Monday 27 November 2017


Well we had another meeting today.

Well .. I didn't .. mores the pity. My daughter did and once again it was a meeting with what are supposed to be several staff from the social workers department, bosses I believe and other Wirral Council staff.

I have wrongly, or more accurately omitted to, report previously that someone from the youngest girls nursery is supposed to be in attendance.

Along with them is supposed to be someone from the school as well. Maybe several as three children go to the same school.

Also meant to be present is someone from Victim Support too.

Another meant to be in attendance of those of which I am aware, is a health visitor.

Lastly is an Independent Review Officer who I am told hails from Northampton, oddly a place I visited for the first time briefly before I moved to the Wirral.

These are for four children on the at-risk register and two of which have now been diagnosed, albeit short of an academic audiology test that clearly is not needed and only a means as yet another in a long line of stall tactics.

This was meeting was number five.

Everyone was present at the first meeting as far as I know.

Since then every subsequent meeting there has only been one person in attendance and today was no different bar one thing. The health visitor did not attend and this not only was the first time the only one I deemed as professional failed to turn up but had previously warned that she could not make it this particular Monday anyway.

So how is it that .. the only one to arrive regularly and on time could not get a meeting date that she could actually attend?

Bizarrely and as the title suggests .. one did turn up and this time it was the social worker. She was flabbergasted that no one else turned up, tried to book a room and was told they were all booked up and stated that he had worked with a number of councils and had never come across one like this one.

I was kind of expecting that sort of reaction from her but I did not expect her to actually say it. I guess that given the embarrassment of said situation she felt compelled .. to say .. something?

“No wonder children are dying around here all the time?!” My daughter stated to me after once again stating that there was a no show from almost everyone.

“Yeah .. funny how it is completely ignored by the news media despite them being fifty yards from this door when that Policeman was killed deploying a spike-strip?!” I replied.

Oddly there had been a rumour among the locals that stated that this Policeman had not ha the proper training in the deployment of spike-strips. That did not seem to get any reporting either.

As I said .. two children have died within fifty yards or so of that Policeman dying and one of the worst cases or domestic violence of which the legal case will be classed as historical. Plus an entire family mostly consisting of disabled children and adults who are not only a victim of said domestic violence but also ignored and not offered one iota of help from anyone either have also gone unnoticed.

My mind boggles at te thought of the number of things to occur within the UK that were previously right under the noses of so-called professional and research journalists?

I am afraid they have become like film celebrities for the most part .. too bothered about their image and fame to realise what is going on right, fucking, behind them.

Currently I am awaiting news of some hospital tests concerning someone close to me while I have an autistic duo that have somehow managed to avoid having a double meltdown. It has come close, believe me.

So the complaint has now been escalated .. again! I simply said “Umm .. exactly how many times is this going to be 'escalated' before this Independent Review Officer does something?!”

Remember .. they can make all te noises in the world and they might thik that they say all the correct things but .. I learnt long ago to take no notice. Words mean absolutely nothing to me in any way shape or form. Nothing has even come of the use of words whether in the form or encouragement, promises or otherwise.

So today we had to get the kids to school, go to a meeting in the pouring rain on foot that a bunch of people supposed to be professionals and have cars given to them cannot be bothered to turn up to. We were supposed to look inside a new house and maybe that is going on right now? A hospital visit an calposcopy to rule out the dreaded 'C' word and then pick the remaining kids up from school? Oh, wait? A friend is picking one up from school and will be here at 4am, or around thirty minutes at the time of typing.

Oh and we had two do two bits of shopping and as I have now heard from the DVLA for the first time in two months, I had photos to get for my drivers licence. Yeah .. I still have not gotten around to doing that!

Oh and there were two other things I was meant to do today, check out my nearside rear wheel as it seems to be leaking air and … fill and in and send off some forms. Tomorrow it is then?! SIGH

The funny thing is that when Rotherham Council was deemed 'not fit for purpose' I expected several others to follow on from that. I certainly expected Wirral Council to follow on as a second place?!

You simply cannot tell me that Rotherham Council was the only bad egg out of several full baskets of eggs?! No bloody way!

So where are all the others?

Yeah .. I cannot help but continue to think that I have thought for a long time and that is that the things we get to hear reports on are not even ten percent of all that goes on and situations where they were used as scapegoats, getting thrown under the bus, so to speak, to then be able to bury anything else they know is rotten to its very core?

No matter the industry and both public and private .. none of them cease to amaze me .. well, to a degree. I know that each one I deal with will I turn, tu out to be lying conning tricksters loaded to the brim with naïve jobs-worths. I am just always slightly surprised when I find yet another one in what is a very long list and has a failure ratio of 100%.

