Wednesday, 31 October 2018


Well this has been a bumper day or even week for social workers and the one I have now hold responsible for the child rape cover ups ..

Jeremy Corbyn!

First off let us just run through promises made by social services and those linked to them they did not keep ..

Two autistic children off the scale and one with ADHD and another given to his paedophile Muslim father. Do not forget Fibromyalgia and Cervical Cancer ..

Promised but never delivered ..

  • House with not enough bedrooms
  • New beds .. TWICE
  • Help with moving
  • Proper Diagnosis
  • Support for children
  • Services for Children
  • Benefits for her and children
  • Help with moving house

Now then .. the father ..

  • Imprisoned for domestic violence
  • Social Services ow trying to cast DOUBT over incident .. despite him pleading GUILTY!
  • Told he would never have contact with children .. SEVERAL TIMES .. LIED!!
  • Forced contact with children .. just had THIRD CONTACT
  • Check my daughter's kitchen for pork
  • Two supervised visits of three hours only and yet while supervised ..
  • School says the so refuses to eat school dinners because he is cared of pork
  • Social Services while providing nothing for my daughter ..
  • Using contact that was forced to stop Muslim father being deported!
A socialist disease has infected the UK's pubic services while a Tory government is scared to appear racist and so picks on its own to save money .. fucked from both sides for decades.

Except these socialists also turn on their own and even the children to support these foreign invaders and even those proved to be racist, rapist killers of children.

I recently discovered after many years that the one solely responsible for this is none other than fake socialist, Jeremy Corbyn. Proved by someone on Twitter by sending me an article of him protecting paedophile back in the 1980's.

Never heard of Jeremy Corbyn until he became leader and to think I actually liked him .. for all of 5 minutes .. then I started to find out more.

I have now realised that my daughter was already screwed from the moment she was born in 1993 because the year before he was already attending meeting with the group PIE to do with paedophiles and had been told of sexual abuse in his area he did nothing about?! 

I know of a list of 75 areas in the UK with Muslim grooming gangs and I know or more than a dozen missing off that list. I expect it to be close to double that figure.

Along with many others we wait to see if the council workers complicit in the cover ups will be named?

Just today my daughter met with someone, ordered by the council, who ended up .. revealing something neither of us were aware of but matches EXACTLY what is stated in the report below.

Upon deciding to reveal all to this woman .. she states that she believes every single word and says that the way we have been treated is totally disgusting. She reveals that she used to be a foster carer and that many years ago the social services of local councils decided on the quiet that unless a girl is under 12 years old they do not class it as rape. She had argued with councils about this for years, it turned out.

She admitted that it was obvious that the council had called her in and was obviously trying to set her up because of the sheer volume of injustice in my daughter's case alone. She told my daughter that she herself was being used to build a case against my daughter and was going to report to the council that my daughter does not require her help!

Surely, they thought, Corbyn would therefore stop at nothing to protect Islington’s vulnerable children, and to bring rapists, pornographers and possible murderers to justice
Or so they hoped. But, in the event, Davies and her fellow social workers would be sorely disappointed. - Guy Adams for The Daily Mail .. (link follows)

Saturday, 20 October 2018


What has become very popular and a bit of a shock on Twitter, great many people and rising going to my blog, is the grooming gang business, my daughter .. the way we have been treated and the lies and being ignored my mainstream news media. Or Fake News as they call them.

Not sure if I mentioned it previously but there has been something going on for a few weeks now and we have spoken to people. I cannot say any more than that and I just hope, like my daughter stated, that this is just another one of those times where they promise things and then back away at the eleventh hour? I have now had three conversations and I have been told a lot more about it all and it does sound .. promising?

Due to these conversations I had to try and get my wifi printer/scanner linked up as I would probably have to prove a few things about my medical history. Possibly?

After a false start or three and having to dive into the Wifi settings using a command prompt, shell, I linked them together .. finally!

So I stared to flick through my medical records which, for some reason known only to them, they only sent me the last two years?

I believe this is because they know they LIED on my medical records and that at this stage the NHS knew that I would spot it. They already pick up the phone and warn GP Surgeries about me and I have not been able to get either treatment or my prescription medication for months and that is on the things thy HAVE diagnosed!

Heart issues as I stated and chest pain and this lack of energy thing.

