Cheese Louise!
My bloody word … this
morning was the worst morning so far!
I was up around 6.30am,
not a good sign I will get to in a moment, and downstairs scouring a
very unusually slow Internet for help.
I have had this in the
past, I most likely mentioned previously, and it is one of the worst
feelings in the world and pain is preferable to this. I think this is
why people 'self-harm' because I have considered it both now and
previously. Along with the ultimate way to switch things off for
Back when I had it
previously I had terrible trouble sleeping at all. Considering that
the Fibromyalgia Syndrome I suffer with fairly badly is because we do
not get any restorative sleep at all, this was not good. Of course at
the time I did not know it was Fibromyalgia despite the 7 years of
asking. I had to go and find out for myself and when I did realised
that my GP at the time knew what I had as had everyone I had seen in
the NHS for two years previous to this.
So at the end of the
day I was left to rot, in pain physically in over a dozen places,
terribly embarrassing symptoms, memory that fails to function and
with anxiety that made you want to take your own life. Yeah I got
angry with the system because I realised it cheated and was full of
people with no heart, feelings, compassion or capable of regret.
Every single little
thing you need to do starts to become a 200 Meter Olympic sprint!
Every time you think of something you have to do and I mean anything
… the anxiety strikes. Every time. You think about shopping you
need, a bill you have to pay, having a bloody bath or shower?!
If you go to any site
catering for mental health issues it will have a list and one that is
always present is 'You find normal daily activities difficult'. Or
something to that effect.
Combine that with 6
foot pains, knee pain, back pain along with embarrassing sudden
vomiting flaky skin and with the worst possible embarrassing thing I
rarely mention second only to being drugged to unconsciousness and
taken to the high street and waking up there naked.
It is something that
you wont want to admit but that you can .. involuntarily .. do, do to
Then add memory loss
that occurs several times each day.
So this morning was
really bad .. I am not one for self-harming, previously going
straight to suicidal and sort of have, but I wondered if there was
some relief in it today. Because …
I left the house to
drop off some cheap coffee to a store owner I know. After a bit of a
chat and telling him I might admit myself to hospital, though asked
myself why I would bother. I also had en Employment Support Allowance
application form that the Citizen's Advice … oh crap, .. right I
have emailed the Citizen's Advice Bureau. I had forgotten to do it.
Same old, same old.
I took an ESA claim
form to the Job Centre as was instructed by the Citizen's Advice but
they refused to take it as I have an ongoing thing with them. They
guy also told me that Employment Support Allowance was only a
temporary benefit and that people had to be re-assessed. Interested
now that he said that I asked the guy how often do people have to be
assessed? He said “Every 13 weeks” and I said “Where? Here?!”
and he said “no, an outside company does it” and I replied “oh
you mean companies like Atos?” he made some remark about how they
are not so involved in it anymore but basically said in a roundabout
way that it was. A company like that. I then stated that it was
stupid to drag people with disabilities all over the place every 13
weeks if they had conditions like mine that were incurable. He made
some of the crap excuses, jobsworth stylee, and I could have told him
that I know they have asked people and me to go places like Ilford
and even Chelmsford in London boroughs. Itt is not really worth the
effort and mostly they do not have the common sense to agree with
what you say anyway, despite how bloody obvious it might be.
I was in pain and
feeling somewhat … out of it, or stoned even, as I was getting
about but the pain seemed to have an effect at lowering the anxiety.
Due to this and realising it had, had this effect previously I wanted
to continue walking until I died.
I then thought 'perhaps
this is it? The reason people self-harm? Perhaps I should try it?'
Anything .. absolutely anything is better than this!
Except perhaps the pain
I was getting in my stomach recently? My GP held to fingers, I think
it was, into my waist on my right flank and asked me to cough.
Something hit his fingers that was not supposed to, apparently. Hence
why I am still awaiting one more hospital letter.
Each time I have grief,
pain from my stomach, anxiety attacks and difficulty getting about I
ask myself why it cannot be something that just kills me. Though this
is still a real possibility from the blacking out and falling
unconscious for ten to twenty minutes at a time. Find out at some
point in August, possibly.
I literally thought
this morning about walking in front of a bus or a lorry but this
would not be fair on the driver and witnesses on any bus. Would be a
harrowing thing to put people through.
Good God, I wished I
had known I was still capable of having these anxiety attacks! Also
about any threat to my home!
