Tuesday 21 November 2017


Well since I have been here on the Wirral I have heard of a great many things.

I was told by someone on the Universal Credit Survival Facebook page that there was an incident where a judge, ooh I am LOVING this, was arrested 'civilly' by a bunch of protesters in what was pandemonium. But we are watching it now and it is being cast to another device.

The court in question was in Birkenhead and the group in question were the British Constitution Group. Before attempting to arrest him and still outside chanting “Freedom” and “Arrest that Judge!” Oops!

On leaving the building they chanted “Do your job!”

One shouted to the Police while inside the courtroom “How many coppers are you going to need?” which turned out to be quite a few as outside more turned up, riot dogs turned up and blockades were set up.

Odd as the protesters, they are the British Constitutional Group after all, clearly stated to those inside the courtroom that there is an old law stated in the Magna Carta that I am not too sure exists today. Or even if it was what he claimed it was?

Nevertheless .. what there is in this video is a major uproar and this was only regarding council tax which was supposed to be so much better than poll tax?

The fact is that while these services have done less and less and less and then put more and more and more responsibility on the public it was always going to boil over at some point.

Right now people on the Wirral are being forcibly switched over from whatever benefit they are receiving to Universal Credit. In doing so they are going to lose a weeks money, I am and this is the second time that a public service has done this. This must surely be unlawful?!

Think that is OK?

If you do then please feel free to go to your energy supplier, landlord, loan provider and bank and say “Sorry .. we re going to not pay any of you for a week .. tough titties!” and see what response you get.

It is simply and utterly ludicrous.

I am also wondering if there is one other single country that pulls thee tricks and lies? I was told to cancel my Housing Benefit years ago and go onto Local Houing Allowance as I would no longer have to pay the shortfall in my rent. But in doing so I would lose a weeks money. I thought “to heel with it, it is worth it to then not have to worry and remember the shortfall every month!”

Only I did it, lost a week and the rent payments were either exactly the same as before or even slightly lower, meaning I lost a weeks money for nothing and that they .. LIED!

Oddly enough they took me to court for council tax a few year later, I wrote to the court and provided bunch of paperwork .. the council got ordered to pay me £300 and Enfield Council never ever asked me for Council Tax again for the next 7 years. Half-wits.

They were not the only ones I beat in court an not the only ones that I did without even having to turn up to court. Very Catalogue were another. Odd .. I just realised I do seem to do better when I do not turn up in court and always lose when I do?! Weird.

Anyway what happened today is I spoke to the expectant mother who has been told that not only will her benefits be stopped but also wont have any over Christmas. She was shocked and when I pointed out the missing weeks money she confirmed that someone had mentioned that to her too.

Then the two mothers looked t me and said that they guaranteed that there would be a load of trouble on the Wirral over this and that there had been talk of a protest.

That could be .. interesting.

They are giving the Police a weeks notice apparently.

This could be very interesting?!

If so I will be going .. unless I have to look after two autistic grandchildren and two other grandchildren because there is no one that gives a fuck and no one to help look after them.

Well .. there is one person but they are .. somewhat .. unreliable at the best of times. So right no I just do not know. But I will be there in some form or another, trust me on that.

Right now my own daughter is now panicking over whether she will now be told she will get no money over Christmas. I am also told that they fucked up last Christmas too by HMRC and some twat Mickey Mouse outfit of liars and cheats called Concentrix.

These fucking idiots actually contacted a pre-school teacher a while back and threatened to have her Chid Tax Credits stopped because they believed she was living with a partner and told her she had 28 days to prove it?!

Twenty eight days to prove that you do not live with another adult?! Are they fucking serious?! I know maybe they wanted photos of empty rooms as proof? Maybe they wanted a picture of just this poor other sleeping in her bed on her own? Maybe she could have asked Casper's Ghost to take the photo?!

How the fuck do you prove your living alone?! The fucking stupid morons!

How the fuck does such an incompetent company get a government contract like that to do checks on members of the public? Especially when that is not a check but is in fact threatening and bullying behaviour with unreasonable or impossible demands to stop the bullying or withdrawal of money or support.

I think that 'e' should be a 'u'? Work it out. By syllable. All three labels easily applicable and all contained in one word just by changing a single letter. Perfect!

More and more people are talking about the news media up here and this is a significant difference to that of talk back in London. One minute they are suspect of the news media and then the next they are literally asking “Well if something like that was going on in WOULD be on the TV News!” Yeah .. umm .. no. No it simply does not work like that any more and last time you were doubting the news anyway and now your defending it because you simply do not want to believe or face up to the new realities that are life in Britain today and the lying cheating organisations ripping of the taxpayer for billions and millions in a number of cases while pointing the finger at poor people at blaming them for being the cheats. Yeah .. right!

All the time people talk about where thing are going as if it were akin to the 'End of Days' and in all honesty .. yeah .. it is actually starting to feel like this.

Maybe it is because I reside in an area where it is being felt a lot closer to home by the local people and they are suffering more than they are in London? I simply do not know .. at least not .. yet.

A second Christmas in a row screwed up by the public bodies responsible for welfare payments to the sick, disabled, single mothers and the poor?

Yeah .. you might want to check mate as you really cannot get much lower than that, outside of being a serial killer or murderer of innocent people. 'Innocent' people only and 'self defence' does not count. Oh yeah .. rapists too.

What I am interested to know is where in the hell has Jeremy Corbyn been during all this? Cosying up to immigrants that are mostly full of crap, no doubt?

When is someone in politics going to actually talk like they want things to be fair right across the board, instead of trying to get brownie points and making themselves look good to the rest of the world or certain .. maybe communist or socialist countries?

The situation is now getting worse by the day whereby it was first by the month and then by the week. With these awfully implements transitions about to take pace at a time of the year where people really do not want bad memories to linger for years afterwards you can rest assured it is going to get pretty bad out there.

And as per usual the national tabloids and mainstream TV news media will be nowhere to be seen and the poor get no media representation once again.

I would dearly love to see an end to all this and now that I have been informed of the things that I have I dearly hope that it ends before Christmas and I do not fucking mean Christmas Eve either. It needs to end with plenty of time to spare for people to salvage their 2017 Christmas before it is too ate and there in no time left to salvage it.

I foresee unrest and am hearing of it first hand, taking place prior to Christmas. If this is not amended and fast then they had better hope that many parts of the UK get snowed under for weeks on end because .. I feel people will be out in force otherwise.

Something I actually missed some time ago .. thanks mainstream media, was a song by Captain SKA called 'Liar, Liar' and all about Theresa May as Prime Minster. In the video it states all the things she lied about or promised and did not do.

Before the link below that has details in the bullying of the HMRC, who incidentally seem to have overlooked all of those rich people recently exposed for stashing cash to avoid paying tax which has now gone suspiciously quiet, is a video to the song.

Below this is a video or two of someone recording Heart FM and/or Capital FM who refused to play the song when it was at Number 10 in the charts. Hippocrites as I would bet that if there was a song about Donald Trump called 'The Twat, The Twat' I get they would play it in a heartbeat?!

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