I also believe now they deliberately omitted from my records the Hypomagnesemia .. something they can do to all patients and probably do .. if they asked to you to privately to buy anything. Vitamins, in my case, or pain killers. Not prescribed and they do not have to record it do they and you would be hard pressed later, or if you died and family members tried to, prove it.

Yeah so I was flicking .. scanning .. flicking .. scanning and then all of a sudden .. BOOM!

I saw a letter that came from a hospital while in Birkenhead when I was having something of a breakdown and when I read the reasons I simply could not believe this! It was a bunch of outright lies and the odd thing was NOT about me?!

Think about that for a moment .. how can lies on someone's medical records not be about the person names on the file?

In Josephs had already told me not to trust the NHS and your GP and I wrote on here that the second GP I saw at Devaney Medical Centre in Balls Road Birkenhead was very .. silent. Barely uttered a word.

NHS bosses had already long since picked up the phone to previous GP's about me and I have recordings to this effect. Sorry NHS but you lie you get caught.

What the NHS lied about was what I actually said about my daughter! She is gonna flip when I tell her what it states about her in my medical records.

  • According to my records I told them that my daughter was in a domestic abuse refuge?
    • Yeah .. umm no she was not and I would not have said that because she was not!
  • I then paid for her to go into private accommodation?
    • Umm NO! She already WAS in private accommodation but I did help her get into very unsuitable social housing!
  • My daughter took advantage of my memory problems to get money out of me?
    • NOOOO .. I spent my money because the authorities did not do a fucking thing to help her at all ..

Now here is just one other thing and why I was doing the scanning ..

  • Diagnosed in 2014-15 with Hypomagnesemia
    • Told to buy Vit ABC+ which I did for next four years
    • But think it is missing from medical records
      • Handy as now I can say to patients .. if they asked you to buy stuff privately they can leave it off your records
      • They did exact same thing with my daughter
    • Test for Magnesium was normal .. except it was NOT
      • Missed I was taking pills
      • Missed that I had Hypomagnesemia
      • Failed to link other symptoms to the condition
      • Did not tell me about all these other .. effects
      • Nor did they tell me about the dangers
      • Also failed to link Osteopenic bones in my neck to this condition?!

Right now still looking for the part that mentioned my knee pain ..

Thus far ..

  • Fibromyalgia
    • High Anxiety
    • Back Pain and a few others
  • Osteopenia
  • Heart Issues
  • Chest Pain
  • High Blood Pressure, Hypertension
  • Postural Hypertension .. I grey out and pass out sometimes
  • Oesophogitis
  • Hiatus Hernia
  • Hyperlipdaemia

Cannot find the letter that states the right knee pain .. which is odd as I was so sure I had seen it in that segment of the medical records .. but .. I then realised that the letter I was looking for I think is from somewhere around 2012-13?

This is because the GP that did the letter was Dr Huq of Dr Rooban's Surgery of Carterhatch Lane in Enfield and the date will be easy to check .. beccause the ONLY reason I left that surgery is because she told me and staff that she had, had enough of the NHS and the lies and announced retirement affective immediately.

After that I was registered with Abernethy House Surgery in Enfield who lied to me and lied about me and falsified documents .. so I left. Have recordings too .. shame .. shame then that I could not get anyone interested I these either .. along with the grooming gang evidence. Was under them around 18 months.

I left there and I registered with Dr Kumar of Willow House Surgery and I was there about 6 months and guess what they did and guess what happened and take a guess at what I have from that too?

From there I ended up registering with Dr Andrew Thievendra at The Town Surgery in Enfield and I got in with him. He was there for two years before he left and his brother, who had just got his Doctorate, took over from him. It was Alex, the brother who took over, who told me that it is not the place for a GP any longer to state whether people were fit enough to work and was that of the DWP and Atos?! Think I was under Alex around 6 months or more?

So over a year ago I was under The Town Surgery and three years before that Willow House for aroud 7 months .. Abernethy House before that at around 18 months and Dr Rooban's Surgery before that for a couple of years.

So at a wild estimation here the knee pain letter was around 5 years or more ago? At a wild guess .. I will know if I decide to switch the desktop on and dig it out?

So scans ..


Take note of this one as this was at North Middlesex Hospital .. he said the following ..

