Saturday 25 November 2017


In my long .. long quest to find evidence of corruption, lying and failures within public services I come across a while load of things.

I can never decide which particular public service I hate the most. All in equal measure I'd state with honesty.

But when it comes to the councils they really do have many edges to them that could easily .. umm, edge then in front by some way.

Currently I'm having issues with a local council, victim support and .. as ever, the DWP. Though there seems to be evidence of some backing off, albeit temporarily, by the DWP. But we're worried that could be a pre-cursor, at least in my case, to something else.

Being called and for two interviews, one general and one fraud squad we expected to be told no money over Christmas.

Oh both instances this wasn't the case and once again we had them .. backing off..

In fact we were told that nothing would change, considering our .. issues, until the year 2022, which was .. bizarre.

Anyway .. that's all great and all but we're still waiting for the proper support.

Autism, with not one but two, doesn't know it's supposed to affect us until they say it is.

Neither do our disabilities.

As for the disability diagnosis for .. someone else?

Yeah we got that .. got given a new drug for Fibromyalgia called Mirtazapine that not only did I get excited about but .. after the first night, last night, seems to be working. Working well, too .. well other than making the person taking it feel ill at first. She said that she felt weird this morning as many of her symptoms seem to .. well .. missing.

After this revelation she saw a video online on Facebook regarding some questionable behaviour of a council worker. She has realised as have a lot in the Wirral that you can't trust the council or its staff. 

In fact I've now witnessed Wirral Council waiting for people to their cigarette ends away so they can fine them. Only they were not on public land, have been warned about this by the store owners but keep on doing it. They have been attacked by members of the public too! That is here on the Wirral, not sure about anywhere else. In fact I saw them yesterday but missed the part where they followed someone into B&M but then for marched out by the store staff.

Doesn't matter with its legal or not or whether it's moral or not .. they are the fine Police and of they say you have to give them money then you have to give them money.

They get backing off the courts too, I discovered to my deep concern and various webpages, too.
But people are getting fed up with the courts too and beginning to realise.

Currently we don't actually have a society as it's broken from the top down and enough people know it too. Not enough for a full on collapse .. well not just yet anyway.

So my daughter saw this video linked below of a woman called Donna Hinksman and filmed by someone called Iqbal Khan.

The video was supposed to reveal harassment and a slap in the face by this council worker while she was high on coke.

Except that's not what I saw.

No proof she was on coke. I saw a hat knocked off that straight away had the guy state it was assault.
Plus one other thing .. I'm sure he says that he say this woman harasses him while he is at work? I could be wrong here but I'm sure this is what he states near the beginning.

There's one other thing to note from this video from this incident in Crawley ..

The violence and language used against this woman. 'I'd also her if she spoke to me like that' to 'I'd punch her out cold'.

One more thing to note from the comments raging about being violent towards her ..

All have Arabic sounding names!

I liked one comment from one woman that called him or on the video and promoting violence towards women. He then seen to quickly say you should not got women ever.

But did seems to be a revenge tactic against a fellow council worker to me.

For all I know this woman could be the Queen of all bitches or just reacting to being bothered by a coworker with a grudge while out and pissed?

Put simply and unlike much of my recorded evidence it's impossible to say one way or the other.

This is the first time I've included a council outside of the five, though I think it's six, that I have in the past.

Except I don't have anything on them other than one worker being pissed on her night out.

They think they will have her her fired too? Yeah right, like to see that one fly in the courts were a wrongful dismissal lawsuit is bound to take place.

As for us?

We still await an official diagnosis that has taken an absolute age, whereas the conditions have been masquerading for around a year in one family member.

Another condition has just finally been diagnosed after being missed .. again, despite my being diagnosed with the same condition for three years and after 14 years of asking and 20 years of suffering from it and it itself being hereditary.

I also discovered another condition that is .. problematic but which I wot go into here and added to this they have become concerned about one, was looking at the eyes when they did, or two things, looking at the stomach area.

No .. none of this I have mentioned is to do with my irregular heart beat, chest pain and heart palpitations. Though I can tell you now that since I started writing this .. that letter has already arrived and the date is set.

Also another issue with y car seems to have raised its ugly head again and i am getting seriously pissed off/stress out about that one and makes no sense.

At least the DVLA finally sent me a letter with instructions and a form. That is something else officially dealt with come Monday warning and I am almost back to being officially legal gain .. once I kick Churchill Insurance up the arse for previously stating they had no record of me and costing me an £800 car!

Not only has this .. person close to me has now been officially diagnosed with the same condition that I have been afflicted by for well over 14 year but they were given a new type of drug for it called Mirtazapine.

Not only have a I read about this drug and I am both impressed and intrigued as it has been tested on Fibromyalgia sufferers extensively but it also stated that it can lower a great many different symptoms. Not just the painful ones?! Very, very cool!

It is a veritable powder keg.

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