Friday 23 February 2018


Well no sooner had I accused all the Tories of thinking like that of that amoral moron Owen Lister .. they then go and prove it, so good luck trying to pretend that you all do not!

Apparently they are in court to state that they want to .. wait s minute? Let me check. Yup ..

They are 'apparently' claiming that disabled people have no human rights?!

Let me state that again ..


Now forgive me hear for a moment but how the flying fuck can that be the case? How can you go to a court to state that ANY group of people have no human rights?!

I do not know whether to burst out laughing of their total idiocy or get very very scared and concerned that my previous .. concern regarding the British courts being corrupt might be about to be proved?

Now just think about this for a moment ..

How could you go to the courts and the law, meant to be there for everyone and how we can claim to be at all civilised as a society, and ask them to allow the Tories to discriminate against a group of people?! Oddly mostly made up of British born people too .. so once again stabbing their own purely because they can get away with it without being labelled.

Also how can a political party in what is supposed to be a first world country, show their inhumanity in this way and get away with it without repercussions? It simply begs belief!

I keep asking myself .. if what it states in this blog post can possibly be true?! I .. I .. find it so difficult to believe. That they would come out with it in a way that can be reported upon and go around the Internet like the proverbial wildfire.

A pile of cash has more rights than people .. except the Tories, lawyers and Judges seem to have forgotten that ..

  • A pile of cash can not suffer.
  • A pile of cash cannot feel pain
  • A pile of cash cannot become homeless
  • A pile of cash does not have difficulty with the over inflated bills .. which the Tories and other politicians are too fucking scared to confront
What the fuck is going on in the UK and why are the leftist, or claim to be left, media ignoring shit like this?!

It would not surprise me in the least if this was very recent and that they are doing this purely to prevent me from winning two wars?!

Yeah .. I have two wars and it looks like both will be won .. there is just this damned waiting involved with one lot to do with fact checking and another thing literally awaiting a court date!

Still trying to get everyone else to pay for their mistakes?

Still trying to prevent justice to protect the money that is not even fucking theirs?!

Wonders truly never cease with this political party and in all honesty another wonder is coming that they still will not only STILL exist five years from now but will also likely be the party still in power?!

That wont be saying very good things about the British people.

Do you go some of the way right or all of the way right? If you go all of the way right and you let it be known .. do not be surprised if you get burnt at the stake further down the line!

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