  • Country has gone mad!
  • No way with your medical records that should take you OFF disability
    • This was before my heart started playing up and before I passed out in local wood
  • Looked at my blog and stated it was popular .. came up in the first four results on Google
    • Nobody seemed to have told Google as my revenue was frozen at some point for for the following two years


Nice chap .. Andrew DeStempel

Seemed quite concerned too .. a shame as no one else gave a Rat's arse ..

20th March 2017 .. had been before .. was there again .. then moved to Birkenhead in October 2017 .. despite my medical history because and once again .. no ..


What I call 'The Evil Trinity' ..






  • Never said my business fell through!
  • Never said my daughter was in a domestic violence refuge!
  • Never said I paid for her to go into private rented accommodation .. I moved into her private rented accommodation and had to rent my own a mile away!
  • Never said my daughter was taking advantage of my kindness
  • First time NHS EVERY ADMITS I have memory problems only to state that my daughter took advantage of it .. I NEVER SAID THIS!!


This was when I was tested positive for this and really did not see this one coming. January 2016 and I had ALREADY been diagnosed with Hypomagnesemia and .. they STILL did not make the link to this result?!

Mentions my digestion issues as possible Diverticulitis and .. suggests NSAIDs are a problem with something else, greying out. Told them it was NOT .. as always they know better and I have long since proved it is NONE of the pills they laid claim that it was .. INCOMPETENCE AND ARROGANCE!


The Town Surgery Letter for DWP which is missing a whole bunch of stuff and cost me £25!

Follow ups intended for inguinal hernia, Osteopenia and others .. never .. EVER happened!

Was warned by Ian Josephs not to trust social workers, local councils, local solicitors (legal aid ones) and your local GPs as they all work together. Posted copy of the email in a previous post .. think it was titled 'The Frightening Truth'?

I stated this for years and always called the Local Council along with the NHS and the DWP as 'The Evil Trinity' and there is some pretty dark things going on within all three.

Thursday, 18 October 2018


Jesus I have had some oddballs that think they are the be all and end all of all things and worse still is they think they are achieving something? Jesus!

Now this has happened in a big way on GAB .. I have tried to veer away from half-wits that are on the far-left and traded them for the same on the hard-right?!

Had a number of oddballs come along and complain about my posts and harp on about being anti-Jews?!

Make snide comments without reading my profile, involvement or links and therefore also not my proof either!

But they come along make some statements .. some random people on the Internet and expect me to just believe their claims .. because they said so?!

They are the mirror image of the fucking left!

Yeah dudes .. I am just going to believe you because you fucking said so! Because you showed a screenshot or had some random web-page?! Fuck all in the way of followers but thin they are winning in some misplaced cause? NO .. YOU ARE NOT!

Rule one ..

Do not fight all your battles at once or you will never win!

Now let us get onto another little one in all this .. came along told me to forget about Muslims, oh y fucking God are you insane? Then said that Jews were the biggest problem and that if you dealt with the Jews the Muslims will be easy to deal with?!

No .. just no!

Better still to convince me of this they wanted my .. Facebook profile which I gave them and I got some random message that was obviously just a copy and paste and their profile?

NOTHING! Worst and most empty profile I have seen on Facebook in a decade! Not even a picture and no details whatsoever.

SORRY .. was that supposed to convince me?!

Straight away I thought 'government agent' or shill or some kind!

Jesus .. if your going to go around convincing people or muddying the waters at least put some fucking effort into it!

They had spoken to me previously, claimed to be a victim and yet somehow totally forgot who I was and about my daughter's story.

I get Muslims like this too .. one guy arguing with me about Tommy Robinson and the EDL and claimed they were all paedophiles .. I proved him with links to facts and recording he takes no notice. But he shows me some cropped screenshots and expects me to fucking believe it?!

Like dozens and dozens of others I ripped him a new one and eventually and to a small audience he bailed. Tried to make himself sound highly intelligent and it blew up in his face!

How in God's name can you even claim that Jews are the biggest problem? Even if they are it is not all Jews and you should not generalize and .. there are far fewer of them than there are Muslims and 80% of Muslims think child rape is OK!!

So get with fucking reality and stop going around making snide comments thinking yourselves intelligent and others not when you can be pulled to pieces over your idiocy or exposed if your a fucking obvious shill!

I do not know if leftists and Antifa have infiltrated GAB or not but I have had several people basically appear to be exactly that!

Either that or they are working for someone just going around muddying the waters of trying to dumb things down, cool things down and using really stupid methods to do so?