Hmm .. I am finding
something out for the first time now! I shall explain ..
Now first off for a
time and was about to look for someone I could talk to about certain
things .. my blogs for starters. I had an idea to start my own
business some years back and even way back then, before they kicked
me off wrongly for 7 years, I asked for help.
I do not have to tell
you this as many others, albeit begrudgingly at times, will tell you
or admit that I am not only good at what I do but also how many
things I can do and know about. Well I do have thirteen blogs and do
not cover every topic I am into or know about.
I have also thought
about doing something part-time, which really is all that I could
handle with my conditions but I do have to be careful over certain ..
things. No one wants to sit on their arse doing nothing all day and I
certainly don't. I even thought about asking the Citizen's Advice on
my next meeting with them about this … is like a kind of help,
advice and support role?
This is all proved
because of the existence of my blogs which also show what I can do.
I would dearly love
something to do .. I really would and struggle to find things to do
most days, as the weather is crap as opposed to good where I would be
out and about on my bike with two cameras, one a massive 83x zoom
Nikon and the other a waterproof camera that is more or less
identical to a GoPro.
I cover both these
purchases on my blog and my YouTube channel.
Well I was surprised at
the pressure that the DWP and their ESA were putting on people and I
decided to go and have a look around the Internet.
good bit: they can offer wellness classes such as walking groups,
CBT, help with CV preparation, training to change occupation - all
sorts of things.
This was an interesting
part of a web-page I was looking at.
other group of people on ESA will have been placed in the Support
Group (a misnomer in my view, as they don't get any 'support')
because they are deemed too ill/disabled to participate in any work
related activity.
This was another
interesting one but I am so negative about these people, hear so many
bad stories and have heard them lie to others, to me and even on TV a
few years back. Documentary about Job Centres that claim they have
lots of jobs but were proved to be all fake. Turned out to be very
old jobs but pretended that there were jobs so that they could screw
people on benefits that were actually looking for work!
This is so wrong to the
point that everyone ever associated with this that carried out this
shit should be fired on the spot. I would love to have a Job Centre
to go to, to genuinely speak to someone about help. Tried it when I
was registered disabled several years back and they told me that
despite me being disabled there was no help available?!
Well that shows how
much they cater for people with disabilities looking to either work
or start their own business?! Fan … tastic! Not!!
need good medical evidence for any appeal, and it needs to be
specific to the grounds of your appeal, not just saying you have
Lupus. It is not about your condition(s), but about the functional
difficulties you have because of the condition(s).
Annnd … worrying.
If you have a condition
then it comes with problems, symptoms and implications. Including
Lupus and I find it strange that they mention this because I know of
someone, a friend's sister, who has this. She was on DLA and like me
and tens of thousands of others was kicked off. Also just like me she
fought for years, not as long as I at 7 years, to get it back and
did. When I mentioned to this friend that the DWP were singling me
out yet again and now going after my Incapacity Benefit she told me
they were doing the exact same thing with her sister, yet again?!
She even had an MP help
her and write to and complain to the DWP! I think the MP even
accompanied her on a visit. Now that is an MP I would like and would
also like all MP's to be like. Not just swanning around with on
overflowing feeling of self-importance!
good bit: they can offer wellness classes such as walking groups,
CBT, help with CV preparation, training to change occupation - all
sorts of things. It does not involve being told to apply for jobs.
They cannot ask you to do anything that would make your condition
worse. There is really nothing to be afraid of. If they push you in
a direction you are not happy with, complain to their manager and
complain to the Jobcentre.
The good bit about
that? “They cannot ask you to do anything that would make your
condition worse.' The webpage.
Apart from asking a guy
that can have a potential two dozen black-outs per day, in constant
pain and on loads of medication for it, forgetful beyond belief and
can do,do oneself or vomit all over someone to drag his arse across
London to submit to a medical assessment!
It is literally a
contradiction. So your disabled and they ask you to travel several
miles on several public transport vehicles so that you can have a
medical assessment to see if your fit?
If you Do turn up then
your fit and if you don't … they cancel benefits, despite being
accepted as disabled a year previously? For an incurable and
degenerative disease?
Dr Kirkham at Guy's
Hospital told me, and audio recording of it on here, that he has
patients that are quite literally bed ridden! I really, really did
not want to hear that.
