Thursday 27 June 2019


Yes there are some pro CO2 pundits that really do not like me.

Little by little they have laughed at each thing I have either then proven of quite conveniently and not by my design some body has come forward and announced.

When harping on about where the CO2 has come from I have told them over and over and over again they are claiming something to be fact that how not only never been proven but which we do not have all the data for. This is folly and would only serve to waste a lot of money all because of a small band of egotistical scientists and fools desperate for a cause.

Now I have also always maintained that it is from volcanoes and in recent times things that we did not know about CO2 have, for want of a better term, bubbled to the surface. I will show myself out.

So then lets recap something I recently discovered that scientists recently discovered in a documentary uploaded in 2017. So likely filmed one to three years prior to this and the very theory came up with some years before that. Reasonable?

  • CO2 seeps out of the ground weeks before a volcano erupts
  • Magma contains varying degrees of CO2 depending on its viscosity
  • Like opening a soda bottle CO2 release increases exponentially once an eruption occurs
  • They developed sensors to detect this and accurately predicted a volcanic eruption and evacuated a village successfully saving lives
There is simply no brushing this to one side and in the documentary it states that 70% of the volcanoes are under water. It is also well know that we do not know where they all are so that figure of 70% is going to be higher. I have stated this over and over again.

But they seem to ridicule proven facts while attacking you for not believing their unproven facts.

Unlike real scientists they also do not like observational data .. a video of record breaking snow 60 feet deep is not evidence in their eyes.

Yup if you believe in the CO2 crowd these are the loons you associate yourself with.

Well its about to get worse .. and I think I know where the idea of CO2 coming out of the ground comes from because I can go one better than Greta Thunberg doing a Sixth Science by telling you that I can not only see CO2 .. I can show it to you .. now before you turn away .. I did say .. 


In this video that is under 7 minutes long some cameramen .. some very brave cameramen went under water to film an erupting submerged volcano and you can clearly see very large bubbles of gasses everywhere/

These will be a mix of gasses .. depending on area location .. and the processes involved will be varying degrees of CO2, methane and other things. 

Observe .. courtesy of PBS ..

So then that shows you .. VISUALLY and not coming from a teenager that sees CO2 walking around that gasses can be seen bubbling to the surface. This in a world with 70% of volcanoes or higher under water, an increasing amount of volcanoes becoming active which even includes extinct one not being quite so extinct after all.

We do not know every volcano that is submerged so the 70% is a guess .. but how many is there or could there be?

Well here is a video where just ten seconds into it, it states a figure which could either be a guess or maybe even the ones they know about?

Yeah the figure they gave even surprised me .."one million submerged volcanoes"

Lets say that the figure of 70% is accurate, happy to wager it is higher, and lets say that over a year 50 volcanic eruptions take place above sea-level? 

Surely this would mean that over 150 of them are going off? Though water and pressure may come into play here keeping some at bay so the percentages could be far lower? But then its closer to the core .. oooh you see the issues here. We just do not know and its difficult to work out. Impossible in fact.

No but pro CO2 political idiots know all the answers even more so than those they quote quite often.

The One Million Volcanoes Statement ..

Strange is it not the lengths to which leftists will go to, to keep a lie going for their cause and the stupid things that they do in the media to bring attention to something they have clearly not understood for a very long time now.

People like those idiots in Extinction Rebellion.

Some .. well me .. might say its almost like their obsessive searches and needs for causes was played upon to bring about disruption that served a purpose by the Puppeteers to cause disruption and conceal the truth.

Maybe what is really happening and where all those trillions of dollars went because not only can an on anywhere see where it went .. now the reality is the exact opposite to what they claimed we do not have the money to deal with it or prepare for any cooling.

Millions of farmers will be pointing these facts out to the climate cultist morons over the next 24 months and at some point they are going to have to face up to reality to the sheer extent of the damage they have caused.

Odd is it not that as of right now and very recently ..

  • CO2 percentage in the atmosphere can do nothing but increase
  • Temperature of the Earth can do nothing but go down and for 7 years

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