Either way it is a mess out there .. though this tends to be somewhat less of a problem within the UK .. and if they are paid shills or government agents then maybe not even so much of a problem?

Still a mess nevertheless.

Still each day I wonder if people will just stop firing salvoes all over the place thinking that this is the best way to win war?

Your worst enemy in any war or political argument is generalizing over something you do not like as this will not win you any plaudits. You leave yourself open up to defeat .. based on morals and humanity and your done for before you leave the stables.

Yeah I do not trust GP's because I have five surgeries in a row lie to me, not think they lied to me but KNOW they lied to me. That is 100% but does not mean to say that the next one will.

So if you run down a race or a group of people based on a small percentage your a naïve fool with no possibility of winning your debate.

If the problem is say in excess of 50% of a large group then you have half an argument. If it is beyond 70% of the group then yeah you make a point but why make innocent ones suffer because of the rest.

In Muslims however we can all see that this attitude is rampant and as I have stated for years many of them have kept it secret .. either by being silent or using tactics like 'kitman'. When your talking abut 3% of the UK population committing 80% of child rapes alone .. it looks bad does it not?

Think about that and then consider that we have not even taken into consideration of other crimes being committed here.

Yet you get gunned down by morons for pointing that out who then insist that all white people and men mostly are evil.

Yeah .. never been in prison, never mugged anyone, never raped anyone, never even cheated on a partner, single for 15 years, never stolen, never even insulted anyone with name calling or insults. Not overweight people, had friends in the gay community years ago, not on race, colour or faith.

One relgious man I met years ago called me a “Warrior of God! And I stated he was barking up the wrong tree, was not religious but do have morals and that God would not pick me. He simply said “That is not how God works, he picks the people he knows will do a good job!” Has never felt like I have done a good job.

Always visited by Jehovah's Witnesses too and they ended up referring to me in their local Kingdom Hall as 'The Messenger' whatever the he that meant.

Both was for what me and my daughter had been through and what I was trying to achieve in helping others and fighting the injustice, evil and insanity that has affected the UK for years now.

I have been told this morning that Esther McVey has got herself into hot water with Frank Field .. oddly two MP's that are within a stones throw of my daughter and who I have spoken to. The former makes sense on Twitter but then goes and puts her size ten boots in it. The latter held in high regard but .. has not really done anything to help us.

Thought with Frank Field this might have changed with him leaving the Labour Party and thought that he was losing the restraints in helping victims buried under the carpet?

Maybe it needs more people leaving?

As it was explained to me is that it was reported that women in The Wirral were turning to prostitution over Universal Credit and she said there was plenty of jobs and they should just go and get one? Oops! Not a good response .. denial only gets you so far I am afraid to say.

There are still naïve people that think that life on benefits is really rosy and I keep telling them .. NO! It is not .. UNLESS your a Muslim with several wives and ten kids!

No benefit caps at all for any of them and I even know one personally that lives in a £2 Million house right in this borough. Plenty of stories coming up about them too all over the place.

See? FOCUS! Don't generalise.

Friday, 5 October 2018


Thought of something while I was writing this ..

On this very blog and going back years I have stated many, many times that the likes of Facebook, Google and Twitter with a few others are trying to control the Internet and therefore the world. At least the western world.

They ended up doing exactly that in a way I did not foresee and using some very underhanded tricks and reasons they should be locked up for ten years at least for. In some countries they may even be shot for!

Right OK then .. a little social media overview about how they have not only cost people money but how they have had a negative and drastic effect on their lives.

Now remember if you have any kind of webpage you need to direct traffic to it .. some way and somehow. You do this via two ways ..

  • Tags
    • Hashtags/Metatags/Labels
    • Depending on who your using tags have different names ..
    • Twitter is hashtags, webpages are Metatags and Google is labels
  • Social Media
    • Go around social media .. build up a following and garner interest in your blog or website

So I have covered Google before but I will just run through it gain to that the .. gravity .. of the situation they have created .. all of them ..

