Monday 20 November 2017


As strange and as mad as that might sound it is getting there.

The Conservative Party really are doing their utmost to make the Nazis look as good as they could possibly be.

I literally was just told something that I could not believe and I said “Fuck me .. things were better under the Nazis unless you were Jewish. Even then they killed you fairly quickly!” well .. when they got around to it and did not work you to the bone.

But that is also coming.

Someone with Multiple Sclerosis has been turned down for Personal Independent Payments.

So I was told about this Facebook page where this story about being refused PIP for Multiple Sclerosis.

Jesus Christ you wankers at the Conservative Party .. grow a fucking spine and at least offer people voluntary euthanasia. It is far more moral than slowly and quite deliberately killing people and then pretending your getting the jobless numbers down to win brownie points over the piles of bodies!

Apart from being worked until I am nothing but skin and bones I would much rather go straight to the Nazi's gas chambers than live the next few years within the UK.

That is coming from someone who has asked a couple of General Practitioner's years ago if I could have my feet removed and replaced with robotic ones. At least I could have gone back to work back then. But no .. they would rather refuse you every single thing that would help you stay I work or get work and then stand behind you with a proverbial whip and beat you when you slow down from your health problems.

I am getting to the stage where I would be more than happy than to shoot the people that have made these decisions without a single concern for anyone's state of mind, physical pain or just health in general.

I talked someone out of burning down a Job Centre several times, not a million miles away from where I now am in actual fact, but there is going to come a time where they are indeed burned down and it would not surprise me if this was quickly followed by others and spread around the country.

Well I say 'spread around the country' but I am sure that areas that are predominantly made up of people of a certain .. faith these will not get burned because these people are not subjected to the same torture tactics as those that predominantly have their own people. I am just going to give a educated guess with that one. Call it a prediction?

Oops .. it seems I got into a conversation with the lady refused PIP and have been giving advice .. also got into a conversation with someone else who was very happy to hear about this blog, that I was and have been recording stuff for a long time and .. that I am still doing this and in the North West.

The page is on Facebook and is called 'Universal Credit Survival' but it does appear to be a closed group.

Within its page I spotted something that I clicked on that remarks about that with I have constantly harped on about for years before I even started this blog nearly five and a half years ago.

In this instance they are talking about the fact that no one is talking about the link between rent arrears, homelessness and Universal Credit. Though I am sure they have just started to talk about .. well .. Universal Credit and the six week wait. Nothing about missing a whole week. Nothing about the fact that tens of thousands are going to have the worst Christmas ever after thinking the last few cannot possibly get any worse. Well it is just about to get a lot worse for a whole bunch of unfortunate victims who did not see this coming and who I feel extremely sorry for.

So then .. will the powder keg go ahead with its creation and will the names of those responsible for the worst crimes against humanity in peace time be etched into the annals of history for the next several hundred years?

I fear that the first one will be the case and that the second one? Well for those that are involved and directly responsible it is far too late. Except maybe for some damage limitation.

As far as I can tell my personal and new Job Centre seems to be leaking staff like there is no tomorrow and my personal Job Coach, while it lasts, seems to be OK presently. But time will tell ad even if it is all smoke and mirrors I do not think he will get the chance now to show his true colours, that is indeed if there is a more sinister side to him.

I say that because other than one person I called 'The Canary' from another Job Centre I have not met anyone quite this understanding previously.

Ooh yeah .. for those that wondered about my little bird at a previous Job Centre I called 'The Canary'? I previously said that despite the obvious there was a reason that I called her 'The Canary' and that if I ever divulged this it would make some people laugh?

Well .. she is retired now .. was Canadian and her name was .. Mary. Hence 'The Canary'. LMAO!

Now then .. anyone know the directions to that gas chamber?!

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