Oh crap!

There was a long pause before I typed 'oh crap' and something has occurred. It is not good.

I had previously stated that we both have serious issues going on as well as the usual spate from our shared disability.

In the past .. it has been hard to tell whether any of the more serious things that have occurred with me have been something .. separate or down to the Fibromyalgia.

My previous GP practice was quick to put things down to my Fibromyalgia while my new GP has stated that it is dangerous to do that, which was pretty much obvious to me previously.

Of these are the very high blood pressure readings at rest, in the area of Hypertension Stage 2 and Hypertensive Crisis a majority of the time.

If that alone was not bad enough then combine that with postural hypotension where raising from a seated, crouched or lying position where your blood pressure drops a lot and .. whammo. Your out of it and either blacking out, greying out or passing out completely. Forgetting everything else the falls alone are dangerous depending on where you are unless your a compete moron.

My right knee pain turned out to be a physical thing and not down to the Fibromyalgia so you could remove that from the 120 odd symptoms I have experienced that could be the Fibromyalgia.

The there was the anxiety attacks as a result of the DWP just cancelling everything 18 month back an suddenly my legs do not work, turning out to be something called Fibromyalgia Rubber Legs that once a fucking gain I had to diagnose myself.

Then I had these odd spurts of discomfort in my chest that I ignored until a few times when they were quite strong, very distracting and had me wondering whether I was having a heart attack or angina?

As stated previously somewhere between the middle of 2016 and up until September 2017 I found myself in Accident & Emergency three times without even calling '999' a single time. Despite spraying something under my tongue they use in the event of a heart attack this is not what I had. They never found out what these symptoms were .. though they were worried enough about test results to take me into A&E those three times.

As I have also stated the very last time was like two weeks or slightly less before moving here to the Wirral to help my daughter and try and held my grandchildren and am admittedly way out of my depth and doubt whether I help every single day.

Only since being here those chest pains, tightness and heart palpitations have increased and I have noted that the irregular heart beat symbol has not only been displaying but working my way through the memory it has been going off for a very long time, probably more than a year?

A bloody cardiologst they want to refer me to just before I go away!

Sorry .. I just have not been able to get over that just as several people I know have not been able to get over it either.

The appointment is this Thursday as I finally managed to arrange it while up here and it is a rapid appointment, or something he called it.

Except despite that being a slight concern .. only in that if anything happens to me then I am no longer a help to my daughter or grandchildren .. or anyone on here for that matter. No that is not the concern.

The concern was first getting the confirmed diagnosis of the same thing with my daughter and .. well .. something else sorted out. But on doing those two things .. two other things have reared their ugly heads.

After a couple of visits a couple of days back today was an more .. internal examination and after a long day doing other things in-between and not even finding the time to look at an unsuitable house that has been offered .. the internal exam was done.

I had a female friend in the house and we were just chatting about things when her face changed an glanced past me through the living room window. She said that she was back, not looking good and moving slowly.

I leapt up to go and unlock the door and barely walking she came in with another woman in tow looking .. scared. Scared for the first time ever in thirty years that I have ever witnessed. More scared than when I took her to high court, even.

This was not what I expected, not what I expected at all and suddenly something that I had thought and had hoped would be routine was nothing of the kind.

Some details were explained to me that I have not been able to comment on in any way, shape or form and .. a biopsy that was not expected was taken.

I text one person I know back down south who had previously played it all down, stated it was routine stuff despite how good I am at .. reading between the lines, and is male. So did not really count.

But one woman down south said the same thing and that she had, had it and that it cleared up by the tome he was checked. Umm .. no. She had failed to realise or remember just how good a researcher I am and I pointed out that in her case there was no infection to the virus and that when there is it .. remains. For good. Also that depending on the type of the virus and/or infection which normally has a number associated with it, depends on whether or not this now permanent infect virus can increase the chance of a cancer you do not really want.

Yeah .. not only is it THAT type of infected virus but .. they have now see it and needed to not only take a biopsy but also even talked about treatments available which was, for me, not the right time to mention this.

I have to text this other person but the first one, the guy in the equation, simply answered “Oh dear!” when I text him.

Oh dear indeed and I replied by stating that he simply cannot believe the crap going through my head right now. Because there are four children that have to be thought about not to mention a childhood friend I thin will have a breakdown over this and while she is heavily pregnant too!

As was put to me a couple of times in the last couple of weeks ..

“Dad? Why does this crap keep happening to us?”

“Corrupt, lazy and greedy pubic services, I'm afraid”

A shame my Patreon page has not burst into life.

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