  • Google
  • Limited Tags
  • Losing Tags for scores of posts
  • Numbers being messed with
  • Numbers Not behaving as they should
  • Numbers being reset to zero
  • Chrome not displaying ads in 'design'
  • Revenue Frozen for 23 months

  • Facebook
    • Fucking Useless
    • Over a umber of years turned to absolute shit
    • Full of so-called Help Groups run by idiot Leftists
    • Facebook the worst as they actually are kick-happy
      • At kicking people off based on their political views
      • Basically anything from the centre to the right
  • Most Useless piece of crap in the Internet today
  • Run by an idiot and a thief with a God-Complex

  • Twitter
  • Shadow Bans (x6)
    • Search Bans
    • QFD Ban
    • Thread Ban
  • Follower numbers being knocked off
    • Estimate 300
  • Following numbers being knocked off
  • People big blocked from me
    • No reason and who were Retweeting my tweet (see next)
  • Retweet Numbers going .. DOWN
    • Impossible to happen .. once retweeted it is retweeted
  • Tweets being deleted

So then .. these are the main ones .. I have been on GAB for awhile which is almost exactly like Twitter but it is slow to build of any followers. Not quite so intuitive either and despite everything that Twitter does it is way harder to build up the same numbers.

This is fucking annoying because just like morons that behave like moronic robots that just keep voting for the Conservative Party, Labour Party or Liberal Democrats they keep sticking to Twitter.

At east with those that have accounts in both they are trying .. but many do not .. just like not retweeting my evidence they bitch and moan about Twitter and yet remain on it.

So what have I put into my blogs and online business?

Well ..

  • Over six years of work on a dozen blogs
  • No less then eight cameras
    • One expensive professional one
  • Desktop PC
  • Two Laptops
  • Land Rover Discovery
  • Various recording devices
  • Various Android Phones

So imagine how it feels when after four years you start to feel like your being fucked with and like everything else I stated on my blog .. people think your fucking mad. Despite the fact you have a mathematical degree based in computing?!

Imagine how you feel when two years on you actually go and prove that you have been fucked over and no one told you they were doing it or why?

Imagine you then go on to another social media site, Twitter, and spend 7 days a week from 9am until 1am working your fucking arse off and then discover that your being fucked over on that as well?! Over and over and over again?

  • Did I incite violence towards anyone? No!
  • Did I threaten violence towards anyone? No!

So why did they do it?

Well first off and in my case we have no idea who 'they' actually are.

Secondly the reason is that I told the truth and I fecking kid you not!

Here is the real fucking kick in the groin that I would happily get violent over ..

.. had I been told that my money was frozen, despite the fucking lame and pathetic excuses form a bunch of totally evil devil worshipping and hypocritical arseholes, I could have done something else part time to bring in an income. Instead of putting 7 days a God damn fucking week into it!

Yeah when you consider what it is I was telling the truth over and that this involves my own daughter being a child rape victim tat ended up with cancer over it .. yeah I have had people ask me how I have not left a trail of dead bodies and burning buildings in my wake?!

I kid you not .. been asked that twice on Twitter alone!

I'm afraid that in Twitter's case it gets a whole lot worse as ..

  • Could link up with a solicitors
  • Could link up with someone who can help my daughter ..
  • Could find someone genuinely wanting to help ..
    • Might set up a crowd funding for her
  • Could link up with journalists who would pay my daughter for an interview
  • Could link up with someone that might commission a book from my daughter
  • Could link up with literary agents that might want to publish
    • Any one of the three books I wrote?
  • Could link up with someone that would want to hire me
    • As an adviser
    • As public relations
    • To do what I am doing and promote them on social media

After six years of working, collecting evidence on grooming gangs, helping other people, trying and failing to start several business because of the government and lack of any fucking help and going into business with morons ..

The Conservative Party and DWP, who fucked up one business just before Google secretly pulled the plug, want to whinge and bitch and moan that I do not have a job?!


I would not even be able to get a fucking job nearby because they are all Muslims .. the very people I have been telling the truth about who repeatedly raped my daughter and gave her two children by the time she was 16.

Yup .. this is going on because I am not allowed to upset anyone over my daughter having a life of hell .. forced to have five children and being given cancer over it all.

But nooo the evil c*unts are punishing me because the truth might actually fucking hurt someone's feelings!!

I long for the day that I am able to sue their fucking arses off of them and put a fucking shed load of the lying evil fucking scum in jail!

Lost a car, home, £20,000 plus and a load of belongings because of these lying evil, devil worshipping crybaby arse-wipes suffering from a severe case of Delusions of Grandeur and God-Complexes.

Where is Donald Trump when you need him?!


Not done anything like this in awhile and neither my location, conditions, equpiment or frame of mind are ideal. Could do so much more if they was ideal.

