Wednesday 22 November 2017


Still hearing of more local issues in the North West all the time.

It's funny how here I hear things from actual people and not being told stuff from digital friends. Or from the biased and selective news media. At least everyone here is far more aware of the bizarrely selective nature of the news media. Not like London where they only suspect something 30% of the time.

They are also just as pissed off with hearing about Brexit as they are in London. That's a relief.

No even on my first visit in the warmer months .. I heard something on the local radio about a bridge and it's fees. Didn't know anything about any new bridge to here at the time.

Then today I was sent a news article by someone from back in London regarding a traffic scam.

Wait for it ..

It didn't state who but motorists we asked to go past a speed camera at 80mph with an incentive involved, food vouchers maybe? If I was asked if assume they wanted to test and/or calibrate the camera. This was in Essex .. near Southend possibly? I'll link the photo on that was sent to me.

Anyhoo what happened was the reward never arrived .. but a fine did!

Speaking of fines .. the Merseyside Gateway Bridge?

Another building project that ends up costing far more than originally quoted. Why has no one ever asked how in the fuck this works?

I would not accept a replacement tyre to my car costing £20 more than they started prior to fitting it!
So local residents were to get to cross it for free .. except it's not with a £10 a year pass. But anyway .. I read reports that fines amounting to £1 Million, some say 2 to 3 Million, were wrongly issued within the first month?!

First you pay tax for owning a car, no it's not fucking road tax, then you pay tax on your petrol when they talked about combining the two twenty years ago. Then you pay for parking, though you've technically paid twice already to use the road. Then there were the tolls. Then the fines of you make a mistake, are a little bit late or had an emergency.

You would think it couldn't get worse than it already is? Yeah .. it does and in a number of ways too.
The article states that the tolls are supposed to go when it's all paid for. As I said to my daughter .. 

"No. Just .. NO!"

We've had this in the south. Ten or twenty years or even more later the tolls still stand. Never once has a toll been lifted or ceased to my personal knowledge.

I can also tell you that the mistakes with fines are absolutely nothing of the kind.

Think about it .. it's easy to say it's all a mistake while it's impossible to prove it was anything other than a mistake.

Now as just about every industry is being exposed for one thing or another it would by stupid to assume this industry/company/public office were immune to corruption.

With that in mind and with a plan to steal money off the public that's impossible to prove what do you think they would decide to do?

It quite literally is elementary.

I bet the mistakes continue for several months because they are difficult to rectify?

Funny how money to be paid to big corporations and public offices/bodies have deadlines to them and fines for not meeting those deadlines?

Funny then that when it comes to them paying out .. that they take fucking forever or don't pay out at all and there are no consequences?!

It's that two-rule system yet again that had not only continued for decades but is now in your fucking face because there are no legal rights.

Legal rights being enforced requires legal representation which itself requires .. well .. money. At least that's how it's been since Legal Aid was unfairly destroyed in what was a deliberate attempt to take away everyone's rights before they started to get kicked in the balls, head and any other proverbial place.

Well .. just like a pressure cooker of old .. there is always a point when the pressure has to release in a big blow off of steam.

This is a natural human reaction when too much pressure has been applied and punishing people for doing something that is first of all, natural, second of all affects everyone including the privileged and thirdly .. completely understandable is nothing short of completely absurd.

Don't make me say "I told you so".

What I find funny is how people have to go through hell just to get a home. "To stop the rain hitting you on the head while your watching EastEnders while drinking tea!" is how someone out it to me.

Paying through the nose in one way or another for a home isn't actually a home. A home you should feel safe in. But thanks to bailiffs and other Wolves you can't.

Your home is merely somewhere they know they can locate you when they want money out of your or take away what you've worked hard for so they can get that money.

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