Tuesday 19 February 2019


Or #ProjectDistraction as I have been tagging it on various social media sites.

Damn it!! This was supposed to be short and finished in a single day but has taken me three bloody days and grown .. somewhat!

Everyone is at war, or seems to be. Some deserve a wake up call and even their arses kicked but for me it is all a bit weird. Everywhere you look we are getting cheesed off in the west. You can say westerners if you prefer while others will say its all targeted at Caucasians.


  • Identity Politics and Women Born as Gods
  • White Men are Evil
  • Star Wars (Suffered losses)
  • Star Trek (Suffered losses)
  • Ghosbusters (Suffered loss)
  • Alien (Alienated fans)
  • Doctor Who (Alienated fans)
  • IN the Process ..
  • Terminator
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Marvel Universe
  • Anita Sarkeesian


  • Constant Greed
    • Diablo Mobile did not go well
  • Online only, monthly subscription games eventually unplayable no retro gaming in future
  • Loot Boxes technically gambling directed at kids
    • Electronic Arts
    • Activision Blizzard
  • Identity Politics in Games
    • Battlefield V did not go well
  • GamerGate
  • Anita Sarkeesian


  • Series about sex, someone constantly sees people naked .. ooh goody!
  • Series about lesbians
  • Reality shows of Shite, Pish and Wind
  • Adverts talking about bothersome Vaginas bothersome to many women I know
  • Adverts from actors that could run a small country begging you to hand over money to people that want to kill you anyway
  • Fake News!


  • Politically Correct Issues from Central Government .. neglecting evil white men and now white women too
  • Politically correct issues from local government as above now reports this is to do with the EU getting some sort of control
  • Donald Trump being elected
  • Accusations about President Obama leaking out every 5 minutes
  • Pizza Bloody Gate and every other bloody gate
  • Q Anonymous
    • Do not even get me started on this .. everyone wondered about this
    • Many Americans pinned their hopes on justice being carried out
    • Seemed like it was going to lead to something
    • Reports it was all being done from an Army Base somewhere in America
    • Sleeping Giants
    • Hope Not Hate
    • Tell MAMA
    • Resisting Hate
    • God knows how many others


  • Nations losing identities in sport to a degree
  • Transgenders in women's sports


  • Forcing teaching of homosexuality on children
  • Forcing learning about Islam into children
  • Fines on white children and students over .. ancient history .. slavery
  • Fines on parents for non-attendance to have this crap rammed down your throats no one wants


  • Perfectly good authors being rejected by larger literary agents after small agents declaring your work good

Social Media

  • Twitter and Facebook suspending large amounts of people for wrong thought, using words like 'stupid' and 'idiot' despite being factual and quoting factual data

News Media

  • If they are not twisting the news or lying about it then they are simply not reporting it
  • Making everyone mad about that and what do we have right now?
    • Mass Migration
    • Rapes
    • Murders
    • Grooming Gangs
    • Bombs Going off
    • Stabbings increasing
    • Guns being found in large quantities
    • Brexit shite
    • EU Bollocks
    • BBC lies
    • Sky News lies
    • Tabloids lies
    • Right Wing tabloids suddenly sounding left wing
    • Remainer FBPE that wont accept a democratic vote
    • Owned Jones lying about protest numbers
    • Tommy Robinson and attempts to shut him up after locking him up
    • Peace promoting charities being hard left online bullies
    • Police lies
    • Local Council lies
    • NHS and Health Service lies
    • White people, disabled and veterans being kicked onto the streets becayse they favour Muslims
    • Muslims leaving to join ISIS
    • Tommy Robinson being set up by BBC and Panorama
    • Muslims returning from ISIS
    • Yellow Vests
    • EU Army they said did not exist
    • Increase in volcanic and seismic activity being lied about
    • Arctic blasts being spin to be about carbon .. STILL
    • Taxes up for everything
    • Fines for everything
    • Teaching SEX in schools
    • Teaching homosexuality in schools
    • Teaching becoming a Muslim in schools
    • After hearing in films and documentaries for years what happens in a magnetic flip .. the poles split in two, race apart 1,000 miles for the geographic north pole, so around 2,000 miles from each other and .. NO ONE SAYS A GOD DMAN THING!

Or in other words put a noisy minority in jobs in all the above that are so confused as to what they think people want they will screw it up and piss everyone off and .. just keep on doing this at the end for a number of years.