Maybe in time .. someone may help the situation and I can use my time to repay those who genuinely help us? 'Country of the Damned' for details on how, what, when, where and why ..

So this is going to be big .. and .. revealing.

Plus it is going to prove several things I have stated and maintained on my blog for a very, very long time.

Just hope I remember to put the screenshots in and I the right places and in the right order too?!

Earlier today I spotted some people on Twitter complaining about someone and some figures and this was to do with .. Muslim Grooming Gangs. I asked what the problem was and I was told that this individual behind a website called Victim Focus had some figures wrong regarding the numbers or victims. They did mention she was a little .. condescending. Red rag to a bull that one.

So I found her and I asked her for a report. She did not respond straight away until I mentioned tha she had Sarah Champion MP down as a follower. She replied.

By then I had already discovered she had a WordPress blog and was reading comments and I see the words 'feminism', 'patriarchy' and 'misogynist' despite previously seeing some claim about having a centre for men? Oh .. dear. Not a good start.

Anyway I was eventually provided with a link to a report .. which I really did not want to wade through just to get some figures. I just wanted to know the figures and figure out how much they were .. out. Then ask about the figure and see if she defends them and then ask her why she was so vigorously defending figures easily proven wrong?

I then discovered a website, while trying to find the real figures plus what area I am dealing with, that had a few surprises in store. It is called 'Medium'.

Had a nice quite from Mark Twain; “There are three kinds of lies. Lies, damned lies and statistics” which made me laugh while raising an eyebrow.

Also mentioned a bit more detail about Sarah Champion MP's endeavours, who I have spoken with briefly on Twitter. Yeah I am a real person and everything on this blog is most certainly real and not a Russian Bot or anything!

I also discover a .. group of sorts known as Quilliam. A group set to issue a report, seemingly as you will see from their pictures on the link, made up of many Asians and likely Muslims?

Who is the chairman? Well if it not none other than Maajid Nawaz and radio host who I ticked off for being rude and unprofessional on Twitter. I have a timeline and delete nothing .. everything I say is there to be read @saintallnights.

Now I have had hundreds of arguments with leftists, socialists and defenders of the Muslim faith using their 'kitman' tactic and then when losing start calling you names, admit only Muslim lives matter and accusing you of being in need of a psychiatrist or an alcoholic. Widely used and known tactics when they are losing.

I have had three, I think it is now, banned. Something that my 650 plus followers and my daughter's 1,200 followers, yes in less than two months, thought impossible. Yeah? No!

I get the odd question on how I do that.

It has also been noted by many and pointed out to me that I seem to be attracting these combatants or soldiers like bees to a honey pot.

After getting one banned I was descended upon by four leftist friends .. FOUR?! Others watched as one by one they went quiet, ran or just muted me.

Was not the first time and sure as hell wont be the last.

Except if they found me impossible before .. I am afraid it is about to get a whole lot worse for them in the future as the stupid morons keep asking me for proof. Without proof it has not taken place is the logic they use .. never mind the people being killed, raped or suffering.

Anyway .. I could get into all the stupid things they said and their justifications of it, like the rapists are getting their own back for the drones and their people killed? But I am not.

What I am interested in is the figures.

Ow what I always maintained and leftists and defenders of the faith argued with was that it was only a tiny fraction of their Muslim men that were committing these devil like crimes. No .. and I argued sometimes for days over this one. Because I have been there and not once but three times and I know the attitudes. You might get the odd one that is OK and I sure have met one .. unless of course he was lying? But the majority think they are superior beings, everyone else is not, seen as slaves and of lower life forms than dogs and think it is perfectly fine. MOST .. OF .. THEM!

Not 1% .. not 10% .. not 20% .. MOST OF THEM!

So on this Medium site is states that the Quilliam report by Pakistani Muslims, apparently, was going to state that there is a problem as Muslims are supposed t make up just 6% of the UK population but that they make up offenders in 46% of child sex abuse crimes.

Notes about this and upon reading this ..

  • Did not believe either figure
  • Does not include rapes of adult women
  • Knew for a fact that the 46% is a lot higher and I am not even Muslim!
  • Over a decade of being involved

Well what do you know?

Almost immediately the site quotes an article by The Sunday Times that states that 80% of the child sex abuse cases are Muslims! Sorry .. 'Asians'.

