knee, leading me to swerve and almost crash, which could have then damaged both my expensive camera and binoculars, both work tools now!!

I could not believe it, tutted used several expletives out loud and then shouted "ehat a fucking world these people have turned it INTO!!!" got back on my bike and continued on. As I was approaching Enfield Town I was going in and out of consciousness on my bike but was relieved to get there. Locked it up, thereby giving my frozen should a bloody good rest. Bent over doubled and twisted my shoulders around to try and free up the tightened muscles, looked at people staring at me oddly and the cursed the fact I had left my walking stick behind, as I had not planned nor thought I would be out this long.

but right now I needed a drink and at least I was a lot closer to home now than I was earlier?! So I got the money I needed out of the ATM, crossed at the Pelican Crossing, bought a Root Beer and a Raisin & Biscuit Yorkie bar, took more painkillers and headed off to TK Maxx. Got in there and the coat I had decided to get on seeing it a week earlier I now realised was NOT suitable at all?! I was in pain at the time and rushing and had given it a quick look and at £30 thought it perfect but it had not enough pockets!! DAMN IT!!

I cycled the last couple miles home with nothing I went out the house for, still fighting a bitter wind, feeling cold in my nether regions despite using long Johns under DENIM JEANS?!

But what was REALLY DISCONCERTING was the fact that my eyes kept closing as I was riding and I was fighting to stay awake on the bike despite the bitterly biting cold wind and the masses of pain I was now experiencing?!

I had been fighting to stay awake as I did not want to sleep during the daytime and then be up all night. I thought I had left that problem behind but apparently not and when you have trouble being mobile for very long then burning enough energy to sleep becomes a pain in the fecking arse!

I managed somehow to get home and I do not recall much of what happened but I know for a fact that I did not get to see neither of the two Family Guy episodes nor the America Dad episodes despite me being on my bed LONG BEFORE they started?!

I woke up today at 1am and have now not gone out, but have a bug to get out as per ususal, because my landlord comes at 4pm for his rent and I need to give it to him.

Now I have made an appointment to see my GP but will not be until a WEEK after he gets back...

Ooh how bloody useful that is I just have a day of hell and I still have an inordinate wait for an appointment I made four days BEFORE my day of hell?!

Now when I see him I am now going to tell him straight about the pain and the help I have needed for sometime....ohh thinking this is a good order to catch him out actually. He WILL be negative (unless he has personally seen this blog of course) and say "there are none, there is nothing" which I will record and put on here of course. I will then get a little frustrated with him, as I am bound to. Then I will show him the Neurology letter and ask how the guy KNEW me before I even walked into his room?! Why dis he lie to me that Domperidone was the ONLY drug available for vomiting and dizziness?

Yup APRIL really will turn out to be revealing....not forgetting EXPLOSIVE!!


Happy Days!!