Wednesday 31 October 2018


Well this has been a bumper day or even week for social workers and the one I have now hold responsible for the child rape cover ups ..

Jeremy Corbyn!

First off let us just run through promises made by social services and those linked to them they did not keep ..

Two autistic children off the scale and one with ADHD and another given to his paedophile Muslim father. Do not forget Fibromyalgia and Cervical Cancer ..

Promised but never delivered ..

  • House with not enough bedrooms
  • New beds .. TWICE
  • Help with moving
  • Proper Diagnosis
  • Support for children
  • Services for Children
  • Benefits for her and children
  • Help with moving house

Now then .. the father ..

  • Imprisoned for domestic violence
  • Social Services ow trying to cast DOUBT over incident .. despite him pleading GUILTY!
  • Told he would never have contact with children .. SEVERAL TIMES .. LIED!!
  • Forced contact with children .. just had THIRD CONTACT
  • Check my daughter's kitchen for pork
  • Two supervised visits of three hours only and yet while supervised ..
  • School says the so refuses to eat school dinners because he is cared of pork
  • Social Services while providing nothing for my daughter ..
  • Using contact that was forced to stop Muslim father being deported!
A socialist disease has infected the UK's pubic services while a Tory government is scared to appear racist and so picks on its own to save money .. fucked from both sides for decades.

Except these socialists also turn on their own and even the children to support these foreign invaders and even those proved to be racist, rapist killers of children.

I recently discovered after many years that the one solely responsible for this is none other than fake socialist, Jeremy Corbyn. Proved by someone on Twitter by sending me an article of him protecting paedophile back in the 1980's.

Never heard of Jeremy Corbyn until he became leader and to think I actually liked him .. for all of 5 minutes .. then I started to find out more.

I have now realised that my daughter was already screwed from the moment she was born in 1993 because the year before he was already attending meeting with the group PIE to do with paedophiles and had been told of sexual abuse in his area he did nothing about?! 

I know of a list of 75 areas in the UK with Muslim grooming gangs and I know or more than a dozen missing off that list. I expect it to be close to double that figure.

Along with many others we wait to see if the council workers complicit in the cover ups will be named?

Just today my daughter met with someone, ordered by the council, who ended up .. revealing something neither of us were aware of but matches EXACTLY what is stated in the report below.

Upon deciding to reveal all to this woman .. she states that she believes every single word and says that the way we have been treated is totally disgusting. She reveals that she used to be a foster carer and that many years ago the social services of local councils decided on the quiet that unless a girl is under 12 years old they do not class it as rape. She had argued with councils about this for years, it turned out.

She admitted that it was obvious that the council had called her in and was obviously trying to set her up because of the sheer volume of injustice in my daughter's case alone. She told my daughter that she herself was being used to build a case against my daughter and was going to report to the council that my daughter does not require her help!

Surely, they thought, Corbyn would therefore stop at nothing to protect Islington’s vulnerable children, and to bring rapists, pornographers and possible murderers to justice
Or so they hoped. But, in the event, Davies and her fellow social workers would be sorely disappointed. - Guy Adams for The Daily Mail .. (link follows)

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