Bet the Chinese, Koreans, Burmese and Koreans get pissed when they read they are being lumped in with the rest of these barbarians? Generalising and including innocent people in their statements so as to avoid not offending those that are actually guilty?

Welcome to the sheer hypocrisy and lunacy that has infected the western world like a God damned plague!

Anyway .. I retweeted some report a few weeks back that stated the number of victims and I cannot recall correctly nor able to find it. It could have been 14,000 in an area but I think it was 1,400 linked to a single .. Mosque?

Anyway at the time I had then figured that the number of victims could be anywhere between 500,000 and 1,500,000?!

This is without knowing all the areas and from what he has thus far I had estimated it could be as many as 400,000. I was not aware of either how many communities exited in the UK nor how many Mosques.

Literally within a day or two someone showed me a screenshot of a report in The Mirror that stated that there could be in excess of one million victims. Knowing full well, us being ignored by them for 7 or 8 years, that the mainstream media all lie .. I figured that would likely be closer to 1.5 million to 2 million?

People tend to attack me because of what I know out of some sort of jealously or envy as if I am gifted? Little do they know that seeing things the way that I do has been nothing more than a curse!

Well as of today I now know that there are 1,700 Mosques in the UK and probably a large number in the process of being built.

Not all Mosques will be linked to child grooming gangs and not all gangs linked to Mosques, no doubt. But .. as it states below that 84% of child abusers are … Asian .. chances are that will be high.

So 1,700 gangs, for argument's sake, and 1,400 victims to one gang and your talking about a possible 2,380,000 or 2.38 million victims?

I hope nor do I expect it to be that high but just one would be one too many!

But this Child Abuse report of the Office of the Child Commissioner seems to suggest that there are 2,765 victims across a wide area? Seems to be from Rochdale to Manchester and possibly even Wigan?

Now then that figure of 2,165 victims across Rochdale, Manchester and Wigan?

Rochdale has 18 Mosques.

Manchester has 66 Mosques;

Wigan has 2 Mosques.

Let us just take Manchester's total of 66 and multiply by 1,400 and you have a possible 92,000 victims. Rochdale ha 18 and I know not if these numbers include all Mosques in the surrounding areas? Even at half the amount being linked and dropping the average of 1,400 victims down your not going to get close to the 2,165 in the report!

Also recall that Quilliam stated 46% are by Muslims and The Sunday Times quotes a figure of 80% as being down to .. 'Asians'.

Commissioned by Wigan, Manchester and Rochdale do not forget?

Map showing Mosques here ..

Now I am told that in this PDF Office of the Child Commissioner's report is a list of the numbers and nationalities of the abusers and girls. Not found these yet and I about 66 pages, or two thirds into it thus far. Driving me insane!

No! No obvious table or list of numbers and I am not going through a report loaded with fluff and nonsense to get to the significant parts.

Quite why there is 100 pages in this I do not know. You have victims and a pattern that is obvious with the abusers.

I can only come to the conclusion that this is an over the top concerted effort to avoid the obvious issues at hand or just fill the waters with mud so that people do not look into it?

Too Long Didn't Read tactic?

Medium Link ..

Child Abuse Report for the Office of the Child Commissioner ..

Mosques in UK stated to be around 1,700?

Screenshots ..

Medium (Link Above) ..

Sarah Champion MP mention ..

Quilliam Numbers ..

The Sunday Times numbers ..

Some Concern Over Victim Focus ..

And just plain weird ..

Thursday, 4 October 2018


Wondered whether I was running into the age-old problems on Twitter as I had wondered about this blog? Admittedly I had not republished any of my evidence in a number of years so I did that recently with the blog titles 'Country of the Damned' and 'The Files of Truth'.

The issues are that there is just so much that two things are possible as a reaction .. the first is that it is all so fantastical that people doubt the story. The other problem is due to the severity and clandestine nature of some of it it may well be fear?

I do what I do to make a difference and do not see much point in picking fights with brain-dead socialists, the far left ones at any rate, to just whinge. That is NOT what I want to achieve.

Primarily I want my daughter to get help and obviously myself because I am not much use to her right now and I feel helpless and guilty over that!

But I also want to help others .. as many as I can so I find it a little bizarre that out of 1,700 followers all doing their nut about the same thing that the very revealing 'Country of the Damned' post pinned to my daughter's stream now as well as my own .. has only been retweeted on Twitter 63 times.