Preferably people so up their own arses that they not only think everyone should like the things that they do but will keep ramming their heads against a wall to force them.

What all this happening at once and your telling me this is either ..

  • Not designed to piss us off and start civil wars or ..
  • Not designed to distract our attention away from something?

Now let us be honest .. this is pure madness. No one in their right mind would even think they could achieve what they are aiming for .. let alone even attempt to implement any of this.

But this is exactly what they have done and it is going off wherever you look.

Just one thing being totally affected with these crazy things .. and would be in itself .. unprecedented so how do you do the math on the chances of all these things being completely affected?

It is not just improbably but impossible unless by design.

It would be bad enough if t were just escapism but it is not. Even if it were we live in an age where we have dozens of channels and the Internet. I recall my friend getting his first Freeview box years ago. After a few weeks he turned to me one night and said “I have all these extra channels and I find it just as hard to find anything to watch as I did before” and I said I know.

Then you have all the rules and regulations and the secret crap going off the stifle anyone working for themselves ..

Just myself I have been hit by ..

  • Figures being altered
  • Adverts being removed
  • Numbers behaving erratically and even impossibly
  • Secret bans without being told
  • Suspensions for no reason at all
    • Blog Post
    • Using 'Idiot' and 'Stupid'


Now if I was someone in charge .. and not n evil manipulating tyrant I would know a few things if there was an event coming that would end or change the face of mankind as me know it. With loss of life anywhere between tens of millions if we are lucky to a billion or more ..

  • Any announcement would bring world currency values to nil
  • Then no one would want to work
  • Planning .. REAL planning to prepare for this has never taken place
  • The data is going to slowly leak out and people will put two and two together

  1. Now first off you would need to prepare for these warnings you spent years ignoring so you could live extravagant lives.

  1. You would need to keep people working and not realising what was going on.

  1. You would need money to keep its value so people would continue to work.

  1. You will need to do something to stop people linking the first leaks if data together

  1. In the event that you survive you would want to pick up where you left off, despite being utterly shite, power mad, dishonest and greedy, and would need a workforce.

Point one .. start building whatever you need.

Point two you keep the knowledge secret, then cook up climate change

Point three you used carbon dioxide to blame to tax people across the world.

Point five you fuck with everything that will distract everyone as as you have been bleeding them dry this is not hard .. go back to the start of this blog with escapism and other things with Hollywood, Gaming, TV, Politics, Sports, Education etc etc

If it were me and I wanted to figure out who were the one worthy of surviving, and I guarantee they have not done this, I would wait and see which ones actually worked out what was going on.

Of course the reality is that if I turn out to be right I wonder how long I will stay alive for as I am not aware of anyone that has linked quite so many things together. As I have either good base or rising rapidly along with a good reputation this is not what they want.

Christ even a troll that cannot help but lie every time they type admitted that “To be fair you generally tell the truth” and that coming from the one that had me suspended from Twitter?!

Is it not plausible that so many widespread and unprecedented things are all happening in everything and everywhere at once seems like the perfect way to keep some up and coming global event hidden?

If this was a disaster movie you was watching in the cinema do the current events not seem like a very plausible and clever idea to keep something hidden from the masses?


  • Documentary predicting global warming from 70's with Leonard Nimoy goes missing
  • Massive CME's predicted form the Sun do not occur
  • Sun gets reported as decreased in activity .. four years ago plus and no one notices
  • Increase in magnetic pole movements
  • Summers cool down
  • Increase in seismic and volcanic activity ..
  • Scientists say its false
  • Bizarre 'end of days' like colour of sky that is orange and odd looking Sun
  • Huge increase in activity in Yellowstone
  • North and South Magnetic Poles split and race off in opposite directions
  • Snow has not vanished as predicted a decade before by climate scientists
    • Gulf stream still here .. supposed to be gone by 2006
  • Arctic Blast hits whole of North America with record temperatures and snow fall
  • Dormant Volcanos suddenly have moving magma detected
  • God only knows how many I have yet to stumble across
  • High Powered flashes of late above the atmosphere that ..
    • Has scientists baffled
    • Obviously particles colliding that would otherwise not meet in this region
    • Suggesting that the reducing magnetosphere and/or heliosphere is letting things through?
    • Links at bottom of post
  • Links, videos and such can be found on the earlier parts (1 to 7)

  • Have had personal issues with phone, laptop, TV and Internet all at once which would be unusual for just two of these things occurring
  • Except this has been the case with family both near and far as well as friends too
  • Shifting poles have long since been theorised to mess with electronics
  • Three people in same building had phones switching off with batteries at 25%
    • Two HTC's of differing models
    • One Motorola
    • 250 Miles away an iPhone was doing the same
    • Mobile providers going down across large areas
    • IP providers going down over large areas
    • WhatsApp went down globally

Now consider the fact that they know damn well that the things they are doing are not wanted by the majority everywhere, not working and even .. NOT MAKING MONEY and yet they still do it .. does that not seem weird?

