Sunday 28 January 2018


Well what do you know?

It would appear there has been a BBC report that exposed the NHS providing mishearing figures on A&E performance which was suggested by a regulator.

Yet another organisation I've never heard of no doubt funded by the public's purse, NHS Improvement were reported to have suggested to the NHS Trusts to pull in and combine figures from minor injury centres.

Yeah so there you go .. again. For the umpteenth time the NHS has been found to be lying. That's an ever growing number of times along with the ever growing number of times they have been accused of covering up something.

Quite busts bizarre is the fact they it never occurred to NHS bosses and Trusts failed to realise the very likely snowball effect that goes hand in hand to being found out.

The more revelations rise to the surface the kite people discover the truth. Each discover of the truth has the potential to be someone with suspicions of their own that then end to investigating or go on some .. vendetta?

I saw this on the BBC and thought you should see it: How accurate is hospital A&E data? -

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