Frustrating is that even though it has only been retweeted 63 times .. in just 7 weeks the post has been viewed over 1,600 times. The frustrating part is, as I explained the numbers to my daughter, imagine it had been retweeted by just half of our followers? Tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands seeing just some of the truth?!

I have done everything I am able to do over a decade and it has cost me beyond belief, almost my sanity countless times and added to this probably around £30,000 to £40,000 .. my home, my car and even my business plans!

Received help in that time? Next to ZERO!

I would like to return north and get out of the hell hole I am in .. except it is not easy for the following reasons and why we need help ..

  • Getting about
  • Knees, feet, heart, energy, thighs
  • Supposed to cycle as this helps the condition
    • Cannot do this currently and ..
    • Nowhere to keep a bike in Birkenhead
    • Children will hurt themselves or damage the bike

  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Memory Loss
  • Confidence
    • I can return if I regain my confidence

  • Standing
  • Walking
  • New Places .. except countryside settings
    • Needed around two years to get used to the area and feel like it was home
    • Never made it four months due to lack of help

  • Daughter
  • 4 Children WITH her .. two autistic .. three destructive
  • 3 Bedroom House
  • Not even paying half the rent
  • Messing around over Autism
  • Would not let her work, social services
    • Threatened to sue her for neglect if she worked ..
    • Had happened to many others around England and Wales
  • You cannot own anything like
    • Computers
    • Expensive Cameras
    • Tablets
    • Phones are regularly broken
    • House just not suitable
  • Locks placed on all doors .. got broken off
  • Food wasted on a daily basis

  • Lives in Birkenhead which makes me .. uncomfortable
  • Confusing to get around ..
    • Very complicated in some places, straightforward in others
    • My short term memory loss

  • Bought her a car
    • Car was confiscated by Police
    • As a insurance payment was missed we failed to realise
  • Paid Road Tax
  • Paid few months Insurance
  • Paid food
  • Run people around, picked kids up from school
  • Tyres on car were punctured twice, Pirellis
  • Paid for decorating materials
  • Paid deposit on current house
  • Bought things for grandchildren, many broken within days
    • Neither house was suitable for children

  • Nothing from local council at all in support, money or even right housing

  • Only 15% of rent being paid
  • Benefit cap on two children
  • Council Tax now expected to be paid .. despite getting nothing
  • Not allowed to work or will be sued for neglect

  • My Business ..
  • Blogging x12
  • Photography
    • Flickr
    • Alamy
    • Photofolio
    • Art of the Deviants

  • Screwed by ..
  • DWP & Stopping PIP
    • Stopped DLA years ago
    • Stopped Housing Benefit
  • Universal Credit
    • Jumping through unfair hoops and sanctions
  • Working Tax Credits
    • Cancelled at the 13th hour
  • NHS
    • Refusing to diagnose me for years
    • I had to self diagnose one condition after 13 years of asking!
    • Missing symptoms to things already diagnosed

  • Google
    • Lost TAGS for 6 years
      • Android App did not work
    • Screwed advertising for over a year
      • Google Chrome and Blogger was not displaying ads in 'DESIGN'
    • Suspicious viewer numbers
    • Google Adsense Revenue frozen 23 months currently

  • Previous to blogging I spent 3 years chasing Radical Muslims
  • Went into business twice
    • Own Aquarium Store with partnership 'CF' but ..
    • No Help to do this and ..
    • Partner was an idiot
    • eBay Orchid Store
    • Partner was an idiot and crazy 'AM'

  • Currently no income whatsoever
    • Not even benefits
    • No GP
    • No Dentist

That is the level of help in the UK if your white and disabled and this fact is totally ignored and even denied by help and advice agencies that I now know are run by socialists.

As are the local councils.

Want to save money?Yeah take everything away from white people on all levels .. no comeback for that. Better still let us grab the by the scruff of the neck and bury their noses in the shit while we do all this to them.

Funny they harp on about racism when it is performed on a daily basis and has done every single day for at least a decade. I am living proof of this as is y daughter!

Not a gambling man. Need the right place, assurances and money coming in to be able to fight my health issues and achieve what I want to do .. to be of help to my daughter and grandchildren.

Yet I am constantly being hammered in the face on TV and online about how fuckking privileged we are because we are white.

Yes this is what white privilege does to you from time to time ..