Now this is odd .. I listened to a video on YouTube of a couple who were talking about a second lot of snowfalls across North America. Oddly the guy was a stickler for facts .. had predicted like 14 inches but only 6 inches were reported and he apologised and stated he was wrong.

However they reported 6 inches for the area they was in and they stated that though it was lower than they predicted .. it was around 9 inches and not six.

Then today I see a video by 'Adapt 2030' and he gets wind of something and shows you two lots lots of snowfall in graphs that were altered to lower the amount. Not even America as I think this was Italy or perhaps Switzerland or somewhere?

Of course when your re-spinning your bullshit to state that of course Climate Change means more snow, when you previously stated there would not be any, that is what you need to do. Lower the amounts when there are shed tons of videos out there showing you.

Snow depth records tampered with and if you start doing this the what is the point in having records at all?!

Some weird high-powered light explosions picked up by Russian Satellite above the Earth that has scientists baffled..

There is also a rather large page to do with censorship, suspensions and shadow bans on a rather lengthy WikiPencil page ..

Here is a funny example of how people can be .. naïve ..
Someone said to to me that we are stupid in the UK that we ignore things and that is why we have the situation with a bride with ISIS returning to the UK ..
Except he never watches the news .. listens .. disagrees and then said this ..
Oh I do not think anything is going to happen [with the pole reversal]
I guess it is just another Millennium Bug for them?
Also they stated this with no knowledge or background in these areas ..
So here are a few cold hard facts before anyone wants to argue that is is not going to happen because .. hack scientists and climate change ..

  • Magnetic Pole Reversal has happened before many times
    • It is late
    • We do not know the cause
  • Ice Ages has happened before many times
    • It is late
    • We do not not the cause
    • A Pole Reversal did NOT cause the last mini ice-age!
  • Continental Drift has occurred before
    • We do not know what caused it
  • Mega-Earthquakes have happened before
    • We do not know what causes them
    • Been expecting a big one at San Andreas for years
  • Mega-Volcanoes and mass eruption have happened before
    • We do not know what causes them
  • Hot, Dense Heavy Molten Iron at the Earth's Core is sloshing about
  • Earth floats in space with just the Sun's gravity holding it in place
  • Hell we barely know how to predict most of the above, let alone what triggers these thing

  • Ergo should have put more into science ..
  • Been rushing around saving a planet when its destiny was NEVER in our hands
  • Money wasted on .. want to add a list at the bottom?

  • Talk of underground cities being built with all the carbon tax you paid for but not for you
    • Will be met with someone would know it was going in, cannot be kept a secret to which I would reply ..
    • Oh? Know what is going on, on any pat of the land at Groom Lake? Area 51? Maybe for these decades it is not alien craft at all?!
    • I am sure the Russians could keep something secret too?
    • China most probably?
  • Real reports, I previous posts, of space-ports, stations orbiting the Moon and a base n its surface

So well done to the SJW's and NPC's that allowed themselves and their narrow focus and misguided ways to distract people that will costs anywhere between millions and billions of lives .. well done.

Funny as people refer to these naïve people as Hitler and they may actually end up outdoing him for damage to mankind and by some stretch.

I always thought that if mankind ever faced a global natural disaster it would work well together to survive it. You wont survive something like this on your own or being amoral, trust me on this.

Being a lone wolf doing what I do, speaking the truth and without the right people, and I simply do not have them, or a partner with me .. is incredibly difficult. Excruciating even.

And after all they have done for years .. squeezing and squeezing the life out of you for taxes and money .. and if it does come out what will the outcome be if everyone realises?

  • 'Sorry .. we kept you in the dark while making your lives a misery and screwing up everything you love while taking as much money as we can only to tell yo at the end .. sorry but your all now fucked .. but we will be fine on what we used you to build for us .. many thanks?!'

A little news piece about sudden Volcano activity .. in umm .. GERMANY?!

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