He told me that he
could tell I had, had Fibromyalgia a long time as I had worked out
that cycling is good as you need light exercise and that you cannot
do too much nor too little. The latter is one of many reasons why I
could only manage something part time but even that would scare the
crap out of me.
I do not want to be
sitting on my arse all the time, I do not want to be in pain all the
time and nor do I want to be bed ridden!
Over doing things
normally shows up, not immediately which is the weird thing, 24 to 72
hours after the over-doing it. Or more accurately 'flare-ups'. This
can come in any number of forms and simultaneously too.
So I have no issues
with doing something .. part time but it has to be somewhere I can
reasonably get to by a single bus and not in busy hours or by bike.
If the latter then somewhere to place my bike is obviously a must.
There are many things I know about and therefore many things I can
Be bloosy typical if
they placed me in the Lea Valley Park Authority?! I would like
working with and for nature but I have a little bit of a history with
them on here. I know they are on a bog con, plant British Orchids and
then probably go to each local authority the park runs through and
asks them each for £Millions.
They are also really
bad at park management and I have lost count of the number of people
I have spoken too that live locally to the Lea Valley Park, some even
knowing a thing or two about nature who complain to high hell to me
about their management, or lack thereof. I have even given them some
free advice that they ignored but did reply to my email and told me
lies about areas of the park being all natural. This particular bit
has not only pond liners running underneath the ponds but also a
tough liner running several hundred metres! I kid you not.
So the ESA have this
WRAG thing, Work Related Activity Group? Sounds good as long as these
people have a helping hand and not a cattle prod to force you with.
I notice they have CBT
which will be for sufferers of mental health problems? Yeaah … CBT,
or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, is good in theory … except you
have three problems …
- It does not always work
- It generally is for people who stress out over spilt milk and not those that suffer attacks over pretty major issues
- Any medical professional in the mental health areas think this CBT is like some sort of magic when in fact it is nothing more than snake oil … or placebo effect mechanism
I belong to the latter.
Nothing will help you until that major threat goes away and you are
re-assured that all is well. Or it is proved to you.
With CBT you are given
tasks to do … you know … tasks that are not important and you
have difficulty doing the mundane normal daily activity ones? Yeah …
that is stupid. How can I concentrate on a series of tasks when I
have one driving me towards suicidal thoughts? The feelings do not
stop until the threat is gone or you take medication for it.
Now if you were
extremely unfortunate to be someone that has to live with what I am
experiencing all the time and without any major threats of being
homeless or starving to death … yeah Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
might work in a good number of cases?
I found that with some
strong believers of CBT that if you cannot focus on it then their
attitude is that you obviously do not want to help yourself so they
cannot be bothered with you. If we could help our bloody sevles then
we would not have gone to them in the first place!
Someone really needs to
sit each of them down and explain how the Internet works and that you
can find out just about anything .. for free. I know because I have
been using the Internet and had email addresses as far back as 1997.
1996 even when I did my Access To Computing course.
Now on the Fibromyalgia
Action UK site it states that the DWP, or rather the assessors, are
treating Fibromyalgia sufferers unfairly and are requesting people
contact them with their experiences!
Category: Latest
Tuesday, 12 January 2016 13:28
claimants are being forced to travel long distances to unfamiliar
places in order to have a face-to-face medical assessment, due to a
shortage of assessors and assessment centres and a computerised
booking system which ignores claimants needs.
asking Benefits and Work readers to help out by telling us about the
PIP assessment centre you attended if
you have already had a medical. That way new claimants can be better
prepared for attending their medical, if they are unable to get it
changed to somewhere they know. - packs-mainmenu-58/benefits-articles-1
The inconsistencies of
the DWP over Fibromyalgia being a disability has run for years …
ask them outright and they state that it is. In a support group I
attended but keep forgetting to attend any other for the last ten
months or more I was the only one with a walking stick. Lol.
In the group there were
teachers that did not realise it was a disability and was having
trouble coping with her teaching job. She was advised, while I sat
there, by another group member who worked for a local council,
possibly Enfield, that they local authority and school need to cut
dowen her days so that she could cope. She was often reduced to tears
over her condition.
She showed absolute
surprise it was classed as a disability and when she asked the lady
advising her if she was sure everyone in the room said simultaneously
“Ooh yeah, it is!”
Lisa, i have fibro and i am getting DLA it took me a while to get it,
i was refused untill i was asked to go to a medical by the DHSS and
asked for a home visit, after this visit i re- aplied and had no
problem getting it.
people get turned down more than 3 times but just keep appealing the
eventually you should get DLA.
of the best, keep your chin up

is an example of someone getting DLA for it, though I was refused
despite having a rare form that affects my feet along with other
applied once for DLA with two spine curvetures, a hernia,
fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome got turned down have not
bothered since, Then my medical for being on ESA consisted off
wriggle my fingers and toes gently then raise both hands to touch my
shoulders slowly and gently , bend forward three inches slowly and
gently, lay down on a couch provided and lift my foot 3 inches off
the couch ... I was not let to be able to speak each time I tried to
speak I was loudly spoken over I knew within the first very few
minutes this medical is a complete fix
There a lot of stories
like that one .. a lot.
Basically the DWP and
government want to save money and they are bing opportunists and if
your being opportunists to that extent and the experiences are as
different from person to person with the same condition then they are
not being fair and obviously not medical specialists.
Surely there is a law
for pretending to be medical specialists?
If I bought a house,
spent money making it look like a GP Surgery and advertised as a
private General Practitioner or even a specialist … without
qualifications of any kind I am damn sure I would go to prison at
some point.
Yet time and time again
with plenty of medical professionals around the sufferers to get
things from you have to be and be assessed by people without
compassion and without medical knowledge or even an understanding of
conditions. Be that understanding cold and clinical or warm and
Hmm it seems that
according to the Fibromyalgia Action's website there is going to be a
documentary about people with Fibromyalgia which is a high profile
programme looking at disability benefits and the impact the changes
are having on people's lives?
On the following
Fibromyalgia Action webpage are a few instances of people with
Fibromyalgia and even one celebrity model, Jo Guest, who speaks about
the illness ruining her life and career.
I will have to look out
for that documentary about Fibromyalgia and see if I can get someone
to tape it for me? Maybe it will appear on YouTube? Ooh that is an
idea?! I can search for Fibromyalgia on YouTube!
If your treating people
that have the same illness differently then you are discriminating
against them in another way. It is as simple as that. Whether this is
race or class or even unemployed people it does not matter. A Single
Honours Degree in Applied Computing and turning down a PhD working in
the world of medicine does not win you any brownie points!
Now I have mentioned my
memory loss, known as Fibrofog, and I have stated very clearly and
repeatedly that I fully understand the frustration people get with
Alzheimer's Disease even the early stages. Your loss of memory causes
stress, irritation and anger.
In the video above one
woman states that she was experiencing memory loss to the point that
she thought and was scared that she had Alzheimer's.
It also states that do
not understand it and there is NO CURE for it, as I explained to a
warm and lovely lady at the DWP who phoned up someone with memory
problems asking them why they did not do something. Hence I get angry
and I did with her. She denied it when I said they clearly had no
knowledge of Fibromyalgia at all and were not capable nor qualified
to assess anyone with this debilitating condition.
This is why I have
never been shy about showing my frustrations and anger because you do
feel this all the time and you simply and scientifically cannot turn
it off. We really wished we could.
How about one woman
that starts of in tears over the constant pain? Well look at this
shorter video on Fibromyalgia Syndrome …
Umm … WOW!
The lady crying talks
about not being able to handle heat and feels hot to the point of
burning all the time. She also states that she has two air
conditioners, something I have stated several times I would die for,
but still has trouble.
That is the first time
I have heard anyone mention trouble with being hot like me!
Another one mentions
Restless Legs Syndrome which I have along with the much rarer
Restless Arms Syndrome. I think these are basically the same thing
and if you are bad then you get it in the arms as well as the legs. I
would like to bet that only arms affected is extremely rare or even
One states that people
with Fibromyalgia require a lot of care and attention … yeah and I
live on my own! I have stated so many times on my blogs and to
Doctors how hard it is living on my own.
The very short version but there can be up to 200 odd symptoms ... hard to believe andd was for me but when I went through a checklist of every possible FMS symptom I had close to 120, though when Guy's Hospital diagnosed it they disocvered my right knee was a separate and physical issue. Go figure!
The very short version but there can be up to 200 odd symptoms ... hard to believe andd was for me but when I went through a checklist of every possible FMS symptom I had close to 120, though when Guy's Hospital diagnosed it they disocvered my right knee was a separate and physical issue. Go figure!
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